-Caveat Lector-

> US Secretary of State Colin Powell's Africa tour: A picture of
> arrogance
> and hypocrisy
> by Ann Talbot
> 11 June 2001
> The tour of four African countries by Secretary of State Colin Powell
> took
> on the character of a colonial governor general's progress, as he
> went
> from
> country to country issuing orders and dispensing praise to those
> local
> rulers who had pleased their masters. All that was missing to
> complete
> the
> picture was a white pith helmet and an ostrich feather.
> Each of Powell's speeches during his May tour stressed the same
> issues:
> democracy, accountability and transparency. These words have become a
> mantra
> for the international financial institutions, Western governments and
> aid
> agencies. For Powell to try and lecture on democracy is the height of
> hypocrisy. He represents a government that came to power by stealing
> an
> election, winning 600,000 fewer popular votes than its main rival.
> Thousands
> of black Americans were debarred from voting in the recent
> presidential
> poll. Gangs of Republican political thugs physically prevented
> officials
> from carrying out manual recounts in Florida.
> To these undemocratic procedure was added a network of family
> corruption
> and
> patronage of the type that Western governments have criticised in
> African
> regimes. Powell nonetheless felt able to tell Presidents Moi of Kenya
> and
> Mugabe of Zimbabwe that they should retire from office, and to
> instruct
> President Museveni of Uganda to introduce a more democratic
> constitution.
> Powell's air of moral authority is a fraud. His real position in
> Africa
> was
> that of the victorious imperial general, whose main claim to fame is
> bombing
> Iraqi cities and strafing retreating soldiers in what returning US
> pilots
> referred to as a "turkey shoot". Still very much the soldier, Powell
> kept
> calling the aides who accompanied him on his African tour his
> "troops".
> None of this would have been evident from the response of the African
> leaders who met him. All were uniformly obsequious. Press reports
> described
> his effect on them as "magnetic". Asked about the response of African
> heads
> of state to him, Powell replied, "there's a bit of pride that I'm an
> African-American. I'm pleased there is that subtext."
> Powell is the first black US Secretary of State to be appointed, and
> he
> exploited this fact for all it was worth during his trip. He
> confessed
> to
> reporters that he felt "an emotional twinge" at visiting Africa,
> reminding
> them that his parents were Jamaican immigrants and that his ancestors
> were
> slaves from West Africa.
> The African press reported conversations in which ordinary Africans
> expressed their belief that "brother" Powell would take a special
> interest
> in Africa, sympathising with the poor and dispossessed.
> Eager to further this image, Powell linked hands with young Aids
> sufferers
> in Soweto to sing "Lean on Me." He visited the sprawling slum of
> Kibera
> in
> Nairobi, where thousands of workers live in corrugated iron and mud
> shacks,
> without even the most basic sanitation or power. The Aids projects of
> Kibera
> are a regular stop on the itinerary of visiting dignitaries; only
> last
> year
> Madeleine Allbright made exactly the same trip. The purpose of the
> visit
> in
> each case is the same. It is intended to demonstrate the supposed
> concern of
> Western governments for Aids victims, while they continue to insist
> that
> Africans can combat this deadly disease through "self-help" and only
> the
> most minimal contributions from the West.
> Powell's trip was true to type. The Bush administration has
> contributed
> just
> $200 million to the new UN Aids fund. This is despite the fact that
> even
> Kofi Annan sets the figure needed at an annual $10 billion. Powell
> described
> the paltry sum, as "a significant amount of money", telling
> reporters,
> "It's
> $200 million more than there was the day before."
> Not only has the Bush administration given a derisory amount to
> Africa
> in
> Aids relief, it is threatening to undermine Aids prevention
> programmes
> by
> its appointment of a leading Vatican advisor John M. Klink to head
> the
> State
> Department bureau that deals with population and refugee issues.
> Klink
> opposes the use of condoms, which until now have been recommended to
> prevent
> the spread of the HIV virus. Klink and Andrew Natsios, the new head
> of
> the
> US Agency for International Development, will call on Christian and
> Muslim
> clerics to lead a campaign for sexual abstinence.
> As Powell toured the Aids projects, he heard the accounts of Aids
> victims
> and their relatives. Patricia Asero's story was only one of many. She
> told
> Powell how her husband and her son had died of Aids. Recognising that
> she
> too would die of the same disease soon, the grief stricken woman
> pleaded
> with Powell to help make drugs available to Africans "Part of my
> family
> could have been saved," she said, "if we had these cheaper
> retrovirals."
> Powell's response to this and other similar appeals was to defend the
> drug
> companies' right to make profits. "One has to remember that an
> investment is
> made to produce these drugs, to do the research. And if you don't
> have
> some
> return on that investment pharmaceutical companies won't do it," he
> explained to reporters.
> Powell began his trip in Mali, which is now praised as a prime
> example
> of
> democracy in Africa. What Powell and the Bush administration mean by
> democracy becomes apparent in this, one of the poorest countries in
> the
> world.
> Malian President Alpha Oumar Konaré was elected in 1997 with what
> Africa
> Confidential magazine call a "North Korean" majority of 98 percent.
> Political power lies in the hands of a few elite families. The same
> people
> have benefited from the government's privatisation programme. Leading
> families have made a killing out of the creation of a Malian cell
> phone
> network and are now positioning themselves to do the same out of the
> African
> Nations Cup, the continent-wide football tournament that Mali is due
> to
> host.
> While the rich are building grand new villas along the river Niger,
> the
> three million people who depend on cotton growing face a bleak
> future.
> The
> Compagnie Malian pour Développement Textile, the state-owned cotton
> company,
> is virtually bankrupt. Its debts to foreign banks stand at $42
> million
> and a
> further $74m are "unaccounted for".
> Zambia was not on Powell's itinerary, but he praised the country's
> President
> Frederick Chiluba for agreeing to resign his post at the end of his
> term.
> Closer examination reveals the picture of Zambia as a thriving
> democracy
> is
> as false as that of Mali. In March, Chiluba purged his critics from
> the
> National Executive of the ruling party, the Movement for Multi-party
> Democracy, and has since used the security forces to intimidate and
> suppress
> them.
> Former Labour Minister Edith Nawakwi was arrested, after she after
> opposed
> Chiluba's bid to amend the constitution to allow him to stand for
> another
> five-year term in office. She alleged that government thugs
> threatened
> to
> rape her if she persisted in criticising Chiluba. Amos Malupenga,
> news
> editor of the Post, which reported Nawakwi's allegations, was also
> arrested.
> Other opponents claim that they have been become victims of traffic
> accidents and that their offices have been flooded with gas.
> Chiluba only agreed to stand down at the end of his term when a third
> of
> Zambian parliamentary deputies backed a motion to impeach him for his
> strong-arm tactics and as the country was swept by riots and strikes.
> Popular opposition has grown as a result of the privatisation of
> Zambia's
> copper mines, which has cost thousands of jobs. Poverty has deepened
> while
> the political elite, including those who now present themselves as
> Chiluba's
> opponents, have siphoned off money and property for their own
> benefit.
> Genuine democracy is impossible when the gulf between rich and poor
> is
> as
> wide as it is in Africa. When wealth is accumulated in the hands of a
> few,
> mere access to a ballot box does not ensure democracy, and even that
> right
> becomes precarious. Real democracy demands social equality rather
> than
> merely the right to vote.
> Powell claims that if the African countries would only get their
> political
> systems in order, trade and investment would follow. He stressed the
> advantages that would flow to Africa following the passage of the new
> African Growth and Opportunity Act, which was carried in the US
> legislature
> last year with backing from Democrats and Republicans. As a result of
> this
> measure, exports from beneficiary countries have increased by 24
> percent
> in
> the first quarter of this year. Exports from Madagascar to the USA
> have
> increased by 138 percent and from Senegal by 544 percent.
> These seemingly dramatic increases represent only a small amount of
> trade.
> The real purpose of the act is not to open up the American economy to
> African imports but to force Africa to accept exports from the US.
> Countries
> can only qualify under the act if they agree to import US
> manufactured
> goods. The act is effectively creating a captive market for American
> industry. A recent report from the charity Oxfam said, "Unveiled as a
> radical move to grant completely unrestricted access to US markets
> for
> all
> sub-Saharan African exports, it [African Growth and Opportunity Act]
> offers
> almost nothing, since the US market is already quite open. The areas
> in
> which it is not open, such as textiles, are of limited interest to
> Africa
> because the region is not competitive. Just to ensure that the
> textile
> sector was protected, the recent US-Africa-Caribbean trade bill
> stipulates
> that exporters of apparel from Africa are required to use yarn and
> fabrics
> imported from the US to benefit from duty-free access."
> To the extent that manufacturers invest in Africa they will create
> low
> wage
> jobs, particularly in the textile industry. It is an attempt to
> maintain
> the
> profitability of US companies that find they cannot compete on the
> world
> market even when paying minimum wages in the USA. They hope to find
> an
> even
> cheaper workforce in Africa, one that is forced into compliance by
> political
> repression.
> While this aspect of the legislation is important to the Bush
> administration, even more central to US interests are Africa's
> immense
> mineral reserves. Not only does Africa possess vast oil and gas
> deposits
> but
> the continent also has a wide range of minerals, including uranium
> and
> many
> rare minerals that are vital to the production of the specialised
> alloys
> used in aircraft manufacture.
> Powell is continuing the effort off the previous administration to
> increase
> the US hold over Africa at the expense of the former main colonial
> powers,
> Britain and France. He was forced to correct the gaffe that Bush made
> during
> his election campaign, when he said that Africa was not important to
> the
> US.
> Powell repeatedly assured his hosts that Africa is important to him
> and
> to
> Bush.
> Even with the ending of the Cold War, Africa remains significant
> because
> of
> its mineral wealth and its strategic relationship to the Middle East,
> and
> due to the number of sea routes that pass its shores. Now that US
> policy
> in
> Africa is no longer dominated by its rivalry with the Soviet Union,
> competition between the imperialist powers has come to the fore.
> Powell's
> visit, one of his first overseas trips, was staking the new
> administration's
> claim to the continent.
> The four countries that Powell visited were all, in one way or
> another,
> important to US strategic interests. Mali is now a member of the UN
> Security
> Council and is part of ECOWAS, the West African regional grouping
> that
> the
> US hopes to use to bring the civil wars in Liberia, Guinea and Sierra
> Leone
> under control. South Africa is vital to US interests in southern and
> central
> Africa as a whole and for its position on the Cape shipping routes.
> The
> has played a crucial role in negotiating peace accords in Congo and
> the
> Great Lakes area. Uganda and Kenya have long played an important part
> in
> US
> policy in the Horn of Africa. Uganda's support was essential in
> bringing
> down Mobutu, the Congolese dictator, when the US decided it no longer
> had
> any use for one of its main Cold War African allies.
> Powell's rhetoric was strikingly similar to that of the nineteenth
> century
> colonialists, who justified their conquests in terms of free trade
> and
> the
> West's "civilising mission". Not everyone was taken in by his
> hypocrisy.
> Riot police had to be called to Witwatersrand University in South
> Africa,
> where protesting students sat down in front of Powell's motorcade as
> he
> attempted to leave the campus. He had previously addressed staff and
> students at the university. Even in the controlled atmosphere of this
> meeting Powell met with opposition. One student asked why America was
> continuing to bomb Iraq, saying, "I don't know what we should call
> you,
> either a revolutionary, a reformer, or a modern Uncle Tom, as in a
> sell
> out."

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