-Caveat Lector-

----Original Message Follows----
From: "Smiley Dragon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Fwd:After McVeigh Execution
Date: 13 Jun 2001 17:28:38 -0000
On Mon, 11 Jun 2001 15:44:31 -0500 (CDT) Institute for Public Accuracy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
Institute for Public Accuracy
915 National Press Building, Washington, D.C. 20045
(202) 347-0020 * http://www.accuracy.org * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Monday, June 11, 2001
After McVeigh Execution:
Feel Any Better Now?
Professor of sociology and criminology at Mount Holyoke College, Moran is
currently working on a book about the death penalty. He has testified at
dozens of death penalty sentencing hearings. Moran said today: "McVeigh was
unapologetic because, like many murderers, he viewed his killing as evening
the score. The death penalty is generally not a deterrent, but in the case
of a McVeigh, it's almost an encouragement; it has enhanced his status as a
martyr. Most murderers believe in an eye for an eye, which is the mindset
we adopt when we invoke the death penalty.... With the talk of the need for
'closure,' vengeance has become a legitimate goal of punishment and revenge
a central focus of the debate on capital punishment. This is not just about
McVeigh, or about the victims, it's about our values as a society. People
were shocked when McVeigh called children he killed in the Oklahoma City
bombing 'collateral damage' -- but he got that term from the Gulf War, in
which he fought. We trained him to kill."
DAVID BRUCK, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.capdefnet.org
A lawyer for the Federal Death Penalty Resource Counsel Project, which
monitors all federal death penalty cases, Bruck has specialized in capital
cases since 1980. He has successfully argued against the death penalty in
four cases before the United States Supreme Court. Bruck helped obtain a
life sentence for Susan Smith after she was convicted of drowning her two
small children.
ROSE BRAZ, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.criticalresistance.org
Director of Critical Resistance, a national organization opposing the
expansion of the prison-industrial complex, Braz said today: "It is ironic
that when you have so many people questioning the death penalty -- with
innocent people who have spent years on death row being found not guilty,
with revelations of inadequate legal representation, with the Republican
governor of Illinois placing a moratorium on executions -- the federal
government has moved to have its first execution in nearly 40 years. While
states usually restrict the death penalty to murder cases, the federal
death penalty is very expansive -- it can be used for drug charges and
For further information, contact at the Institute for Public Accuracy:
Sam Husseini, (202) 347-0020; David Zupan, (541) 484-9167

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