-Caveat Lector-

U.S. Responsibility and the Pro-Zionist Lobby

by Justin Rhodes


Approximately one year ago, presidential hopeful Al Gore stood before the
participants at the annual Policy Conference organized by the pro-Zionist
American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). Gore told the audience
about a bizarre meeting that had occurred several decades earlier between
Israels first prime minister, David Ben-Gurion, and the then-U.S.
ambassador, Ogden Reid. Apparently, the ambassador walked into Ben-Gurions
office and on finding the prime minister standing on his head, decided to
follow suit. Whats the moral of this tale? According to Gore: Even if the
world is turned upside down, the United States and Israel will see eye to

Gores obsequious words are painfully clear today. The world has been
turned upside down in the Occupied Territories, and the U.S. and Israeli
governments are in complete agreement that the Palestinians are to blame,
which was aptly demonstrated during a recent news conference in which
President Bush proclaimed, The signal to the Palestinians is to stop the
violence. I cant make it any more clear. The fact that Israels colonial
occupation has continued for more than three decades is irrelevant to the
president. Instead, he seems intent on propagating the Palestinian equals
violence doctrine, which is vital to Israels public relations campaign.

Of course the Bush administrations support for Israel is more than just
verbal. The president will continue to push for economic and military aid
to Israel, which has been estimated between $3 and $5.5 billion per year.
Ive seen countless examples of how this military aid has been used to
terrorize innocent people. On one occasion, while in the Palestinian town
of Beit Jala, I visited an apartment complex owned and inhabited by three
brothers and their families--a total of twenty-five people; it had been
hit by three rockets, destroying a kitchen, a bathroom, and part of the
buildings foundation. An elderly man showed us the remains of one rocket,
on which we found the following inscription: Made in the U.S.A.

Furthermore, President Bush will steadfastly uphold the U.S. tradition of
giving Israel diplomatic support; this was recently illustrated when the
U.S. vetoed a UN resolution that would have allowed an unarmed
international observer force into the Occupied Territories.

Currently the U.S. is using its diplomatic muscle to make sure that
Zionism is not discussed during the UNs World Conference on Racism in
August. However, if it is discussed, the U.S. has threatened to boycott
the conference. A U.S. State Department official explained his countrys
reasoning to the Toronto Globe & Mail: There have been two previous
conferences on racism [in 1978 and 1983] and we didnt go to those because
they were about Zionism being a form of racism and about the apartheid
regime in South Africa, exclusively. They were country-specific
polemic-fests, thats what they were foreseen to be and thats what they
turned out to be. He then promised that the U.S. would attend if, and only
if, the conference addressed racism as a world-wide phenomenon and not as
a country-specific issue.

Let me attempt to translate what he just said:

We boycotted the other conferences because we had good relations with the
Zionist regime in Israel and the apartheid regime in South Africa, and by
condemning them we would have been condemning ourselves. We will attend
this years conference as long as it doesnt vilify our ally, Israel, and as
long as we speak about racism in an abstract and irrelevant manner.

Essentially, Israels 34-year occupation has nothing to fear from the
current U.S. government. Israel will continue to expropriate Palestinian
land, demolish Palestinians homes, build and expand settlements and bypass
roads, and isolate and suffocate the Palestinians in their reservations, I
mean, cities. The U.S. will respond to these colonial policies with
meaningless rhetoric or silence.

Regarding the United States actions during this conflict, one thing is
certain: its vociferous support for Israel and its indifference in the
face of Palestinian suffering are a direct result of an ideological
occupation that has gripped the U.S. government. This occupation is based
on the internalization of Israels arguments vis-a-vis the current
conflict, and if its institutions are not challenged, then the lifeblood
of the Israeli occupation of Palestine--U.S. economic, military, and
diplomatic support--will continue to flow freely. The success of this
ideological occupation is partly the result of the American Israel Public
Affairs Committee (AIPAC), considered one of the top five most influential
lobbying organizations in the United States. As Bill Clinton once said,
AIPAC has done a magnificent job, better than anybody else lobbying in
this town [Washington, D.C.]. You have been stunningly effective. This
effectiveness could be seen by the sheer number of policy makers who
attended its annual Policy Conference in March--103 members of the House
of Representatives, 43 senators, and 15 officials (including Secretary of
State Colin Powell) from the Bush administration.

AIPACs ongoing mission (which can be found on www.aipac.org) is to nurture
and advance the U.S.-Israel relationship by advocating strong U.S.
economic, military and political support for Israel. According to Paul
Findley, author of They Dare to Speak Out: People and Institutions
Confront Israels Lobby, the organizations strength is based on its ability
to tap the resources of a broad nationwide network of unpaid activists who
are prepared to rally their communities, write letters to the media,
provide financial resources to AIPAC, and contact their representatives in
the government. (AIPACs website even provides the e-mail address for those
who want additional information on how to develop contacts with members of
Congress.) The organization uses its formidable lobbying abilities to
maintain the U.S. governments unwavering support for Israel and to make
life difficult for any public official who dares to challenge the status

In addition, AIPAC is very active on college campuses throughout the U.S.
It has a Political Leadership Development Program (PLDP) whose goal is to
get college students involved in pro-Israel activity. Five regional Field
Organizers recruit students who are then trained as activists during
regional workshops and conferences and are kept updated through
newsletters, e-mails, and legislative alerts. According to Findley, during
the mid-1980s, AIPAC had its student activists fill out reports on faculty
members and college organizations that criticized Israel. The information
was used to produce the AIPAC College Guide: Exposing the Anti-Israel
Campaign on Campus, which gave Israels apologists plenty of targets to

Findley also reports on the student activists use of creative packaging to
try to silence Israels critics. During a speech at the University of
Washington, Professor Edward Said witnessed creative packaging firsthand:
They stood at the door of the auditorium and distributed a blue leaflet
which seemed like a program but it was in fact a denunciation of me as a
terrorist. There were quotations from the PLO, and things that I had said
were mixed in with things they claimed the PLO had said about murdering
Jews. Basically, AIPAC not only tries to strengthen ties between the U.S.
and Israel, but its activists also work to intimidate and defame those who
are critical of Israeli policy.

Overall, AIPAC has been successful because it is well organized and, most
importantly, there has never been widespread criticism of its work; it has
been able to conduct its business with very little popular resistance.
Nevertheless, as more Americans begin to speak out against the Israeli
occupation of Palestine, they must also condemn institutions like AIPAC,
whose influence is greatly responsible for the U.S. governments
unconditional support for Israel. Those struggling for a just peace must
expose and isolate the pro-Israel lobby by associating it with occupation,
colonialism, racism, and violence. It can no longer be allowed to escape
public scrutiny. For far too long it has arrogantly attacked individuals
and organizations that have had the courage to criticize Israeli policy.
Its time to resist.

Justin Rhodes is a volunteer at the Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology
Center in Jerusalem (www.sabeel.org).

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