To: Alex Burns and Disinformation.Com

     Michael Aquino may have adversely affected your life, not myself. I
have posted news articles, court transcripts, interviews with Setians,
reporters' notes, military records and the like concerning the High Setian
with very little comment. He was free to respond, and I encouraged him to do
so. I have rarely rebutted him, and I HAVE BEEN VERY CAREFUL NOT TO DEFAME
AQUINO. If I were to make false statements about him, he would have served
me with legal papers long ago. You must know this is so. Yet you continue to
blame ME. This does explain your enmity toward myself, however, something
that has baffled me for weeks. (You have also explained why malice is your
motive, a necessity in a slander suit. Thanks.) You have NO reason to be
indignant about any of the documents I have posted about Aquino. You should
read them with an objective mind.
     You and D.C ‹ which allowed you to defame and plagiarize me ‹ are equal
partners in the coming lawsuit, and the company continues to employ you. I
retained legal counsel yesterday and will proceed with the suit.
     The company has no time to deal with me, you say? You and D.C have had
sufficient time to tarnish my reputation with lies, so I expect you and D.C
to take the time to compensate me for the theft of my work and slanderous
statements you have been allowed to make publicly.
     You HAVE made completely false statements about ME, and an apology is
due here, as well. 
     I have free-speech rights that you have attempted to subvert with
defamatory statements about my work and character.

> There was no "conscious" or "deliberate" campaign here.

     I wrote nothing whatsoever about a "campaign." You missed the point
entirely. I DID write that your plagiarism of passages from Psychic
Dictatorship was deliberate, not "unconscious," as you have argued. You
stole the material deliberately. I said that I can prove this, and will.

‹ Alex Constantine

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