Wednesday June 6 1:59 AM ET

Anti-Fraud Agency Fakes Documents

By LARRY MARGASAK, Associated Press Writer WASHINGTON (AP) - The Pentagon (
- web sites) agency charged with rooting out fraud destroyed documents
and substituted fakes to win a passing grade in an audit of its own
operations, according to an internal inquiry.

``It's a very sad day indeed when the watchdog gets caught cheating,'' Sen.
Charles Grassley (news - bio - voting record), R-Iowa, wrote Defense
Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld in demanding to know more about the incident.

The document destruction cost the government thousands of dollars last year
and ``could adversely affect the confidence of the public'' in Defense
Department audits, says the report obtained by The Associated Press.

The incident occurred as the Pentagon inspector general's work was about to
be reviewed by auditors working for the Internal Revenue Service (news - web
)'s inspector general. The review was part of a routine program where
one government agency's inspector general's office checks the work of another.

The unsuspecting IRS reviewers found ``no problems'' with the Pentagon's
audit work after poring over the phony documents, concluded the internal
report, written by a Defense Department inspector general's employee assigned
to investigate her own agency.

``At some point, the majority of original working papers were destroyed,''
the report said. ``The backdating of the re-created working papers misled the
... review team to believe the ... papers were ... done at the time of the

The inspector general's office and the Defense Department public affairs
office refused to discuss the incident.

David Williams, the IRS' inspector general, said, ``As soon as we became
aware of the allegation and findings, we immediately withdrew our previous
opinion'' that gave the Pentagon agency a passing grade. As a result, every
Pentagon audit must include a disclaimer that the work fails to meet
established audit standards.

Grassley, outgoing chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, began
investigating the destruction recently after a Pentagon whistle-blower
brought it to his attention.

While the inspector general is supposed to root out government fraud and
waste, the report said, the 983 hours spent creating the fake documents cost
the government $63,000.

The IRS auditors had selected eight Defense Department audits for review, and
senior Pentagon auditors realized that working papers for one of them - a
1988 audit report - would not get a passing grade, the report said.

``Instead of submitting it and suffering the consequences, a decision was
made to destroy all the original work papers and to re-create an entirely new
set,'' Grassley wrote Rumsfeld. He said 12 to 15 officials in the Defense
Department inspector general's office were involved, including senior

Grassley and the internal report said the official who prepared the originals
was directed to sign the fake papers even though that auditor did not create
the substitutes.

The President's Council on Integrity and Efficiency, an organization of
federal inspectors general, is investigating the incident.

The incident ``has some negative repercussions to the image'' of inspectors
general, said Gaston Gianni Jr., vice chairman of the council and inspector
general at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.

Grassley said he's not satisfied with the internal Pentagon review.

He wrote Rumsfeld that it ``may have been unwise'' for the Pentagon's deputy
inspector general, Robert Lieberman, to have one of his senior deputies
conduct the internal investigation and then conclude that Lieberman was not

The senator also said that disciplinary actions were under consideration only
for lower-ranking auditors and their immediate supervisors but not senior

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