-Caveat Lector-

Am I reading cartoons?????

This is nonsense!!!!!!!!!!

What poll says that Americans favor conservation over increased
Any one on this list been polled????? And if so, hooray for Bush. He
favors conservation.

And what poll says that most Americans are against exploration in
ANWR???????? Most Americans DON'T HAVE A CLUE WHAT
ANWR stands for.

And oh yes, it's OUR fault because 'the rest of the world wants to mimic
our lifestyle'. Somehow, EVERYTHING  is ALWAYSSSSSSSSS
our fault.

The usual blatent lies here.

On Sun, 10 Jun 2001 23:18:14 -0700 Steve Wingate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> -Caveat Lector-
> Linking global warming and the energy crisis
> Kumar Venkat Friday, June 8, 2001
> AS CALIFORNIANS face higher utility bills and more blackouts this
> summer, and as the nation appears to be on the verge of an energy
> crisis,
> it is no coincidence that the United States is no longer involved in
> international efforts to combat global warming.
> The current energy crisis has a strong connection to global warming.
> problems are rooted in the unsustainable use of fossil fuels as our
> primary
> energy source. Any safe, sustainable and long-term solution to our
> energy
> crunch is guaranteed to be the right solution for global warming as
> well.
> Conversely, prolonging our dependence on fossil fuels by further oil
> and
> gas production -- without seriously shifting the focus to
> conservation, using
> energy more efficiently and developing more renewable energy sources
> --
> will not only propel us closer to potentially disastrous global
> warming
> scenarios, but could bring on future energy crises just as serious
> as this
> one.
> More Americans favor energy conservation than increased energy
> production, according to recent Gallup polls. More than 80 percent of
> Americans polled support, in principle, the basic elements of an
> alternative-
> energy road map, including standards for regulating carbon dioxide
> emissions, which lead to global warming. A clear majority also
> opposes oil
> exploration in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
> Our expectation of unlimited energy at low prices, however, isn't
> consistent
> with our concern for the environment. It is precisely this
> contradiction that
> has allowed the Bush administration to abandon any action on global
> warming, while aggressively supporting polluting industries and
> outmoded
> methods of energy production.
> The energy issue goes well beyond our borders.
> The United States, with less than 5 percent of the world's
> population, has
> long been the largest energy consumer in the world.
> Now, global warming is bringing our consumption back into focus.
> Americans account for one-quarter of the global carbon dioxide
> emissions
> today, including nearly half of the increase in these emissions
> since 1990.
> These emissions are unmistakably beginning to tie our excessive
> energy
> use to the long-term health of the planet.
> Even more worrisome is the explosion of consumption worldwide.
> Globalization is tempting the rest of the world to mimic the American
> lifestyle, complete with private automobiles, large houses and
> disposable
> products. Energy is used not only to run appliances and cars, but
> also to
> make virtually everything we buy -- from lightbulbs to plastic
> bottles to
> computers.
> If just half the global population emulated our level of energy
> consumption,
> the consequences would be devastating.
> We have a unique chance to influence future consumption standards
> around the world by carefully choosing our response to today's energy
> crisis. Of course, the transition to a sustainable energy future may
> well be
> painful and could require some lifestyle changes.
> But political leaders of both parties seem united in their
> reluctance to
> honestly engage the public on this issue.
> The administration's energy plan is heavily oriented toward
> conventional
> energy production and completely lacking in a vision for the future.
> The
> Democrats have not offered a compelling alternative, other than
> opposing
> oil exploration in protected lands.
> In the current political climate, the wait for the right government
> policies and
> energy technologies could be a long one. There is an immediate
> alternative
> available to those of us who can wait no longer. We could, in fact,
> see this energy crisis as an opportunity.
> Instead of complaining about paying more for electricity and gas this
> summer, we could use the price structure as a tool to make
> conservation a
> habit.
> We also have to understand that there are consequences to
> unrestrained
> consumption that cannot always be reflected in the prices we pay --
> since
> global warming can potentially shift the environmental impact of our
> consumption to other parts of the world.
> The solution to both the energy crisis and global warming may well
> depend
> on the principled actions of individuals.
> If enough of us are determined to solve the problem, politicians
> will have no
> problem in following our lead. That may be our best hope for getting
> the
> policies and technologies that we'll ultimately need.
> Kumar Venkat is a software engineer and small-business owner in
> Silicon
> Valley.
> ©2001 San Francisco Chronicle
> http://www.anomalous-images.com
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