Interesting item - Nepal was visited by two Presidents  - Papa Bush and
Jimmy Carter - maybe roads have something to do with this.

It is said Nepal is a poor Shangrah Li - three UN agenies make home
there - vendetta,
Russian style here did in entire family and of course we know how the
communists love to wipe out entire lines but one got away - and the
hated brother takes the throne.

Osama bin Laden works to restore rightful heir to Saudi Arabia - the
young prince with whom I had the pleasure to meet in 1967 Prince Turki
Fasal, was to have been the King when his father died - so a black from
Berkley California, a Black Nationalist - murdered the King, and the
brother took the throne.

Nepal is evidently of stragic importance - maybe someone wants to make
it into a Meyer Lansky type paradise and build hotels like Bilderbergers
for the tourist trade and you wonder why the one arab country destroyed
the huge statutes which were "international treasures".....worshiping a
pile of rocks as opposed to a group of people who want to prevent the

Surely such a poor little country and note they speak oh how poor they
are - surely whoever behind this has ulterior motives and paves way for
communist takeover?   Like communists murdered 12 million Christians,
and by vicious vendetta murdered the Czar and Czarina and all their

Interesting item......maybe Nepal will turn into real cesspool now, like
London where their bridge is beginning to really fall.


'All Hell Breaking Loose' In Nepal - A Resident's Version Of Events
>From Cynthia Edwards     6-6-1
Monday, June 4
Dear Friends -
Today is a dark day in the history of the world and about to become darker.

Friday night the entire royal family of Nepal and their body guards were
brutally murdered in cold blood at the regular Friday night family gathering
(this included the 9 month old princess).

What has been reported as a family squabble with the crown prince killing
everyone and then shooting himself, and even a gun going off by itself
(somehow killing 30+ people, some of whom were not in the same room?!) are
outright lies.

Immediately, the Royals were burned, much sooner than would be normal
practice. The crown prince, the supposed killer, was made king while lying
brain dead.

Ironically, the king's brother, Gyanendra was out of town. At the same time
his nephew, Paresh, a known murderer of at least 5 people(!) was in the place
. So was the king's other brother Direndra, who has been living in London
since 1990 and has been estranged from the royal family. Both brothers are
criminals who have been involved with stealing and selling the antiquities of
Nepal, drugs selling, and who knows what else. Both brothers vehemently were
against democracy in Nepal and there was a huge fight between them all when
King Birendra gave up the powers of the Monarchy in 1990 and declared a
democracy for Nepal. It has long been known that Gyanendra has had a CIA link
as well as ties to the government of India. What those connections are in
this whole affair remains to be seen. There are no secrets in Nepal!

Since Saturday most people have known the prince was dead even though the
official news was saying otherwise. People knew they were being lied to but
they were in shock so the streets were fairly quiet for 2 days. But as early
as saturday afternoon, crowds were gathering outside the palace and at the
funeral chanting, "Kill the criminals, Kill Gyandera. " In the meantime, more
and more inside news was leaking out and it was fast becoming clear that this
was a carefully orchestrated plot by at least the 2 brothers and nephew to
seize control of Nepal.

This morning, the prince was officially declared dead. One hour later, as I
am writing this, Gyanendra has just been crowned king with full regalia, the
Prime Minister and political leaders standing mutely by. Clearly this was all
planned WELL in advance to be able to pull this off so quickly! And clearly
the Prime Minister is either afraid to say anything or else is in collusion.
And Paresh has already been sent to London for safety.

I can hear the shouts of crowds in the street heading toward the palace.
People are furious that Gyanendra, murderer of his own family and their king,
has now been made king. And this anger has been building for a long time as a
totally corrupt government has been running this country into the ground
since the advent of "democracy" in 1990.

The army is in the street along with hundreds of thousands of people, roads
are closed, and no one knows what will happen. We fear a blood bath as
Gyanendra now controls the army. The lastest report from a friend on the
street is that tear gas is being fired into the crowds.

Democracy was struggling in Nepal, at best, but now it is sure to die a swift

Perhaps it doesn't matter to you what happens in this far away tiny country,
so unrelated to your own lives. But at least you can know the truth and tell
others so these people will not have died in vain. If you have a computer, go
to and click on NepaliTimes - it is our most radical paper
we have though we don't yet know if they will be brave enough to print the

I have no idea will become of me and other foreigners here. Only time will
tell. It's pretty frightening right now and hopefully they will not target us
in their frustration but go after the real criminals now holding the power.

Please pass this on to others so the world knows what is really happening
here, or at least as far as we can figure out. But please don't believe the
foreign press!

Pray for us all


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