> UN Tyranny in Bosnia
> by John Laughland
> The Spectator
> 5/5/01
>                           John Laughland reveals that the colonial governors
> of the New World Order treat their subject peoples with contempt.
>                           "If I may say so" - the spectacles were settled
> gently but threateningly on the nose as the Morningside accent ground into
> its most sadistic high gear - "I have been around long enough to know a
> criminal when I see one. I have made it quite clear that the High
> Representative will not talk to criminals." Mr. Colin
> Munro, a deputy for the UN High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina,
> was justifying the recent decision by his office to sack two leaders of the
> Bosnian Croats from their elected posts, Ante Jelavic and Marko Tokic, and
> subsequently to send Sfor troops in to raid a bank used by their political
> party. His remarks were in response to my simple question, "What convictions
> have you obtained which enable you to call these people criminals?" A
> shorter answer
> would have been, "None."
>                           Mr. Munro works for Wolfgang Petritsch, the UN
> governor of Bosnia and Herzegovina. On 5th April, Mr. Petritsch signed a
> "Decision" to appoint a provisional administrator for the Hercegovacka
> Banka, whose head office is in Mostar and which has some 30 branches around
> Herzegovina. In the early hours of the following morning, before daybreak,
> Sfor-Nato troops and police from the
> Muslim-Croat federation, wearing black hoods, arrived in tanks and
> brandishing guns. They smashed their way through a fence at the back of the
> bank, kicked down glass doors, trashed other offices in the same building,
> and stamped on two photographs of the Pope. Four people - two policemen and
> two civilians - were wounded in the ensuing scuffles.
>                           Two weeks later, they returned, again in tanks and
> helicopters and with guns, to dynamite open the safe and make off with over
> DM 1.5 million. Similar military operations were conducted against branches
> of the bank all over Herzegovina,
> including at the pilgrimage town of Medjugorje, where Nato soldiers were
> pelted with eggs by angry Spanish and Portuguese pilgrims outraged at their
> brutal tactics. The 90,000 private clients and 4,500 corporate clients of
> this bank can no longer access their money and so wages and bills across
> Herzegovina are currently going unpaid. Far from turning swords into
> ploughshares, it seems, six years of international administration in Bosnia
> and Herzegovina have succeeded
> only in turning peacekeepers into bank robbers.
>                           The stated purpose of the raid on the bank was to
> root out "corruption" - a convenient catch-all accusation used with gay
> abandon these days to get rid of turbulent politicians from Peru to
> Indonesia and the Philippines. But this was no ordinary police operation.
> The normal procedure when a bank is suspected of handling dirty money is to
> freeze the relevant accounts and to apply for the
> appropriate seizure orders. It is not to send in tanks to close the bank and
> blow up the safe. The suspicion must be that the bank raid was undertaken to
> sabotage the finances of the main Croat political party, the Croatian
> Democratic  Union of Bosnia and Herzegovina (HDZ), and also to break the
> economic backbone of the Bosnian Croats as a whole, who are a generally
> hardworking and fairly prosperous lot.
>                           The bank raid followed the decision, taken in
> March by the High Representative, to dismiss the leaders of the HDZ from
> their elected posts, including from the collegiate presidency of Bosnia and
> Herzegovina, on the grounds that they were engaged in "anti-Dayton
> activities." He also barred them from all future political  activity. Their
> crime was to have convened a "Croatian National Congress" last November,
> with the support of 90% of Bosnian Croats who believe that such a Congress
> is better equipped to defend their interests than the UN High
> Representative. This followed a long period of deteriorating relations
> between the Croats and the UN in Bosnia and Herzegovina, who feel that their
> national rights are being weakened by new electoral laws and other
> constitutional changes, introduced by the UN and designed to blend Bosnia's
> constituent
> peoples into one.
>                           Mr. Petritsch's fury at this semi-declaration of
> independence by the Croats knew no bounds. The New World Order has one
> simply rule - you must obey orders - and so exemplary punishment had to be
> meted out to the disobedient Croats.
> He and his staff gaily lambasted the Croat leaders as "criminals" and
> "extremists", even though no convictions have been obtained against them,
> while Mr. Petritsch personally accused the Catholic Bishop of Mostar of
> spreading hatred and supporting war criminals. Bosnia's international
> administrators evidently have no understanding of one the most basic
> principles of Western political civilisation, the presumption of innocence,
> and little sense of the responsibility incumbent on them as important public
> figures not to make
> inflammatory statements which may be prejudicial to any future trial.
>                           Instead, the powers now vested in the UN
> administrator of Bosnia and Herzegovina are as close to pure tyranny as
> anything which has existed in recent European history. The decisions of the
> UN High Representative are neither democratically legitimised nor subject to
> the rule of law. Sniggering admissions
> that Bosnia and Herzegovina is in reality "a protectorate" fail to capture
> the sheer lawlessness of the UN's power there, which goes way beyond the
> powers enjoyed, say, by a British colonial official in the last century. For
> instance, Mr. Petritsch's "Decision" authorising the bank raid specifically
> provides legal immunity from prosecution to the police and soldiers who
> carried it out. It also allows his appointee to close the bank or sell it
> off at will - possible even to
> banks (Hercegovacka Banka is the only bank in Bosnia and Herzegovina that is
> not under Austrian owenership). Furthermore, the Decision itself rests on a
> reading of the powers laid down in Dayton which quite literally admits of no
> limitation. Finally, an appeal lodged with the Constitutional Court of
> Bosnia and Herzegovina against Petritsch's decision to cancel the outcome of
> last November's elections was dismissed on the simple ground that his
> decisions are
> not subject to judicial review by that or any other Court.
>                           Ever since the Dayton accords were signed in 1995,
> Bosnia and Herzegovina has been a laboratory for the New World Order's ideal
> of post-national politics and multiculturalism. As in the European Union,
> the underlying philosophical presupposition is that nationalism leads to war
> and that therefore nationhood
> must be dissolved. Consequently, the High Representative has repeatedly
> cancelled the outcome of elections in recent years because the wrong people
> - "nationalists" - had won. The attack is on the Croats now and it has been
> on the Serbs in the past. But it cannot be long before even the Muslims get
> a taste of the same medicine. Like the Ottoman empire which it has replaced,
> the Nato empire in the Balkans has contempt for all its subject peoples in
> equal measure.
>                           The final irony is this. It is a striking fact
> that the crack troops of the New World Order very often do not generally
> come from countries like Austria which have domestic experiences of
> dictatorship. Instead, many of the principal officials of the International
> Criminal Tribunal at the Hague, the leading decision-makers in the
> Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), and - as in Mr.
> Munro's case - the main henchmen for the UN regime in Bosnia and Herzegovina
> are citizens of English-speaking countries.
>                           Something happens to these assorted Britons,
> Americans, Canadians and Australians when they become officials of
> international organisations. Like semi-reformed alcoholics let loose in a
> gin shop, they seem unable to control themselves if not subject to the
> strictures of their own political culture. Perhaps
> they are just living out some strange private power-fantasies. Or perhaps,
> instead, people like our own Mr. Munro are just getting valuable job
> experience for their future role, which cannot be too far off, as
> administrators of a genuinely post-national European Union - based on the
> highly successful Bosnian model, of course.
> ____________________________________

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