By: Chuck Morse
The release of the movie “Pearl Harbor,” a Hollywood extravaganza, is being
accompanied by a well-orchestrated propaganda campaign in the media. The
dastardly attack is being looked at as if it were an isolated snapshot in
time rather than in historical context. Stories of the atrocity and carnage
are playing upon the heartstrings of all of us while, at the same time, any
discussion of the events leading up to the sneak attack are few and far
between. The marketing campaign, both for the movie, and, simultaneously, for
an official understanding of Pearl Harbor, are the type we associate with a
Communist country not with a nation that prides itself on a free press with
all the responsibilities that entails. The shoddy politicized history that is
being dished up dishonors the memory of our fallen heroes and is unworthy of
a free country.

Charles A. Beard, one of the most respected historians of his generation
stated the following with regard to World War II in the Saturday Evening
Post, Oct. 4, 1947 in an article entitled “Who’s to write the History of the

“The Rockefeller Foundation and the Council on Foreign Relations…intend to
prevent, if they can, a repetition of what they call in the vernacular ‘the
debunking journalistic campaign following World War I.’ Translated into
precise English, this means that the Foundation and the Council do not want
journalists or any other persons to examine too closely and criticize too
freely the official propaganda and official statements relative to ‘our basic
aims and activities’ during World War II. In short, they hope that, among
other things, the policies and measures of Franklin D. Roosevelt will escape
in the coming years the critical analysis, evaluation and exposition that
befell the policies and measures of Woodrow Wilson and the Entente Allies
after World War I.”

What were these “basic aims and activities” the establishment didn’t want
journalists to “examine too closely and criticize too freely?” While the
rest of us can’t know the hidden agenda of the power elite, there are certain
glairing facts that contradict “the official propaganda and official
statements.” The most obvious of these is the fact that, rather than going to
war to stop totalitarianism, we fought and defeated only one form of
socialist tyranny, Fascism, while aiding and abetting the other, Communism.
Why did our leadership clamor to enter into what was, essentially, a civil
war between two alien Socialist experiments? Why did we not allow our good
diplomatic offices serve as a neutral arbiter of peace?

FDR was, without question, spoiling to get to war in spite of the fact that
the overwhelming majority of Americans wanted to stay out and had elected him
to an unprecedented third term, in 1940, as the peace candidate. While he
acted appropriately with regard to putting the US on a war footing by
rebuilding our dilapidated armed forces, he aggressively and illegally sought
war in the Atlantic with his secretive assistance to Britain. The British
were armed through the Lend-Lease program and were given an unprecedented 50
destroyers. American convoys, a freezing of German credits, the occupation of
Iceland, and orders that US vessels shoot Axis ships on sight harassed the
Germans. Armed merchant ships were being sent into European war zones. After
1941, the threat of a German invasion of Britain was believed to have been
greatly diminished, yet, FDR wanted a fight.

When the Germans refused to be provoked, FDR turned his attention to the
Japanese, who were allied with the Axis powers. Secretary of War Henry
Stimson stated in his diary “The question was how we should maneuver them
(the Japanese) into firing the first shot.” Japanese assets were frozen, a
visit from the Japanese Prime Minister was rejected, a warning from Japan was
ignored, and a trade embargo was imposed with the cutting off of oil supplies
proving to be particularly devastating to Japan. On November 26, 1941, eleven
days before the attack on Pearl Harbor, the US sent an ultimatum to Japan
demanding, as a condition for the resumption of trade, a complete withdrawal
of Japanese troops from China and an abrogation of the treaty with Germany
and Italy. This proved to be the last straw for Japan. It is well documented
that FDR and his inner circle knew of the invasion in advance and did nothing
to warn the Pacific fleet.

Our great and glorious men in uniform fought for the best ideals in World War
II, which were the honorable American ideals of freedom and liberty. The
American people believed they were helping to liberate the world from brutal
tyranny. Our nation didn’t seek colonies or plunder or any type of gain
whatsoever in entering the war which is why the conduct of our leaders is so
perplexing. We fought one tyranny and turned a blind eye to the other.

Our defeat of Nazi socialism left the other socialist power, left-wing Soviet
socialism, in a position to spread it’s tyranny over almost two thirds of the
surface of the planet. According to the Black Book of Communism, left-wing
Communism was responsible for the deaths of over 100 million human beings,
four times as many as Fascism. While our nation stood for the best American
ideals, our leadership, then, and in the years following the war, seemed to
have had a different agenda. While Nazism and Fascism was rightfully stamped
out, left-wing Communists were allowed to roam free and wreck havoc.

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