Here is one item on Bohemian Club - and other data you can pull up re
meetings, etc.

I think it is just another masonic order essentially, and maybe like old
Hells Fire Club - also believe they have the hearta of Paul Whitehead of
this Club, code named Paul the Aged - the met in the caverns at High
Wycombe in England and of course the famous 12 O'Clock High bomber
pilots flew out of there over white cliffs of Dover singing Sky Lark and
Blue Birds over White Cliffs of Dover?

Caves were reopened by "Dashwood" descendets......but I do believe they
have the heart of Paul Whitehead, who left his heart to the club when he
died - and it was in an Urn which was stolen.

Have the progoram from the caves and Hogarth prints showing these guys
and they are a scream but also a front for intelligence work - made the
place more like a brothel I believe to keep out "enquiring
minds"........said screams of ladies heard in the night.......

So this Bohemian Club - bunch of gypsies?


Other people probably have more on this but this item was a good
one....involving our CIA but then, like Shriners - they need a
playground too - right?

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