-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Korean War MIAs brought to Hawaii

Associated Press

An honor guard at Hickam Air Force Base, Hawaii, carries the remains of an
American soldier repatriated from North Korea. — AP Photo

HICKAM AIR FORCE BASE, Hawaii — A four-service honor guard lifted three
flag-wrapped coffins off a military cargo plane Wednesday.
The ceremony marked the latest recovery effort of Americans lost in the
Korean War.

The three coffins were brought off a C-17 cargo plane by an honor guard that
had flown with them from Pyongyang and placed on a blue military bus that
took them to the nearby Army Central Identification Laboratory-Hawaii.

The latest remains are believed to be those of Americans lost in fighting
between communist forces and the Army’s First Calvary Division and the 2nd
and 25th Infantry divisions in November 1950.

They were removed from Unsan and Kujang counties in North Korea, along the
Chong Chon River about 60 miles north of Pyongyang, by a joint U.S.-North
Korean recovery team.

The recovery efforts have been negotiated on an annual basis since 1996. Last
year, five operations recovered more than all previous years’ activities

The remains do not necessarily include complete skeletons and identification,
including DNA testing when the possibilities are narrowed down to the
smallest number of candidates, could take months or years to complete.

Samples for DNA analysis have been provided by only 25 percent of families of
the more than 8,100 soldiers missing from the Korean War, according to the

Ceremonies for arrival of the remains included no speeches or special
observances. About 100 people, including a handful of Korean War veterans and
other civilians, stood silently as the coffins were unloaded and placed
aboard the bus.

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