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Going to War: Why We Fight

The Semai people of Malaysia never fight. 
    Whenever two tribe members have a conflict, it is resolved with words --
lots of them. 
    The village leader calls a meeting to discuss the dispute. Anyone with an
opinion can speak up. 
    And they do. The meetings can go on for days. Redundancy is a given. 
    When the talking finally stops, the village leader makes a ruling. Then
he orders everyone present never to speak of the dispute again, and that is
the end of it. 
    It is no secret that the vast majority of the world's societies are
nothing like the peaceful Semai. But why? 
    Why do people split into groups with deadly intent? Why does it happen at
particular moments in history? And what are the roots of the concept of
warfare? In the past few years, researchers in several fields have been
exploring these questions with growing vigor. 
    "It's a contribution that archaeology has to make to contemporary debates
about what's going on today in Rwanda, in Croatia, in Ireland and in all the
rest of those places," said archaeologist Jonathan Haas of Chicago's Field
Museum of Natural History. 
    Haas spoke at a recent meeting of the Society for American Archaeology,
where some members argued that war is about 10,000 years old. If that is
true, then war is probably a social invention analogous to agriculture,
cities and political states. 
    But others contend that war is much older, maybe even millions of years
old. If war goes so far back, it must be a much more basic element of human
nature, like language or tool-making -- a trait that everyone naturally
acquires even with minimal encouragement. 
    Until about a decade ago, many scholars dismissed primitive warfare as
nonexistent or, at the most, inconsequential. Warfare was thought to be
primarily a tool of political states bent on territorial control and
    Any evidence for war that did appear in the absence of centralized
government was compared to the head-butting contests of rutting elk, or pairs
of grizzly bears wrestling over salmon -- a ritual competition that almost
never escalated to lethal combat. 
    Some archaeologists were so convinced by this explanation that for years
they ignored obvious signs of warfare at ancient sites. 
    Recently, archaeologists interested in war have excavated hilltop forts
in the Andes that were built centuries before the Inca empire swept out of a
small valley to conquer the region. On the South Pacific island of Palau,
they have mapped fortified hilltops and villages built 1,000 years before
Europeans arrived. In the U.S. Southwest, they have found numerous Anasazi
skeletons with bashed skulls, broken bones and other obvious evidence
pointing to a violent end. 
    But determining that war occurred among people untouched by modern
civilization does not settle the question of when, where and how it began. 
    Nearly every primitive society ever studied fought wars. To those who
believe war is a fundamental part of human experience, that means the concept
must have developed more than 10,000 years ago. If war is common among people
who live now as humans did before 10,000 years ago, they reason, it must have
been a common practice back then. 
    Yet anthropologists have found a handful of cultures, such as the Semai,
that never fight wars. That doesn't mean they aren't violent -- in fact, some
have strikingly high homicide rates. But these cultures never organize
themselves into groups to violently settle disputes. 
    In his 2000 book Warless Societies and the Origin of War, University of
Michigan anthropologist Raymond Kelly argues that these cultures have one
thing in common: They do not consider belonging to a group an essential part
of individual identity. 
    They have no clans, no classes, no chiefs. People from these cultures
would have a hard time understanding school spirit, party loyalty or national
    Kelly believes that before about 20,000 years ago, all cultures lacked
the concept of group identity. In such a world, he argues, war would be
impossible. It was only after people started settling down between 20,000
years ago and 10,000 years ago that their societies grew stable enough to
develop the idea of group identity -- and war. 
    Virtually every scholar of ancient war agrees that the earliest
archaeological evidence for organized violence lies in the Nile valley of
southern Egypt. The site, known as Jebel Sahaba, is one of the oldest
cemeteries known. 
    The people buried at Jebel Sahaba were laid to rest between 12,000 and
14,000 years ago, after stressful lives wracked by periodic famine. The Ice
Age was jerking to a close then, causing periodic droughts that created the
Sahara Desert and dried up the Nile. 
    Nearly half of the 59 skeletons archaeologists uncovered at Jebel Sahaba
had stone points either lying amid the bones or embedded in them. Some of
them contained many more stone points than it would take to kill a person, as
if the attackers had brutally "pincushioned" the bodies of their victims.
Many of the children had points embedded at the same place in the backs of
their necks, as if they had been executed. 
    But it appears to be an isolated case, because the next oldest evidence
of war doesn't appear for several thousand years. 
    Archaeologists working at three sites in Iraq dating back 10,000 years
have found defensive walls, projectile points and mace heads. Many experts
consider maces -- spiked clubs -- a dead giveaway for war, because
arrowheads, spear points and axes could always have had non-combat uses.
Walls could have been for flood control or corralling animals. But maces
aren't good for much besides bashing heads. 
    Other early signs of war include the 9,500-year-old walls of Jericho, the
famous walled city whose conquest is described in the Old Testament. 
    Some archaeologists have argued that Jericho's walls were really for
flood control, not defense. But there is little doubt about Catal Huyuk, an
early agricultural settlement in Turkey occupied about 8,000 years ago. The
houses are packed together like New York City apartment buildings, with
entrances on their roofs that would have made Catal Huyuk a tough town to
    By 6,000 years ago, there were indisputable signs of war across Europe
and in many other regions as well. In Spain, dramatic cave paintings depict
impaled human figures and executions. 
    Many archaeological studies show that once prehistoric war began in a
region, it came and went with natural cycles of feast and famine. Recent
research shows that before Europeans arrived in North America, repeated and
prolonged droughts sparked hostilities in a number of regions. 
    But during times of plenty, war could disappear for decades or centuries.
Eastern North America experienced a prolonged peace beginning about A.D. 1,
when the regional food supply increased due to the widespread adoption of
maize and bean cultivation. 
    Brian Ferguson, an anthropologist at the Newark, N.J., campus of Rutgers
University, interprets this record as an indication that war was invented
independently in many areas -- but nowhere much more than 10,000 years ago.
He believes that during prolonged periods of drought or other ecological
catastrophes, a previously peaceful species turned to war as a means of
wresting precious resources from their neighbors. 
    But Lawrence Keeley, an archaeologist at the University of Illinois in
Chicago, takes a different view of the same evidence. He has argued that war
occurred regularly before 10,000 years ago. There is no evidence for it
because of what he calls "a problem of archaeological visibility." 
    Before 10,000 years ago, Keeley pointed out, people were nomadic and did
not live in permanent settlements. They had no reason to build fortifications
around villages that they were just going to abandon in a few weeks. 
    Being constantly on the move meant they didn't have cemeteries either --
so archaeologists have few examples of human remains to examine for signs of
violent death. 
    Without such evidence, there is little means of proving the existence of
war. But when the evidence does appear at places such as Jebel Sahaba and
Catal Huyuk, Keeley argues, war looks like it has been going on for a long
    Keeley's account fits well with recent observations of warfare among
    It is possible that man and ape came to war independently. But because
chimpanzees are by far the closest living relatives to humans, some
researchers believe a common ancestor of the two species invented war more
than 5 million years ago. 
    "It's a pattern of behavior that grows out of hunting," Keeley said. 
    But the antiquity of war doesn't make it genetic, said Steven LeBlanc, an
anthropologist at Harvard University. It just means that the evolutionary
pressures human ancestors experienced millions of years ago were already
pushing them toward war. 
    "There's nothing built-in," LeBlanc said. "It's situational. And we've
been in that situation for most of human history." 
                                Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT
          FROM THE DESK OF:
                               *Michael Spitzer*    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
               The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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