-Caveat Lector-

Source: University Of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign (http://www.uiuc.edu/)

Date: Posted 6/20/2001

Heavy Consumption Of Tainted Fish Curbs Adult Learning And Memory

CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — PCB-laden fish from Lake Michigan affect not only
young children but also adults over age 49, researchers say. Many of the
former big eaters of sport-caught fish now have high levels of
polychlorinated biphenyls in their blood and problems with learning and

Since 1992, researchers, led by Susan L. Schantz of the University of
Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine, have studied Lake Michigan fish-
eaters, many of whom regularly had eaten more than 24 pounds of sport-
caught fish a year. The researchers’ latest findings show that the heavy
eaters who are now over age 49 have problems learning and remembering
new verbal information.

"This study suggests, for the first time, that PCB body burdens in adulthood
may be associated with impairments in certain aspects of memory and
learning," Schantz said. "The focus has been almost exclusively on
increased health risks of exposure to children and pregnant women. It had
been assumed that mature adults are less susceptible than are developing
fetuses. This may not be the case." PCBs were widely used – until banned
in the late 1970s – as electrical insulators and lubricants and as extenders
in paints and varnishes. The chemicals decompose slowly and are virtually
non-biodegradable. Large quantities remain in older electrical equipment
still in use. In the Great Lakes, PCBs make their way up the food chain and
accumulate at increasing levels in fatty tissue. The new study by
researchers at four institutions is to go on line June 5 and appear in print in
the June issue of Environmental Health Perspectives, a journal of the
National Institutes of Health. They also found elevated levels of DDE (a
breakdown product of DDT), lead and mercury in the heavy fish-eaters, but
the only negative effects were tied to blood serum levels of PCBs.

Fish-eaters with high blood PCB levels had difficulties recalling a story told
just 30 minutes earlier. They also were less likely than their less-exposed
peers to cluster words given orally into categories based on their meaning
to boost recall, said Schantz, a professor of toxicology in the department of
veterinary biosciences. Researchers used the Weschsler Memory Scale
and the California Verbal Learning Test, both standard tools for measuring
cognitive abilities.

In the 1990s, Drs. Joseph and Sandra Jacobsen of Michigan’s Wayne
State University reported that exposure to low levels of PCBs disrupted
fetal brain development, leading to neurological abnormalities and learning
disabilities, including memory deficits, in affected children.

Schantz previously reported that high levels of PCBs in adult fish-eaters
resulted in barely a hint of problems with fine motor skills such as dexterity
and hand steadiness. In the latest work, researchers also did not find
statistically significant problems with many other cognitive abilities, such as
executive function (planning and attention) and visual-spatial function.

Researchers in the study were from the UI, Michigan State University, the
State University of New York at Albany and the University of Texas Health
Science Center at Houston.


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