Maybe this will be the lit match to start a real holocaust in Holy Land?

The prophecy of Mormon Church is that 5 nations will wipe Israel off the
map - Syria will be a leader of the pack.

As Sharon said the Arabs have the oil, but he has the match?   And who
will light the match?  And who will blow up the oil fields?   For all
are wired to go if Israel or anybody ever attempts to take them over.

Day is coming when we will tell hem all to go straight to hell an drink
that oil.......for water will be more precious than oil

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                                  ISRAELIS PLANNING BLITZKRIEG?

MID-EAST REALITIES © - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 6/01/01:
For a long time now we have been desperately warning about what the true Israeli 
intentions are.  We have also been warning that the Palestinians are not at all 
prepared for these eventualities, neither with the terrible leadership provided by the 
"Palestinian Authority" nor for the world-wide information and public relations battle 
that accompanies all major developments in our world these days.  And we have been 
warning as well that the situation in Washington is far worse for the Palestinians 
than their friends and supporters try to pretend, largely because the "client 
organizations" in their own way are just as bad as the "client regimes" who control 
them.  These three press reports point the direction of what may be coming...maybe 
soon now:

                JERUSALEM — Special to World Tribune, 1 June:  
                Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has been presented with a
                plan calling for the destruction of the Palestinian Authority in two 

                "It's clear that the continuation of the terrorism and the restraint 
cannot continue for
                much longer, not more than a few days," Israeli President Moshe Katsav 
                state-owned Israel Radio on Friday.

                The plan presented by National Infrastructure Minister Avigdor 
Lieberman would
                launch an Israeli military invasion of at least six major cities in 
the West Bank and
                another four in the Gaza Strip, Middle East Newsline reported. Israeli 
troops would
                be given at least two days to destroy Palestinian military 
installations, weapons
                factories and arresting leaders of the Palestinian insurgency.

                The Israeli capture of these cities would be brief, according to the 
plan. The West
                Bank would then be divided into a series of provinces administered 
separately by
                Palestinians. Israel would then discuss with new Palestinians leaders 
such issues as

                "We have to go into Area A [PA territory] and destroy the entire 
                infrastructure," Lieberman said.

                Israeli officials said the military has drawn up similar plans and 
they are now being
                reviewed by Sharon. The officials said Sharon is expected to delay any 
Israeli attack
                until after he returns from his European tour, which begins on Sunday. 
The prime
                minister is scheduled to fly to Berlin, Brussels and Paris.

                Katsav was speaking in Washington where he met his U.S. counterpart, 
                Bush. Israeli sources said Katsav submitted to Bush a request from 
Sharon for an
                additional $800 million in U.S. military aid pledged by the previous 

                Sharon is under increasing pressure from some of his Likud Party and 
                ministers as well as Jewish settlers to launch an offensive against 
the PA. On
                Thursday, several Israelis were arrested during a demonstration in 
Jerusalem against
                the government's policy of restraint. "We need Winston Churchill and 
                Chamberlain," Rabbi Shlomo Riskin, spiritual leader of the Jewish 
settlement of
                Efrat, said.

                PA officials said they are preparing for an Israeli onslaught. They 
said Israel has
                waged a psychological warfare that seeks to sow strife within the 

                PA gunners fired mortars early Friday toward Jewish settlements in the 
Gaza Strip.
                The Israeli military, as part of its unilateral ceasefire, did not 

                U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell telephoned PA Chairman Yasser 
Arafat and
                reiterated the U.S. demand to end the eight-month-old war against 

                                   ARAFAT WARNS OF ISRAELI ATTACK

                  BRUSSELS, Belgium –– AP - 31 May:   Palestinian leader Yasser 
                  Arafat claimed Thursday that senior Israeli officials were preparing 
                  "new war" to paralyze his Palestinian Authority. 

                  "I have received a letter saying the (Ariel) Sharon government has
                  adopted the principle of a new war against the Palestinian people," 
he said
                  in a speech to the upper house of the Belgian Parliament. 

                  "The goal of the Israeli army in calling a truce is in fact to 
mobilize the
                  Israeli mass to prepare an atrocious war ... in which they will use 
                  military means to paralyze the Palestinian Authority," Arafat added. 

                  Arafat was responding to comments from Israeli Infrastructure 
                  Avigdor Lieberman, a hard-liner in the cabinet of Prime Minister 
                  Sharon's government, who said Israel should immediately reoccupy
                  Palestinian-controlled areas in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. 

                  "In the next 48 hours we need to go into all Palestinian areas and 
                  the entire infrastructure of the Palestinian Authority, destroy the 
                  cache of their forces including those of the militias," Lieberman 
told Israeli

                  Arafat addressed the Belgian Senate on the latest stop on a European 
                  that had earlier taken him to Russia and Denmark. He spoke in Arabic
                  and his comments were relayed by a French translator. 

                                 ISRAELI PRESIDENT WARNS ARAFAT
                                                  By David R. Sands
                     THE WASHINGTON TIMES - 1 June:
                           Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat has "a few days, no
                      more" to end the violence among his supporters or face a
                      sharply escalated Israeli military response, Israel´s president
                      said yesterday. 
                           "People are fed up. Our
                      patience is not unlimited," Moshe
                      Katsav said in an interview with
                      editors and reporters of The
                      Washington Times at Blair House,
                      the United States´ official
                      executive guest residence.
                           Mr. Katsav said he conveyed
                      his concerns to President Bush,
                      Secretary of State Colin L. Powell
                      and other top administration
                      officials in meetings yesterday. Mr.
                      Bush also hosted a working dinner
                      last night for the Israeli president, who is on his first 
                      trip to Washington since his surprise election last summer.
                           Eight months of clashes between Palestinians and Israeli
                      security forces have intensified in recent days, despite the
                      release last month of a report by a commission headed by
                      former Sen. George Mitchell calling for an immediate
                      cease-fire and steps to rebuild the shattered peace process.
                           Four Israeli settlers have been killed in the past three
                      days, prompting intense political pressure on the government
                      for a crackdown.
                           "It is a question of a few days, not more, for Yasser
                      Arafat to decide" whether to halt the violence, Mr. Katsav
                      said in the interview.
                           Should Israel respond militarily, the president said, it
                      would not be by reoccupying territory now administered by
                      the Palestinians, but by "an attack on the centers and sources
                      of the terrorism," which he said included Mr. Arafat´s
                      leadership group.
                           Mr. Katsav also said he had told Mr. Bush he was
                      convinced that Mr. Arafat has concluded that street violence
                      and terrorism are effective ways to achieve his political ends.
                           Mr. Katsav said Mr. Bush replied, "I hope you are
                      wrong." But, the Israeli added, Mr. Bush "is not sure."
                           White House spokesman Ari Fleischer said that, at their
                      morning meeting, Mr. Bush had "reaffirmed America´s
                      support for Israel and . . . discussed the United States´
                      engagement to be a facilitator in the region." 
                           A U.S. diplomatic team headed by Ambassador William
                      Burns, Mr. Powell´s newly designated point man for the
                      region, has made little progress in arranging meetings to get
                      the two sides to discuss new security arrangements to halt the
                           Palestinian officials contend Israel hopes to use the truce
                      to entrench itself in disputed territories. They point to
                      passages in the Mitchell report that call for an eventual total
                      freeze on Israeli settlements in occupied territory, which
                      Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has yet to accept.
                           In Jerusalem yesterday, Mr. Sharon echoed Mr. Katsav´s
                      warnings that Israel´s self-imposed cease-fire will end soon if
                      Mr. Arafat does not move to curb the violence.
                           "My blood is boiling," Mr. Sharon said during a visit to the
                      family of a Jewish settler on the West Bank killed in a
                      roadside ambush this week. "I will have to decide when to do
                      what I think has to be done."
                           Israeli press outlets reported that Mr. Sharon had phoned
                      Mr. Powell Wednesday after a car bombing in the coastal
                      city of Netanya to say the current situation was intolerable
                      and could not continue much longer.
                           State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said
                      yesterday that Mr. Powell had talked to both Mr. Sharon and
                      Mr. Arafat by phone Wednesday evening, imploring both to
                      stop the fighting.
                           Mr. Powell urged Mr. Sharon to "continue his policy of
                      restraint and de-escalation," Mr. Boucher said yesterday.
                           But the Israeli prime minister is also under pressure from
                      domestic critics to strike hard in the wake of the most recent
                           Former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, a rival in
                      Mr. Sharon´s own Likud Party, urged a direct attack on the
                      Palestinian Authority´s infrastructure.
                           "We must go from reaction to decisive action," Mr.
                      Netanyahu said. "We must make it clear to Arafat that if he
                      continues his policy of terror, we will cause this corrupt
                      terrorist regime to collapse and we have the power to do
                           Mr. Katsav, 56, shot to international prominence last July
                      when he upset former prime minister and Nobel Peace Prize
                      laureate Shimon Peres in a secret ballot of Israel´s parliament,
                      the Knesset, for the largely ceremonial but high-profile
                      president´s post.
                           Mr. Katsav, who was born in Iran and moved to Israel as
                      a boy, has been seen as a symbol of the political emergence
                      of the "second Israel" -- the wave of Sephardic Jews from
                      Arab and Islamic countries who moved to the new Jewish
                      state in its early years and still form the bulk of the country´s
                      lower classes.
                           A Knesset member for the conservative Likud Party since
                      1977, Mr. Katsav denied during last year´s voting that he
                      was running an "ethnic" campaign, but many saw his victory
                      as a challenge to the European-oriented Ashkenazi Jews who
                      have traditionally dominated the country´s politics.
                           In yesterday´s interview, Mr. Katsav said:
                           • Israel was convinced, based on its own intelligence
                      sources, that Mr. Arafat had the power to bring the violence
                      to a halt, even with loosely affiliated groups, such as Hamas. 
                           •A combined appeal from Europe and the United States
                      for an end to Palestinian violence would force Mr. Arafat to
                      back down.
                           • Ordinary Palestinians have suffered even more than
                      Israelis from Mr. Arafat´s record of broken promises and by
                      the violence that has claimed more than 500 lives since the
                      collapse of the Camp David summit last summer.
                           The Israeli president said that, while it was "very 
                      for him to trust the Palestinian leader, he would continue to
                      negotiate with him.
                           "He´s my partner. He´s popular with his people. What can
                      I do?" Mr. Katsav asked.
                           "I want peace. Do I have any choice?"
                           •Abraham Rabinovich in Je-rusalem contributed to this

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