-Caveat Lector-


The Independent Onine

'Foot-and-mouth could become a war weapon'

June 19 2001 at 02:11PM

Edinburgh - Foot-and-mouth disease and other deadly viruses could be used
weapons in future wars, academics and security experts warned on Tuesday.

The warning came at the start of a four-day conference in Edinburgh where
more than 200 speakers are to discuss security threats posed by
biotechnological and environmental changes.

Robert Hall, director of the Global Forum for Law Enforcement and National
Security, said foot-and-mouth had caused economic disaster for many people
in Britain.

"It would not take a great deal of imagination to see what organised crime
or a hostile country could do with such a biological agent if it wanted to
ruin the economic security of a country, and the economy is one of the main
ways we measure a country's stability these days," Hall said.

'The natural outbreak we have just seen was bad enough'
Professor Malcolm Dando of Bradford University, who will discuss the threat
of a new breed of genetically-engineered weapon later in the conference,
said other natural viruses have long been considered biological weapons.

"Foot-and-mouth is one of the obvious agents you would use if you wanted to
attack a country's animal stock," Dando said. "It has been taken very
seriously as a possible weapon since the 1940s."

"The natural outbreak we have just seen was bad enough, so you can imagine
what someone could achieve if the virus was spread deliberately, how easy
would be to do and how difficult it would be to tackle," Dando said.

The conference is looking at new security issues over the next 20 years.

Hall said it would "look at how the technological revolution, including the
revolution in biotechnology and genetics, is going to give new
but also throw us new threats in the changing of security issues".

'The economy is one of the main ways we measure a country's stability these
days' Foot-and-mouth disease broke out in Britain in February, devastating
huge swathes of countryside, farming communities and the tourist industry.
has now been largely controlled.

According to latest government figures, the livestock virus has been
recorded on more than 1 760 sites, leading to the slaughter of nearly
3.5-million animals.

                      Kadosh, Kadosh,, YHVH, TZEVAOT

          FROM THE DESK OF:

                    *Michael Spitzer*    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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