>From Rayelan, Publisher of Rumor Mill News



The following article is about the repression of New Age and Spiritual people in 
France. If you think  this has NOTHING to do with you because you are a Christian or a 
Jew or an atheist...  just wait!

The repression has to start somewhere. The New Age community is a good place to start 
because the majority of the people think New Age people are crazy, heretics, devil 
worshippers or satanists! When the vegetarian, incense burner get carted off to jail, 
who is going to complain. After all, YOU'RE not a vegetarian or one of the crazies who 
burns incense to chase out  negativity!

In Germany they came for the trade unionists, but most people didn't  care because 
they weren't part of a trade union. Then they came for the communists. Again, most 
people turned away because they weren't communists. Then they came for the poets, the 
drug users, the activists, the musicians, the artists and the homosexuals; but the 
rest of the people turned away and ignored it because they despised the degeneracy of 
this group. When the Germans came for the Jews and the Gypsies and the priests who 
refused to fall in line, there was NO ONE who DARED to CARE!! Because if they CARED, 
they would end up in the box car with all the rest who were bound for extermination.

France is the "flagship" of the New World Order. If WE, the people of the WORLD, allow 
this injustice to continue in FRANCE, then which country will be next? Germany? 
England? Australia? Canada? the United States? If we do NOT learn from the lessons of 
WWII, then we will REPEAT them on a WORLD WIDE LEVEL!!

This is an important email. Send it far and wide!


>From the Rumor Mill News Forum 



Posted By: RMNEWS
Date: Wednesday, 13 June 2001, 1:37 a.m. 

  France is now a dictatorship, spiritual people risk prison 

  Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2001 1:29 PM 
  Subject: [Lightnetwork] France is now a dictatorship, spiritual people risk prison 

  Dear list members, 

  The repression in France against New Age, alternative and holistic people 
  (including natural medicine, oriental medicine, herbs and homeopathy) 
  started in 1995. Since then with a system of denunciation similar to the one 
  used during Nazi occupation of France in WWII, thousands of French people 
  have been investigated, and their files are "ready" in police and justice 
  structures. French citizens were asked by police to denounce their neighbours 
  and members of their own family if they would find "subversive activities" 

  such as : 
  * making new friends 
  * receiving many phone calls 
  * going to meetings 
  * reading a lot of books 
  * burning incense at home * meditate at home 
  * changing eating habits = becoming vegetarians 
  * stop watching TV... 

  A law was necessary to prosecute all these people dangerous to society and 
  considered as the "new heretics". The bill has been in the progress for some 
  time and has now become a full enforcing LAW. See below. 
  Now the French people displaying the behavior and "subversive activites" 
  listed above will face 3 years emprisonment and very heavy fines, as well as 
  their groups dissolved as "criminal activities". 

  Again if you think that this will never happen in other countries including 
  in the "land of the free", well think again. We are not in Disneyland 
  anymore.....The days ahead will see how many "patriots" are left in the 
  "home of the brave"...... 
  The "free Press" has been eliminated in France. In the USA, no more that 8 
  trusts/corporations own all media today from radio/TV channels to magazines 
  and newspapers, the same multinational trusts own also oil companies, 
  chemical companies, laboratories, everything, worldwide.... 

  It is confirmed that the infamous law of "exception" has been passed in France on 
  30th by the French Chamber. The only resort now is a claim to the "Conseil 
  Constitutionnel" (Constitution Council) that would prove that the law is 
  non-constitutional, and a claim to the European humans rights organizations. 

  Procedure rarely suceedeed in the past.... The About/Picard bill is now a 
  FRENCH LAW. France has now become officially a dictatorship, censuring its 
  citizens and controling their lives and beliefs. Since it is now a LAW it 
  could be used - and will be - to prosecute the 172 spiritual groups listed 
  on the 
  black list of the Chamber, and the many thousands of French people that have 
  been investigated since the beginning of the repression in 1995 against 
  spiritual, free-thinking, alternative and holistic people. 

  Note : Native American speakers such as Wallace Black Elk (one of the 
  pioneers of the american indian movment) are foreseeing since about two 
  years now in their public speeches that the same dictatorship will happen to 
  America......(video available at : [EMAIL PROTECTED]) 

  So what is happening in France may simply be a test for Europe 
  and the world, since the "rulers of the planet" are not limited to one 
  particular country. 

  The new petition could also be send by email to the CAP coordination in France : 

  It is also attached here as WORD document for publication purposes (printed 
  and on the Web) 

  Internet list in english of support for France : 


  The Coordination of Associations and People for Freedom of Conscience (CAP) 
  is an association that was formed after the first hearing of victims of 
  religious discrimination in France. It is open to people of all religions 
  who have in common a deep attachment to freedom of religion and freedom of 

  CAP has put on the Net the text of a petition to be signed by all those who 
  oppose this law originated by French senator Nicolas About and French MP 
  Catherine Picard. The petition can be found at the following address : 


  Since its start, the petition has collected over 8000 signatures from 
  various people. Numerous ages, jobs and countries are represented : France, 
  Germany, Great Britain, the United States but also Mexico, Australia, 
  Hungary, Russia, etc.. CAP has received by E-mail numerous encouraging 
  messages. Some have even sent prayers and poems ! Various associations relay 
  the message amongst their members. The mobilization against the law starts 
  to grow. 

  CAP will soon file the petition with its list of signatures to the main 
  international bodies protecting human rights. 

  For all those who do not have access to Internet, here is the text of the 
  petition : 

  On June 22nd, 2000, the French parliament voted a new bill against « cults » 
  proposed by senator Nicolas About and parliament member Catherine Picard. 

  The final vote by the French parliament took place on may 30th 2001 in spite 
  of strong reservations by mainstream religions. 

  The law : 

  - gives for the first time the legal definition of a « cult », in 
  contradiction with the French law of separation between religions and State 
  and the French Constitution which guarantee religious neutrality from the 

  - creates a crime of « mental manipulation », punished by a 3 year jail 
  indictment and a fine of 300 000 FRF. The law punishes the « fraudulent 
  abuse of a person in a state of psychological or physical subjection 
  resulting from the exercise of serious or repeated pressures or techniques 
  meant to alter one's judgment ». As there are no objective criteria in this 
  definition, it will open the door to all kinds of abusive interpretations. 

  The same act, a spiritual guidance or the practice of a confession will be 
  considered as normal if done within a mainstream religion or considered as 
  criminal if done within a group labeled as « cult ». It is the first time 
  that a democracy creates such a crime. Its formulation is very close to the 
  crime of « plagio » (creating a state of suggestion) created in fascist Italy 
  by Mussolini to repress communist propaganda. The crime of « plagio » had 
  been later removed from the penal code by the Italian constitutional court 
  after it had been applied to catholic priests and homosexuals. 

  - modifies the French penal code by authorizing the judges to punish legal 
  entities such as associations for a wide variety of minor offenses, whereas 
  this possibility was formerly reserved to serious offenses; for instance, 
  forgetting to put a fire extinguisher in a precinct that belongs to an 
  association will give a judge the possibility to condemn the association 

  - creates a new accelerated procedure to facilitate the dissolution of 
  groups labeled as « cults » which does not guarantee enough the rights of 
  the defense, whereas dissolution is an extreme punishment, the equivalent of 
  the death penalty for physical persons. 

  - gives, in order to facilitate the dissolution of groups labeled as 'cults' 
  , a new definition of a group considered as a legal entity, in contradiction 
  with the judicial principle that only those who commit an illegal act should 
  be punished ; thus, associations which are legally separate could be 
  dissolved in the same procedure as long as they pursue similar objectives. 

  Two minor offenses will be enough to make the dissolution possible, a fact 
  that greatly endangers freedom of association. 

  - limits the promotional activities of groups labeled as 'cults' and gives 
  mayors the possibility to refuse a building permit to those groups as long 
  as they have been condemned twice, even for minor offenses. 

  With that law, the new religions, minority religions, groups promoting 
  personal development, easily labeled as 'cults' in France, a very arbitrary 
  label as everyone knows, are condemned to barely survive with a permanent 
  menace over their heads. It will suffice that one of their leaders or the 
  group itself be condemned twice for a minor offense after a quick trial for 
  the group to be disbanded with an interdiction to form itself back. If such 
  a law was applied to members of the French parliament, the parliament would 
  be immediately dissolved as many of its members have been condemned by 
  justice ! There is indeed a real danger that the law be applied to 
  mainstream religions or to any non conformist spiritual group. 

  If the About/Picard bill makes it into law, France will be ranked among the 

  I think that the French penal code is sufficient to repress offenses and 
  crimes committed within a group, whatever the label given to that group, for 
  law must be the same for everyone, and I demand that this law proposal be 
  rejected, considering the fundamental liberties that it threatens. 

  If you do not have access to Internet, CAP can sign the petition for you. In 
  that case, please indicate your name and nationality.And send to : 

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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