-Caveat Lector-

University Of Hartford To Grant Israeli President Honorary Degree

<i><b>"The gap is not only in capabilities, but also moral and cultural,".
Indeed, it must be the end of time when the scum's of earth are deluded by
cheaply bought suits of "honor". - Moshe Katsav</i></b>


Moshe Katsav has a long history of ADVOCATING BRUTAL FORCE TO CRUSH
PALESTINIAN ASPIRATIONS [eliminate::::racism, bigotry and obsessive
hatred of Palestinians].  As early as 1989, the Jerusalem Post reported
"Transport Minister Moshe Katsav yesterday put forward his prescription
for ending the intifada [Palestinian uprising for Independence]: close
the territories for three months, ban movement of Palestinian labourers
to Israel, and bar the media from the areas while deploying troops
massively so as to put an end to the Arab riots. " (JP, May 11, 1989).

As a Likud MK, Katsav said to the illegal Hebron settlers in 1996: "The
Likud has no intention of recognizing the Oslo accords, and will at any
price prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state" (The Jerusalem
Post  February 7, 1996). Katsav's most blatant racist remarks were are
described in the following article which appeared in the Jerusalem Post
on May 10.  Note that his comments were made to a group of children.

An immense gap exists between Israel and its enemies, President Moshe
Katsav said today.  "The gap is not only in capabilities, but also
moral and cultural," Katsav said.  Katsav made his remarks at a Bar- and
Bat-Mitzvah ceremony for 86 children whose fathers died while serving
in the IDF, Army Radio reported.  "It seems to me that a few hundred
meters from here there are people who not only do not identify with our
continent or even planet Earth, rather they seem to be from another
galaxy, a completely different world," Katsav said.  "The gap between
them and us is immense," he added. (JP 5/10/01)

The May 15  edition of Ha'aretz, Danny Rubinstein addressed some of
Katsav's racist remarks explaining that it has become fashionable in
Israeli media to label innocent Palestinians killed as "mistakes" while
labeling Israelis killed as "murdered" and that this is precisely fed by
such remarks as those of Katsav.

A letter by Dr. Veronika Cohen to Ha'aretz published May 21 also is
relevant.  It stated: "President Moshe Katsav recently asserted that
Palestinians are so different from us Israelis that they cannot be
conceived of as belonging to the same region or continent, indeed the
same galaxy, to which we belong....Never mind that this astonishing
declaration of our moral superiority came the same week during which we
murdered a four-month-old Palestinian baby.... For shame, Mr. President?
Do you follow the news?"

If Israelis think like this about Katsav, why is the University of
Hartford offering him an honorary degree?  This is not to mention that
Katsav represents a government that is widely condemned throughout the
world for its record of Human rights violations.

Amnesty International strongly condemned what it called the Israeli
army's  "iron fist" military tactics against Palestinian civilians.
"There is a pattern of gross human rights violations that may well
amount to war crimes," according to AI's international research
director, Claudio Cordone (Nov. 1, 2000).  Investigations by Human
Rights Watch, Physicians For Human Rights, the Israeli human rights
group B'Tselem, and the UN High  Commissioner on Human Rights have all
contradicted the Israeli army assertions that they are showing
restraint and have documented patterns of human rights violations by
Israeli occupation authorities.  These detailed reports are available
online and refute the Israeli government lines.

In the last seven months, the Israeli army has killed 500 and injured
over 17,000 Palestinians.  One third of the victims were under the age
of 18.  The Israeli army continues its policy of demolishing homes,
collective punishment, uprooting trees, and siege of towns.  Katsav
continued to provide racist remarks to support these policies.  Shame on
the University of Hartford for honoring such a man.


Please write to these folks to voice your concerns:.

Hartford Courant [EMAIL PROTECTED]
President Walter Harrison: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Provost Donna M. Randall: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Vice President for External Relations W. Stephen Jeffrey:
Dean of the Faculty Diane Prusank: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Send copies of your letters to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There will be a public protest (initiated by the Progressive
Student Alliance):

Meet in Elizabeth Park, on the corner of Prospect and Asylum Streets in
Hartford, at 10 am on Sunday, June 3rd. We will then march to the
University to complain about their choice of this person for an honorary
degree. For details write: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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