-Caveat Lector-

Hi !

Forwarded with permission.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

 On May 18th,2001, Pam Spiggle, one of the women
 featured in Garland Waller's documentary "Small
 Justice", had custody of her two boys returned to her
 after six years of trials, the last consisting of 6
 days over 8 months. Her legal and advocacy team,lead
 by Lawyer Richard Ducote and Child Advocate Diane
 Hofheimer included Lawyers Charlie and Kristen
 Hofheimer ,legal intern(3rd year law student) Christie
 Wood and Lawyer Jeff Tarkington who handeled Michigan
 matters.Addititional legal assistance was rendered to
 the children by Barry Logsdon "Special Counsel" for
 the children and Justice for Children a child advocacy
 organization. Justice For Children filed an Amicus
 Curiae brief on behalf of the two sexually abused
 boys.Among the local "firsts" of this case was the
 appointment of "Special Counsel" for the children when
 the efforts of the GAL were called into
 question.Another local "first" was the submission of
 an Amicus Curiae Brief at Trial in the juvenile and
 Domestic Relations court  system of Newport News,
 Virginia. During the 6 years of Litigation, 5 separate
 Guardians Ad Litems were involved,none of whom ever
 expressed the will of the children and fought for the
 wishes of the children to live with their mother. Most
 of the Guardian Ad Litems argued directly or
 indirectly Richard Gardener's discredited Parental
 Alienation Syndrome as did the Therapist of the
 father. The Mother was supported by Social Services in
 one Juristiction and opposed by  Social Services in
 two separate juristictions in two states. During the
 case one Social Services agency attempted to withhold
 evidence that tended to corroborate the testimony of
 the abused boys.

     The series of cases and or motions were heard by
 4 judges who did not rule favorably for the mother as
 well as a three judge panel of the Virginia Court of
 Appeals.During the course of the cases, The father's
 original attorney was appointed to a judgeship and the
 original Circuit Court Judge who ruled against the
 mother was elevated to the Virginia Court of
 Appeals(he did not hear the mother's appeal as he was
 not appointed until after she had lost her appeal in
 part due to his error.)
      In the end, The unflagging optimism and spirtual
 faith of the mother and her new husband, Glenn
 Spiggle, along with the uncompromising fidelity and
 almost heroic persistence and trial preparation of
 child advocate Diane Hofheimer combined with the now
 legendary litigation skills of Richard Ducote
 overturned all of the misguided opinions, decisions
 and beliefs held by Social Service Organizations,
 Guardians Ad Litems, Therapists and Others.

 Charles Hofheimer              Tel: 757 425 5200
 Charles R.Hofheimer P.C.   Fax: 757 425 6100
 303 34th Street                   e-mail
 Virginia Beach Va. 23451

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