Technology and the Fourth Amendment

Supreme Court Rules Infrared Imaging of Homes Requires a Warrant

By David Ruppe

June 11 — Federal agents could not see inside Danny Lee Kyllo's home. Nor did
they have a search warrant to enter the premises.

But they did have an infrared camera that used thermal imaging technology,
enabling them to identify suspected heat lamps growing 100 marijuana plants.

They used the images to get a warrant, leading to Kyllo's arrest and

The technology, originally designed for the military, displays objects by
distinguishing differences in temperature of surrounding objects, so that a
person, warmer than the surrounding air, appears a different color than the

The Supreme Court today, in Kyllo vs. U.S., ruled that authorities scanning a
home with an infrared camera without a warrant constituted an unreasonable
search barred by the Fourth Amendment.

It did so, the court said, because the device is not in general use by the
public, so Kyllo had an expectation of privacy, and because the imaging
provided by the camera revealed details about Kyllo's home "that would
previously have been unknowable without physical intrusion."

Privacy in the Home

The 5-4 opinion, written by Justice Antonin Scalia, restated the court's
previous findings that a visual search of a home, without entry, is not a
search and not barred by the Fourth Amendment.

But in adapting a principle first enunciated in the landmark Supreme Court
case Katz vs. United States, a case involving remote eavesdropping of someone
inside a phone booth, it found a warrant is required when the person has a
"subjective expectation of privacy." That expectation existed for Kyllo
because he was in his own home, an idea with deep roots in common law, the
ruling found.

"To withdraw protection of this minimum expectation would be to permit police
technology to erode the privacy guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment," it said.

Kyllo's attorney, Kenneth Lerner, made a similar argument in court papers:
"Technology that exploits invisible, sub-sensory phenomena ultimately fails
to respect the traditional boundaries of society, and therefore leaves the
population defenseless against such surveillance."

No Physical Intrusion

"I think this is an important ruling because a lot of people, including
myself, were concerned that the court would just say the technology is fine
as long as you're detecting something outside [of the home]," such as heat
emissions, said Sherry Colb, a professor at Rutgers Law School.

"That would be a great cause for concern," she said, referring a footnote in
the ruling that observes there are technologies being developed that might
allow authorities to see through an opaque wall.

The federal attorneys arguing the case reasoned the technology did not enable
authorities to see within Kyllo's home, but, rather, to detect differences in
heat on the roof and walls of his home, and so did not actually look at what
was inside. A warrant was obtained, based upon that information, which led to
Kyllo's arrest, guilty plea, and sentence of 63 months in prison.

But the court said the Fourth Amendment was applicable since the search
provided information regarding the home's interior that otherwise could not
have been obtained without a physical intrusion.

"Such a mechanical interpretation of the Fourth Amendment was rejected in Katz
, where the eavesdropping device in question picked up only sound waves that
reached the exterior of the phone booth to which it was attached," the court

Colb argues, however, that by emphasizing the traditional sanctity of the
home, the court's decision in Kyllo leaves open a question about whether it
applies to searches of other areas with some Fourth Amendment protection,
such as the trunk of a car or a briefcase.

She notes the court found in United States vs. Place that dogs sniffing for
narcotics to detect its presence in a container without opening the container
was not a search defined by the Fourth Amendment.

"The majority focuses a lot on whether you are revealing content of what's
inside something that would otherwise not be visible … So the dissent rightly
points out that the dog sniff case is at odds with that principle," she says.

No Practical Impact?

Detective Larry Wilson of the Plano, Texas, police force, said it has been
common for police to use thermal imaging on houses without first obtaining a
warrant, and that will change.

But he says the police in his department and others he's trained around the
country have been instructed not to use the devices without having first
obtained probable cause through other means. So he says the ruling should not
greatly affect current police use of infrared cameras on homes.

"Whenever we're doing an indoor grow operation investigation we've already
established the necessary probable cause prior to doing the thermal imaging,"
said Wilson. "Now the only step that's going to be added is to get an
affidavit and get a judge to do that and issue a warrant."

Thermal imaging is not precise enough itself to provide probable cause, he

"The way that the imager is utilized is left open to interpretation," he
said. "You can't say that the heat you're looking at that's being emitted
from the house through vents or whatever for sure that it's being produced
from once source or another."

Kyllo's case has been remanded back to the district court where it was heard
to decide whether the subsequent warranted search of Kyllo's home was
justified by probable cause.

Fourth Amendment

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and
effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated,
and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or
affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the
persons or things to be seized.

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