-Caveat Lector-


It was with a sense of great excitement that I downloaded my wordfile from
the allies of humanity site - finally - an insight into reality !!!!
Then found to my great surprise and disappointment that I was reading an
article pitched at younger people who were familiar with the X-files and who
didn't believe in soul life.
Pearls of wisdom from the great beyond tell us that we have et visitors that
came after we developed nuclear weapons etc - ie. the same old baloney that
a bunch of greys turned up around 1947 and made a bad treaty with the
government of the day and started a silent invasion. [see appendix]

I don't doubt that the human race or earth has been invaded. - but When -
certainly millenia before the Human Race was even created -
I also am fairly into the idea that this article is not necessarily of human
origin - but I think its ingenuine and tells us nothing other than not to
Trade with or Trust the visitors
It lies when it emphasises that we are Free -
It lies when it talks about global hierarchy in terms of Nation States

They are right to say p47 'we think it would be a tremendous misfortune if
people were not informed correctly'

And then they commit the most blatant fraud - by ommitting a discourse on
the soul and reincarnation - the movement and politics of group soul - of
souls temporarily human - but previously alien, but giving no credence to
the Soul - if you do a wordsearch for the word soul - you will find that it
has been used twice only and in each case to mean the psychological state of
spiritual integrity - not an eternal vehicle part of the greater picture
temporarily disenfranchised.

The lack of the Politics of Soul shows that they do not speak the truth -
for they would have to concede if they spoke of such things that at least
some abductions were prearranged hundreds of years ago - and the thrust of
their treatise is that we are ALL weak frail temporary humans that are free
and must not trade with or trust anyone except them.
We may be in temporary  human genetic overcoats now - but 90 years ago who
were we and 90 years hence who and where will we be - what civilsations do
the inhabitants of the human form today mainly all come from ?? etc etc what
species have we chosen to explore as souls within the last 1000 years ?? -
have we asked them to follow up ??

By taking the human condition out of context making it a weak degraded
'free' 'warlike and aggressive' state in need of some guidance - we exclude
our birthright and soul heritage from the bargaining.
They seek to win our confidence by stating the obvious - don't give your
will, belief, trust, faith to anyone -they concede that we are conditioned
with disinformation and give us a plausible cosmic scenario of races and
species - but I was writing that stuff in 1980 - AND I included the idea of
the eternal soul and the transmigration of soul between species and
[see www.scotlandthehive.com   -  zeroprardoxuniversity - the eight seas of
so they bring us nothing new to the argument.

The bottom line here is that the Reptoids Run The Planet - and that they are
threatened by good and bad alliances, new kinds of people not reptoid - and
TRADE ALLIANCES that will break the balance of power on this planet. The
Reptoids have run this place since ATLANTIS - but they fear they are going
to get squeezed out and their power base diminished - hence this Greater
Colllective whose only real message is to BE GOOD and trust the REPTOID
WRITTEN texts on the Spiritual paths and the reptoids that run these
ILLUMINATI schools etc etc

The plausible things they say - should NOT buy them credibility eg.
Bluebeam/messiah p66
saying the obvious to us should not let them buy credibility - beware - eg.
'it is believed that those who are technologically advanced are spiritually
advanced as well, yet we can assure you that this is not so' page 95 - how
stupid are we ???
they re-iterate how free we all are - p101 - yeah right and they never said
what they would do for us - just warn us Not to Trade !! be good and tend
the Illuminati Schools -
This is Reptilian PROPAGANDA

This SOULLESS and non-Eternal text has nothing to offer humanity whatsoever.
It tries to intervene p30 between the human race and trade alliances and
prefers us to hand over the politics of trade to 'others' - like who ?? or
else p31 - there will be 'fearful' problems.
Perhaps we should let the Draco incharge of the Illuminati school decide for
us all AS USUAL
'your people are divided and your nations oppose' p28 have these all seeing
dudes never heard of a global multinational ??? and that the human race is
warlike and aggressive - the majority of the human race think that a mud hut
a cup of water and a loaf of bread are luxury -

This document has not one mention of the atlantean reptoids that rule today
and who created humanity - there is nothing scholastic or new about this

The human race is a bunch of clones created by the reptoids - they have
ridden us hard and now want to wipe us out in a poisonous population cull -
what the reptoids don't want is for humanity to get help - because if we got
help and IF we realised that we have memories of other lives and other
civilisations if we really retrieved our soul memories - buried in the dense
badly telepathic human clone - we could all carve this place up between us -

andrew hennessey
transformation studies group
edinburgh,   scotland

________________________________ [appendix] _______________________________
People just love to buy into Roswell 1947 and all that - but
Greys/Dinosauroids/Faeries/Djinns etc have been around for a Very Long
Time - they are in egyptian hieroglyphs, world folk myth europe, asia etc
etc they are carved on standing stones and they are also in 18th century
parish records, and sketched in the 16th century by the elizabethan mage
John Dee - yep when I see any article that places any major significance to
1947 at all - my bullshit detectors start to operate doubletime.

No mention is made of the real Governors of this planet the telepathic
reptilian species - the bloodthirsty rulers also embalzoned in every culture
and folk myth on the planet - the draco etc

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