-Caveat Lector-

----- Original Message -----
From: blagovesta doncheva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, May 21, 2001 4:21 PM
Subject: Bulgaria/"Partnership For Peace"

> N A T O
> The Partnership for Peace (PfP) Programme has been
> launched at the January 10-11 1994 NATO Summit in
> Brussels. This Programme has turned out to be the main
> instrument of carrying out NATO's relationships with
> all non-NATO countries in Europe and in former Soviet
> Union. Practically all of them take part also in the
> Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC) that has been
> created in May 1997 with the participation of 28
> countries, namely: Albania, Armenia, Austria,
> Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Czech Republic,
> Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Hungary, Kyrdgjhyz
> Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Romania,
> Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, the
> former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Tajikistan,
> Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. All but
> Tajikistan were also members of RfP. (Later the Czech
> Republic, Hungary and Poland became regular NATO
> members.)
> Politically the PfP Programme appeared after a period
> of certain discussions about the future of the
> Alliance that has followed the end of the "Cold War".
> These discussions have been carried out both among the
> wider East and West public and to some extent - within
> certain NATO circles in the days of former General
> Secretaries Werner and Klaas, immediately preceding
> Solana on this post.
>   For some time it was difficult to explain to the
> world the necessity of preserving NATO after its main
> adversary, the Warsaw Pact, has unilaterally declared
> its self-dissolvement. Just in this period the idea of
> transforming NATO into an all-European (and even
> transcontinental) POLITICAL SECURITY SCHEME was
> launched. It was liked and advocated mostly by the
> former Soviet and East European politicians. They
> somehow believed in this though they did not have any
> evidence of intentions on the side of their NATO
> "partners". (?)
> In this atmosphere most of the long Declaration of
> the Heads of States and Governments taking part in the
> meeting of the North Atlantic Council on January 10-11
> 1994 could be interpreted (and obviously has been
> interpreted) as a kind of a step towards such a
> It underlined the necessity of a Pact of Stability in
> Europe, of unconditional continuation of the Nuclear
> Arms non-proliferation Treaty, of the importance the
> Conventions on chemical and biological weapons come
> into operation as soon as possible, etc.
> On this general political background the measures
> that have been proposed by the PfP Programme looked
> quite reasonable and acceptable. Briefly, they covered
> fields like:
> - transparency in national defence planning and
> budgeting;
> - providing democratic control of defence forces;
> - strengthening the ability to undertake peacekeeping
> missions, search, rescue and humanitarian operations;
> - modernising military forces so that they become
> better able to operate jointly with those of NATO
> members in the view of fostering a common approach to
> security in the Euro-Atlantic era, etc.
> These detailed suggestions together with a number of
> considerations of a general political nature were
> revealed in 26 paragraphs in the Jan 1994 NATO Summit
> Declaration, in the Partnership for Peace Invitation
> and in the PfP Framework Document launched by the same
> Meeting.
> We can only guess what have been the reasons that have
> made Russia, all former Warsaw Pact countries and a
> number of classically non-aligned and neutral European
> countries accept unanimously this Invitation. Perhaps
> they believed that after the demise of the Warsaw Pact
> there will be an end of the military counterpoise in
> Europe and world-wide, and more room for free choice
> and expression of their opinions, interests and
> policies. Or was it possible that the end of the
> so-called "Cold War" has marked a new period in the
> history of the international relations? A period in
> which all these countries lose their national
> independence and turn into puppets and serfs of the
> USA and NATO as the only remaining unrivalled super
> power in Europe and world-wide?
> Whatever the case, all these countries seemed not to
> have noticed the closing sentence of point 13 from the
> Declaration of the Meeting in Jan. 1994. It said that:
> "Active participation the PfP will be of great
> importance for the revolutionary process of NATO
> enlargement." In the ocean of good words and
> considerations only that one sentence strikes another
> note, and it maybe could well be ignored.
> However just that sentence seems to contain all the
> main objectives both of PfP Programme and of USA-NATO
> policies in the world of nowadays.
> The Framework Document and the other materials of the
> PfP Programme create the impression that the Programme
> will; provide for the further development and
> modernisation of the participating countries' national
> armies in view of strengthening their defence capacity
> and assuring a higher degree of security for any of
> them.
> The almost six years of Bulgaria's active
> participation in the various PfP activities have
> however shown something quite different.
> First of all, it is difficult to evaluate the degree
> of reciprocity between NATO and Bulgaria regarding the
> processes of military plans' elaboration and the
> formation of the military budgets. What can be
> witnessed is rather a continuous process of detailed
> inspections and evaluations practically of all sides
> and aspects of Bulgaria's defence potential by various
> NATO - and first of all, US - military experts and
> study groups. "We have no secrets from our US-NATO
> partners." That philosophy has been unilaterally
> repeated practically by all the Bulgarian top
> officials, f.i., the Head of the Reconnaissance
> Service, MPs, Cabinet members, military officials,
> etc. There is no reason to doubt them since, for
> example, pictures of the only few remaining powerful
> rtocketR-300 weapons of Bulgaria have appeared in
> Turkey shortly after the visit of several US officials
> to what used to be one of our most secret military
> bases.
> US generals have formulated the basic recommendations
> (or rather orders?!) for what has turned later to be
> Plans "2004" and "2010" of the Bulgarian Government
> according to which the total number of the Bulgarian
> army should not exceed 45 000. NATO insists that even
> the war-time mobilisation of the army should not
> exceed 150 000!The most significant combat units like
> the Rocket Forces, the tank units and the Air Force
> have been dismissed or turned practically
> unfunctional. The army has been practically withdrawn
> from vast regions along the Southern borders of the
> country without reciprocal measures on the side of
> Turkey or Greece. Allegedly for financial reasons and
> for the sake of "modernisation" the number of the Air
> Force bases has been cut from 17 to 4 at the
> beginning, and then - to only 2. After the Agreement
> with NATO in March 2001 all of them seem to be just
> given to NATO forces. Bulgaria however is supposed to
> spend $ 40millions for the adjustment of the Graff
> Ignatievo airport (near Plovdiv) according to the NATO
> standards though the Bulgarian Air Forces are not
> going to use it anymore. A number of many other
> similar financial engagements have been imposed on
> Bulgaria by the March 2001 Agreement with NATO which
> is the same as the infamous Albright's Annex B to the
> Rambouillet Treaty.
> The Navy exists also just symbolically: solely for
> welcoming NATO units that are practically on
> never-ending visits to the Bulgarian ports. Still the
> USA constantly insists that we scrap even our last
> remaining submarine that we still have alongside with
> the "R-300" rockets.
> Apparently, the very limited Army number is planned to
> have at its disposal no serious military equipment
> from now on. It is obviously planned that the remnants
> of the former Bulgarian Army are to perform
> exclusively gendarme and guarding functions, or to
> participate in "peace-keeping missions" abroad when
> USA-NATO finds that necessary. In such a condition the
> armed forces just cannot fulfil their basic
> Constitutional duty and obligations to ensure the
> national sovereignty and the territorial integrity of
> the country. In reality that has turned out to be the
> most characteristic and conspicuous result of
> following the main principles and recommendations (or
> rather, orders?!) related to the participation in the
> PfP Programme and its activities.
> Following the same instructions, the Bulgarian defence
> industry has also been ruined and nowadays a soldier
> can often shot no more than 5 (five) bullets during
> his full-time army service... At the same time, no
> matter that Bulgaria is such an obedient and loyal
> partner, the USA and NATO have so far always been
> giving directly negative answers to the Bulgarian
> top-official s' questions if they - US and NATO - are
> ready to guarantee the international security of
> Bulgaria.
> The joint military exercises within the frame work of
> the PfP Programme (the Bulgarian side pays for them
> too) are usually planned and carried out in a way that
> dopes not contribute significantly either to the army
> forces' combat skills and capacity improvement, or to
> the security degree increase of the non-NATO partner
> countries.
> When PfP exercises take place in the USA or some NATO
> countries usually only small Bulgarian units go there.
> Apart from mere propaganda functions, their
> performances there are more likely to serve some
> certain laboratory-testing purposes and studies of
> physiological, biochemical, psychological, etc.,
> characteristic of the human potential of actual or
> probable adversaries. (No wonder that Russians so far
> have never participated in such kind of activities.)
> The US Army had such study programmes during the
> Warsaw Pact times and apparently those programmes are
> still in force.
> When the joint PfP exercises of search and rescue or
> other various humanitarian operations take part for
> example in the Black Sea, it gets obvious once again
> that US-NATO guests are to benefit from them. Though
> so far they are declared to be peaceful in character
> (f.i., Cupertino in saving operations during
> catastrophes and the likes), they are getting each
> time closer and closer to the Russian shores and the
> Russian main naval bases around Sevastopol. (No wonder
> that the Russians refuse to participate in such PfP
> activities too).
>  PfP activities offer also a good opportunity for
> reconnaissance, getting acquainted or even recruitment
> for various purposes of some officers at suitable
> positions from the partner countries. Similar
> approaches to various ranks of the military personnel
> from friendly countries have been a widespread
> practice of the US Army in Latin America, f.i. The PfP
> General Framework apparently aims at turning the
> European new partners' armed forces into Latin
> American-type armies - i.e., armies, unable to ensure
> the international security of the respective country
> but destined to fulfil mostly gendarme repressive
> functions in respect to its own population. It is
> "natural" then to take care that new type army
> officers come into being: a generation of army
> officers capable of coping with such tasks.
> Once liked and selected by the masters, such officers
> usually enjoy extraordinary rapid and fascinating army
> careers. Bulgaria has already generals who have never
> commanded a platoon in their lives! Among other things
> such phenomena have a definitely demoralising and
> corruptive effect over the rest of the Army officers.
> Obviously enough, the image of a skilful professional,
> capable of waging modern warfare for the sake of his
> homeland defence is being replaced by the dream of a
> prospective position somewhere closer to the PfP
> initiatives and NATO Headquarter' offices.
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