-Caveat Lector-


ISSUE 2217
Wednesday 20 June 2001

EU elite 'is building a superstate'

By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard in Brussels

IRELAND'S Attorney General, Michael McDowell, has accused officials in
Brussels of arrogantly trying to force Europe's diverse nations into a
superstate no one wants.

Mr McDowell told the Institute of European Affairs in Dublin that Irish
voters rejected the European Union's Nice Treaty partly because of a
"widespread perception that developments in Europe were taking a turn, or
moving in a direction, that caused deep unease".

He said "a narrow class of activist office-holders, elected and unelected",
were charging ahead of public opinion with proposals for a European
constitution, a justiciable Bill of Rights, EU direct taxation, a defence
arm, a judicial machinery to prosecute and punish citizens, an elected EU
president, and an EU government.

"Few if any of these proposals carry popular significant support. While
have been put forward separately, they constitute, in the round,
of a European state in substance."

His speech on Monday was a further warning to Brussels that it will not be
easy to make the Irish change their minds in a second referendum. During
eekend's summit at Gothenburg, EU leaders refused to contemplate altering
any text in the treaty, although it is technically null and void for all 15
states if any country refuses to ratify it.

The Irish prime minister, Bertie Ahern, was told it was his responsibility
to resolve the constitutional impasse, despite several leaders admitting
privately that they would have had difficulties if the treaty had been put
to a popular test in their own countries.

Mr McDowell is the fourth Irish cabinet member to break ranks. The finance
minister, Charlie McCreevy, caused astonishment in Gothenburg by describing
Ireland's rejection of the treaty as a "healthy development".

                      Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

          FROM THE DESK OF:

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