Why not 100 per cent?

by George S. Hishmeh

Washington — Here it is — word for word — from the horse's mouth, Ehud Barak
in an op-ed article last Thursday about his “generous” offer he made to the
Palestinians at Camp David that several Israeli apologists around the world,
especially in the United States, have been trumpeting ad infinitum.

After explaining his “strategy of disengagement from the Palestinians — even
unilaterally if necessary, (in order) to ensure the long-term viability of
(Israel's) Jewish majority,” the former Israeli prime minister identified in
his May 24 article the steps that must still be taken to realise his dream:
“A gradual process of establishing secure, defensible borders, demarcated so
as to encompass more than 80 per cent of the Jewish settlers in several
settlement blocks over about 15 per cent of Judea and Samaria (or West Bank),
and to ensure a wide security zone in the Jordan Valley.”

Here, we all thought the magnanimous Barak was returning “95 per cent” — not
85 per cent as he now admits — of the occupied territories to the
Palestinians, and it was Arafat's lack of vision to blame for having missed
this golden opportunity that is not likely to be offered again. (Moreover,
missing from Barak's calculations are the number of settlements built within
Greater Jerusalem which was expanded after the occupation in 1967 and annexed
a short while later.)

Additionally, Barak added his voice to the prevailing Israeli government view
in support of continued settlement expansion to accommodate “natural growth”
or, as Barak put it, to comply with the dream of an Israeli settler's son who
is starting a family and wishes to build “a new home alongside his
father's.” Obviously none of these Israeli leaders thought of pointing out to
the settlers and their offsprings that they are on illegal Palestinian

The myopic Barak had another gem: “We need to erect appropriate barriers to
prevent the entry of suicide bombers and other attackers.” All along, the
world had thought European Jews wanted to escape their former ghettos and
assimilate, as they have done in the United States, but here comes the former
prime minister opting for “barriers” circling Israel. The New York Times'
artist, Mark Podwal, hit the nail on the head when he illustrated the article
with a drawing of a medieval-looking town surrounded by a high wall. Or,
maybe, a fortress Israel.

But another Israeli rejects this “enslaved” state that is “fettered by
fossilised patterns, manacled by an ancient, even primitive, concepts;
burdened by the worst yoke of all — the one it has imposed on its own neck.”
Namely, “the tyranny of the territories and of the settlers — the trap we
are in,” as succinctly expressed by Israeli author Meir Shalev.

“As for this curse called `the territories' or `the borders of the Promised
Land' or `the tombs of our Patriarchs' ... the State of Israel has been
preoccupied with nothing else but the territories — with them, their
metastasis and their consequences ... the failure to understand that giving
them up is in the interest of Israel itself.”

And this time around, the golden opportunity comes in the form of a
“package” offered by the international commission led by former US Senator
George Mitchell which examined the causes of the Palestinian Intifada, now in
its eighth month, against Israel's 34-year occupation. All the Israeli
leaders have to do is accept, as did the Palestinians, the three-step
proposal: Cessation of violence, confidence-building measures (which called
for a freeze on settlement construction), and a resumption of the peace

Continued Israeli haggling and refusal to halt settlement expansion will only
nip in the bud the ongoing chances for a successful round of US shuttle
diplomacy, now belatedly reactivated after months of inaction by the new Bush

This is not to say that the Mitchell report is flawless. For example, it
lacks any set-up for on-the-ground third-party monitoring of the
implementation of the commission's recommendations, and the need for a speedy
dispute resolution mechanism. The failure of Israel to fulfil its obligations
agreed upon in the previous interim agreements are too vivid and did not
escape of the criticism of the Mitchell report.

Although the US focus is at present on “timing and sequence” before the ball
can begin to roll, it should not escape the participants in the
back-and-forth discussions that any cessation of violence can only be
sustained when and if it is followed immediately by the proposed
confidence-building measures, many of which fall on Israeli soldiers as
detailed in the Mitchell report.

All things considered, the eye of the storm remains in the continued Israeli
expansion of Israeli settlements, still under way, and which by all
international standards are considered illegal and should be evacuated if an
end to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is to be achieved.

When Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri visited Washington recently he was
asked in a Washington Post interview: “How much more can Israel (or Barak)
give than 95 per cent of the West Bank?” Hariri's curt answer was: “Why 95
per cent and not 100 per cent?”

Exactly, why not 100 per cent.

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