The f. government is studying how to contract out most government employee functions.  Those pesky American workers, don't you know.  Your post made me realize it's just a short time until contracting out to retired ex-employees, and then the general public, can lead to international contracting out.  What a mess.  What a loss.  Bye Bye USA.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 1:45 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Algeria Exploding - Many Hundreds of Thousand Take to the Streets

This is what Jesse Jackson had planned for USA if Bush won.......threats
to take to the streets?

This is what happened in Cincinnati, Ohio which looked like a war zone -
but the home of Proctor Gamble, do you think they will get away with
much of this stuff?

Usual suspects?  Note looting - one American in Kuwait when the Iraqi's
invaded their country, said "When are you Americans coming over here
{she was obvious American] - why "they even stole my TV and VCR".

Been a lot cheaper to send over a lot of TVs and VCRs than to go to war
and murder these people for the blacks in Cincinnati looted the stores
but managed to murder one white man who had done them no harm.

Like South Africa?   Mugabee and his butchers - murdering white farmers
and nothing was done here so now suddenly these animals want food for
nobody left to grow food for them.....the land is theirs, and they
butchered their own - and all this stuff is orchestrated and by whom?

Big Red Star and in September, October, and November it burns brighter
and brighter and brighter.

So - they still want to take our guns away?

How lovely - imagine every white man and woman in Cincinnati by now has
an arsenal and await the attack should some of the people decide to
cross the lines, into the "more affluent" areas?

One year of Clinton's income would no doubt feed a lot of people - of
the 9 million children whom they say goes to bed hungry every night over

Note our TV sets never show the very, very poor looking on hungry, as a
pig like Kissinger sits at table dropping the crumbs to fhe floor for
the though they seem to live by the words of the
Murderer's Bible "first let the kids be killed", and the crumbs then
truly go to the dogs.

In the last week in Ohio 4,000 more jobs lost to Mexico - do not buy
products for you see in order for these bastards to accomplish their
goals, we have to buy these products....Buy American and one would think
these cororupt Union Leaders would be out full force - it took the women
to Take on Marc Rich - a corrupt bastard whom I would like to see Arabs
find for one day - for the women of the Steel Workers took him on when
he tried to destroy their Union.

Buy American is the only way.....unless you like to buy shoes and
clothing that must be fumigated for disease before it enters this
country.  (Leprosy, AIDS, wonder how that stuff spreads so much for they
cannot blame this all on homosexual lovers, can they?????)


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