
 Science & Tech
Oldest European Calendar 'Deciphered'
Zagreb - A Croatian archaeologist claims to have deciphered Europe's oldest
calendar from a ceramic pot with a decorative pattern of stars which matches
those seen on calendars in Egypt and Sumer.

Archaeologist Aleksandar Durman has dedicated years of research to the pot,
which was unearthed in 1978 in an ancient copper smelter in the eastern
Croatian town of Vinkovci.

Durman says the earliest calendars appeared around 3000 BC and that he only
recently realised the importance of the markings on the pot, which dates from
the Vucedol culture around 2600BC.

He says the Stonehenge prehistoric monument in Britain, which is known to be
a form of calendar, was finished several hundred years after the pot was

'This is an entirely astral calendar'
Durman discovered that the markings on it appeared to be illustrations of
constellations visible in the sky from the 45th parallel.

"Unlike other ancient calendars, usually based on the movements of the moon
or the sun, this is an entirely astral calendar," he says.

Durman says that on the planes of eastern Slavonia, people of Vucedol could
not find a fixed point on the horizon to observe the sun's movements so they
had to rely on the orderly rising and setting of stars to measure time.

He found that each season of the year was represented, in one of the four
strips on the pot, by constellations dominating the sky in those months. With
comparison to the Sumerian, Egyptian, Indian and other ancient calendars, the
constellations were easy to recognise, Durman says.

The markings confirm that the constellation of Orion had a special place in
the Vucedol people's view of the world - it essentially heralded the
beginning of a new year.

Practised human sacrifice in complicated rituals
"In the times of the Vucedol culture, Orion's belt, which is the dominant
winter constellation, sank under the horizon exactly on March 21, thus
marking the spring equinox," Durman says.

The characteristic symbols also decorated hundreds of pieces of pottery of
the Vucedol culture - named after an archeological site near the eastern
Croatian town of Vukovar, about 300km east of Zagreb - displayed in an
exhibition in the capital.

The Vucedol culture emerged around 3000BC on the right bank of the River
Danube in eastern Croatia among migrants from the subcontinent or present-day

The people of Vucedol were originally cattle breeders, but with the discovery
of copper smelting, their culture began to flourish and later spread
throughout central and southeast Europe.

They had a highly-structured society, whose notables were buried with golden

The copper worker was an important figure in this shamanist culture, as he
was regarded as someone who could reach into the womb of the Earth to take
the ore and with his craft interfere in the natural processes.

"A metallurgist had a role of the shaman and was considered as having the
ability to control the passage of time, and thus the calendar," Durman says.

The Vucedol people also practised human sacrifice in complicated rituals.

A story of one of these rituals was recorded on a piece of pottery bearing
symbols of Mars, Venus and the constellation of Pleiades. The piece was
discovered in a grave beside skeletons of a man and a woman in Vucedol in

The bodies, covered with charcoal, were probably sacrificed after a rare
celestial phenomenon involving the passage of Mars and Venus through the
Pleiades, researchers led by Durman suggest.

"In shamanist beliefs, Mars and Venus are the most important planets and
their followers on the Earth were probably poisoned and buried as some kind
of a message," Durman concluded. - Sapa-AFP

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