Nice idea here - get rid of football......53 kids died in football
accidents which outnumbered the kids slaughtered at Littleton.

Then get the basketball......organized sports has gone the way of
organized crime.....and you can tell when the fix is in too.

At least I can.


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A Word from Our Sponsors

Increasingly, more success stories are being told about close elections that
are won with the help of AUTOMATED TELEPHONE TECHNOLOGY.  To find out more
about this powerful, inexpensive campaign tool, contact Jerry Dorchuck:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or Ted Hilliard:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Automated
TeleSystems, Inc.  Ted- 916-804-3966 or Jerry 215-370-5509.

Paradise Lost

"Nevada and seven other Western states outperformed the rest of the country
in economic growth during much of the 1990s -- while Hawaii and Alaska
suffered the most pathetic growth rates, according to a Commerce Department
report released in Washington June 4. . In attempting to explain Hawaii's
worst-in-the-nation economic performance during the period (the Aloha
State's economy actually shrank by 0.3 percent), government analysts 'said
that the state ... was hard hit by the 1997-98 Asian currency crisis, which
cut into the state's tourism business,' reports The Associated Press.

"What 'government analysts' apparently failed to note or mention is that,
among the 50 American commonwealths, Hawaii is the most nearly perfect model
of a high-tax, single-party welfare state, where Democratic Party pork and
make-work public sector jobs proliferate unchecked by any substantial
conservative or libertarian opposition, and where the now-standard run of
'environmental' restrictions on business activity not only proliferate like
Kudzu (you can't even put up a billboard in Hawaii, any more), but are then
geometrically multiplied by restrictions on virtually any productive new
land use which might somehow offend aboriginal sensibilities."

- Columnist Vin Suprynowicz, Las Vegas Review Journal, 6/17/01

Harsh Reality Hits Family Farm

"Look, part of the wisdom you get from experience is knowing when to quit,
knowing when something has run its course and is finished.  Failure to
recognize this can be very costly.  Think about the so-called 'farm problem'
in the U.S.  You know what the 'farm problem' really is?  It's simply we don
't need so many farmers anymore.  The big farms are so productive and so
efficient the little farms aren't needed.

"'But we want to preserve our way of life,' cry the small farm owners.  'We'
ve got our pride,' they say.  Pride?  What kind of human being takes pride
in insisting we pay him for NOT producing?  Preserve a way of life?  One
that's not viable anymore?  Well hey, what about all those buggy whip
manufacturers driven out of business by the automobile?  Should we have
subsidized THEM?  What about all those typewriter repairmen who, because of
PCs and word processors, don't have any typewriters to repair anymore?
Should we subsidize them, too?  So they can 'preserve their way of life'?

"To put a twist on what philosopher Yogi Berra used to say, Guru Gary says:
When it's over, it's over!"

- Gary Halbert, "The Gary Halbert Letter," 5/31/01

Spare the Textbooks, Jail the Mom

"In Maryland, local prosecutors are moving forward with a little-noticed
case against a dedicated mother.  Mary Simmons faces criminal charges for
refusing to let government officials dictate how, what, and where her child
is taught. . Ms. Simmons and her husband, John Stafford, wanted to direct
the education of their youngest child, 6-year-old Mary Sharon, in their
Laurel, Md., home using a nationally respected Catholic curriculum. . But
the Howard County, Md., school system decided that Ms. Simmons' educational
choices for her daughter weren't good enough. . After Ms. Simmons...told
school officials her daughter's curriculum was 'none of their business,' the
county slapped her with 72 counts of criminal truancy."

- Columnist Michelle Malkin

If You Outlaw High School Football...

"Welcome to the brave new world of 'zero-tolerance' schooling, where young
minds are molded to abhor aggression.  Schools are banning dodge ball and
tag because the games encourage 'violent behavior.' Some schools are
removing any references to the military from their libraries, and some high
schools are banning military recruiters.

"Elementary students in Texas and Louisiana have been suspended for pointing
pencils and saying 'pow' and drawing pictures of soldiers. Students in
Mississippi were held in jail for trivial infractions, such as throwing
peanuts at one another. A fifth-grader in St. Petersburg, Fla., was arrested
for drawing pictures of 'weapons.'

"Recent victims of this witch hunt include an exemplary high-school student,
a National Merit Scholar, jailed in Fort Myers, Fla., because school
authorities found a kitchen knife under her car seat. The knife had
accidentally fallen there during a move between apartments. 'Terrorist
threat' criminal charges were filed against two 8-year-olds in Irvington,
N.J., for 'playing cops and robbers with a paper gun.'  Second-graders have
been arrested for bringing toy guns to school. And while juvenile records
can be expunged, in some cases, such as for Brady law background checks,
they last a lifetime.

"Fear over school shootings is legitimate, but common sense is needed.
Since the most recent school shootings started in the fall of 1997, 32
students and three teachers have been shot to death at U.S. elementary or
secondary schools, an annual rate of less than one death per 4 million
students. This includes deaths from gang fights, robberies and accidents as
well as from incidents such as at Columbine High School in Colorado. By
contrast, during that same period, 53 students died playing high school

- Columnist John Lott, Los Angeles Times

Guns Don't Kill People.

"Whether the president's (crime) initiatives become law or not is not nearly
as important as the knowledge that his priorities are in order.  This may
well be the result of the fact that Mr. Bush, a veteran, is familiar with,
as a wag has aptly put it, 'which end of the tube the round comes out of.'
As such, he knows that guns are not the problem.  People are, at least,
those people who misuse guns and obtain them unlawfully.  They are the
proper object of government's attention, and Mr. Bush's policy choices
reflect this admirably."

- Washington Times editorial

Tales From   the Left Side

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briefings, send their e-mail address to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  You can also now
read GOP News & Views daily on the Republican Liberty Caucus web site at: .

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Contact the White House by calling:  (202) 456-1414

Learn Before You Get Burned

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BEFORE throwing your hat into the ring.  Visit
today and sign up for the FREE weekly e-newsletter, Campaign Hot Tips.  You'
ll also find a complete 2001 calendar of training seminars scheduled for
around the country ... including programs conducted by GOPAC and the
Leadership Institute.


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more about this powerful, inexpensive campaign tool, contact Jerry Dorchuck:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or Ted Hilliard:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Automated
TeleSystems, Inc.  Ted- 916-804-3966 or Jerry 215-370-5509.


*  2001 College Republican National Convention.  June 29 - July 1, 2001.
Capital Hilton in Washington, D.C.  $125 before June 1 ... $200 after June
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*  RNC Summer Meeting:  July 19-21 at the Boston Park Plaza in
Massachusetts.  Special room rate of $169 per night.  For reservations, call
(800) 225-2008.  For additional details, contact the Republican National
Committee at (202) 863-8630.

*  2001 Midwest Republican Leadership Conference:  July 27-29 at the
Minneapolis Convention Center in Minnesota.  Registration fee:  $199 per
person.  For additional information, contact (651) 222-0416 or
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Or visit the conference web site at:

*  Education Leaders Council's 6th annual conference Sept. 28-29 in Atlanta,
GA.  Speakers include Education Secretary Rod Paige, House Education
Committee Chairman John Boehner (R-OH), Rep. Johnny Isakson (R-GA), Florida
Lt. Gov. Frank T. Brogan, nationally-known reformers Howard Fuller, Jeanne
Allen and Checker Finn.  Go to  or call

*  2001 Western States Republican Leadership Conference:  October 4-7 at the
Resort at the Mountain in the Mt. Hood National Forest.  $250 per person
($350 after August 1).  For details, contact the Oregon Republican Party at
(503) 587-9233 or go to their web site at:


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Published by:
Chuck Muth, Editor
3659 Scotwood Street
Las Vegas, NV  89121
Phone:  (702) 454-0350
Fax:  (702) 454-7798

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