I do NOT believe for one minute that if a heterosexual, fundamentalist minister, say Pentecostal or Baptist, wanted to be in charge of the gay students that he would not be discriminated against.  I do not think this inclusion policy would apply at all.  And it is easy to be inclusive in something that is so offensive to most that they would not even consider attending for it violates their religious beliefs and personal moral and ethical standards, not to mention is the fastest method of spreading AIDS.  It is downright dangerous as well as offensive to the religious beliefs of most.
 "Since there is no such entity as 'the public,' since the public is merely a number of individuals, the idea that 'the public interest' supersedes private interests and rights can have but one meaning: that the interests and rights of some individuals take precedence over the interests and rights of others."  Ayn Rand 
But you have gotten your way and the Boy Scouts are NOT using public facilities.  Most locally are in churches and homes any way. Always have been so it makes little difference to the Scouts. My sons are too old but I had them in my house probably for ten years when they were the appropriate ages  and enjoyed it. It is the preferential treatment DEMANDED by the tyrannical gay activists that I find annoying as well as the use of tax payer's money being used to fund something  proven so unhealthy.  You are very hypocritical in the application of that local autonomy that you preach ONLY when it is to the advantage of some agenda of your own. I guess we can just consider it like welfare and helping the very unfortunate and it is well worth it to keep the Scouts as they have traditionally been for all these years. Just remember that what goes around,  comes around for this is the very thing that is destroying support for the public schools.  When they are all private, they will be free to open their facilities to whomever they chose.  In the meanwhile, the churches and homes are providing just fine for the Scouts and their membership enjoying record numbers BECAUSE of this overt attempt of the gay males to gain access to unsupervised children for whatever their purposes might be.  I find it interesting that heterosexual males do not attempt to be GIRL Scout leaders and whine and demand to be allowed to do so.  My consolation is in the fact that gays will NEVER be allowed to act as Scoutmasters, particularly after their behavior has been observed in regard to their intolerance for the religious and moral values of others.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2001 5:45 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Reply to an Amelia Basher

From: Amelia

>Well, June, I was asking Nate for I do not discuss anything
>with you if I can help it but since you have butted in, that
>just is not nearly good enough. The idea of including
>straight kids in an organization knowing full well that they
>are not likely to participate


How do you know for a fact that straight kids 'are not likely to participate'?


Even if that were true, it doesn't change the FACT that the gay and lesbian student clubs do not discriminate against anyone due to sexual orientation.  It doesn't change the FACT that the BSA as part of its bylaws makes it a point to practice discrimination against a particular group.  It doesn't matter who or what the leaders of either group are, nor the sexual orientation of the members of either group; what matters is what each group, as its stated policy, does in the way of allowing people to join.  The fact that the BSA chooses to discriminate against a particular group, and will dismiss a gay scout as quickly as they dismiss gay scout leaders, is the reason why it is finding taxpayer-funded venues closed to it.  As a PRIVATE organization, the BSA has the right to include or not include whomever they wish; they just can't expect to have PUBLIC facilites extended to them if they don't also allow ALL of the public to join.


>So it is just as I thought~~the tyranny of the vocal minority
>wanting to spoil things for everybody else.


The tyranny is all on your side.  My 'side', if there is one, is one that is inclusive of all groups.


You like the BSA as it now stands?  Fine, then have them host meetings in your house or your church or your private clubhouse.  Don't expect me and every other taxpayer, though, to foot the bill to allow a discriminatory organization to use facilities built and maintained with my tax dollars.



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