-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Soldiers For The Truth Foundation

"The Guard"

Save it for National Emergencies

Save it From Itself!


  SITREP From The President  -  20 JUNE 2001
  Through Zman’s Gun Sight  - The National Guard
  HACK’s Target For The Week  - 'Good Fellas ' Guard America

The Big Picture:

Article 01 – An Army Of One Feeling: Angst
Article 02 – Study: US Must Help Colombia
Article 03 – China Broke U.S. Military Codes After Taking Plane
Voice of the Troops:

Article 04 – To Field Grade Officers: Be Decent Mentors & Leaders
Article 05 – Changes Needed to Develop Better Officers
Article 06 – Facing Revolution in Military Affairs... Dire Consequences
Article 07 – Marine Reserve Has a Decent NCO to Officer Program
Article 08 – E-mail And Its Role in the Decline of the U.S. Military
The Sergeant’s Corner:
Article 09 –  Retraining Should Fit The Training Failure
Article 10 – The Guard: We’re Wasting Our Time

Article 11 – Egotistical Leadership Dominates Our Navy

Article 12 – Military Life: Concurrent Receipt isn’t Dual Compensation
Help Request:  Seeking Members of 8055 MASH  -  Korea 1951?
GI Humor:

Article 13 – GI HUMOR – Military Time
Medal of Honor:
Article 14 – O'HARE, EDWARD HENRY, Pacific 1942

Admin / Log Net

Editors Note - Article Submission - Contacts - Service Editors

Donations - Subscribe - Unsubscribe - Archives

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Thanks for the responses to our recent questions. Keep the mails coming and
let me know if there are topics you’re interested or concerned about that
SFTT should cover with a little burst of fire. Keep forwarding the word to
your political representatives.

Questions of the Week:

1. Army Troops: What do you think of the black beret after you finally get to
wear it?

2. National Guard and Reserves: Do you feel you’re properly integrated and
part of a "Total Force concept?"

3. Enlisted troops: Give us your top three priorities to improve morale in
your unit?

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Prepare for Action -- "Crew Ready! -- LOAD SABOT - DRIVER MOVE OUT!"

Ralf W. Zimmermann
President / Editor in Chief


Through Zman’s Gun Sight

The National Guard:
- A Force With Purpose, If Properly Used

By Ralf W. (Zimm) Zimmermann
President, Soldiers For The Truth

SFTT Dateline USA -  20 June 2001

As vague bits and pieces of the defense review keep surfacing, fears are
growing that the Army could be the major bill payer for high tech weapons,
possibly in the two-division price range.

As Army leaders have a history of protecting the regular force and deflecting
cuts to the Guard and Reserves, the Guard, despite recent successes in the
Balkans and the desert, should prepare for the budget knife.

A believer in the citizen-soldier concept, I would like to see National Guard
capabilities preserved and trust rebuilt, but with an improved sense of

Since the Army is morphing into a lighter force, the Guard can play a
significant role in providing emergency medium and heavy forces for conflicts
beyond quick-fix cruise missile resolution.

The Guard must also be a player in the home defense against terrorism and for
disaster relief activities, for which federal troops aren’t appropriate.

In national emergencies, the Guard should assume a main responsibility in
training a draft pool of young Americans in basic combat skills through
dedicated cadre units in each brigade. After final readiness certification
within a reasonable time window, these units could ultimately deploy as
cohesive companies, battalions and brigades.

To reach its full combat potential the ARNG must undergo significant internal

* Its leadership must recommit to training for combat and their prescribed
mission spectrum, versus mainly serving for the additional retirement check.
Guard soldiers too often tell me that their chains of command are more
interested in attending extraneous ceremonies and VIP tours to increase
face-time, especially during annual training, when there is a non-stop flow
of general officers.

* Training must be a tough and demanding. It must really happen, and not just
exist as a nicely packaged slide show. In a recent letter, a Guard grunt
described his last weekend drill: "We sat on our butts the whole time. Other
than mediocre classes in map reading, we didn’t do anything. Most guys went
to the movies…nonetheless, I made close to $200.00 for doing nothing."

* Shockingly, an evaluation of a Texas Guard unit indicated that the unit
wasn’t ready for annual training. Evaluators noted that it took 3-4 days,
just to set up a simple assembly area. Combat training was dismal and the
unit couldn’t issue the MILES engagement system until day three and then
failed to properly zero its weapons. There wasn’t a defined training
objective for the limited and precious field training.

* Attendance of training appears to be big problem as well. Horror stories
are abundant about units reporting 120% daily strength, while at annual
training, no more than 60% of the troops show up.

* Morale, with unit exceptions, is mediocre. Many troops report that their
chains of command are too worried about being popular, as if they were
running for office. The troops ridicule leader obsessions that they are
worked too hard, that the chow is hot enough and that everybody gets a trip
to the rear for showers and movies. Despite the coddling, retention isn’t
getting better. Troops are leaving for the lack of purposeful training they
expected and which also would add a little spice and adventure to boring
weekend lives.

* Also adding to the disillusionment is the crappy equipment, with many units
still fielding M16A1 rifles and worn-out M60 machine guns, while the Pentagon
sells new and much deadlier equipment to Third World nations.

Now don’t get me wrong, there are many Guard units that are doing their best
and which are being used and abused on missions that include peacekeeping in
the Balkans and guarding objectives in Southwest Asia. Similar to their
regular Army brethren, their officers complain that they are pushed too hard,
working too many extra hours on briefings, and that they don’t get much
recognition for it.

I say if we are serious about OUR Guard, America’s Guard, we have to tighten
up and stop the lip service about the elusive "Total Army" and integrate our
citizen soldiers beyond political rhetoric. Integration cannot, however, mean
exactly the same readiness end-state expected for the regulars but assigning
missions and requirements that would allow sufficient train-up time and
missions that logically extend regular force capabilities.

Making some ARNG units into LAV brigades is once again, only a political ploy
and doesn’t eliminate the good ole’ boy network of mediocre leaders or
better define the mission distribution. Despite the criticisms, the Guard has
a role to play, especially for continued balance between citizens and
professional military. Once the Guard deploys, it sends the message that we
are moving beyond just a short police action.

© R.W. Zimmermann, LandserUSA


Note: This article is copyrighted by the author and requires his approval for
other than newsletter further dissemination.


HACK’s Target For The Week

'Good Fellas' Guard America

   By David Hackworth

The Army National Guard is a vital component of the forces that defend
America. They're no longer the second team that follows the regulars into the
breach. Today our Guard soldiers stand tall in hot spots all over the world.

A decade ago, Secretary of the Army Mike Stone asked what I thought of the
Guard. Having served in that outfit in both combat and peacetime, and having
observed them in action since, I replied:

"Great soldiers with a lot of hands-on experience down at the bottom and
corrupt porkers up at the top," I said.

Stone asked, "What would you do about it?"

"I'd give 'em back to the states to do floods and fires, and transfer their
federally underwritten assets to the Reserves," I replied. "That way, the
Army's got the clout to shape 'em up without fighting city hall."

"Hack, getting rid of God would be easier," Stone shot back.

And he was right. The Army National Guard has powerful friends in Congress
and state governments who work overtime protecting the pork, keeping billions
of federal bucks pouring into state coffers.

I'm besieged with reports from Guard soldiers giving me chapter and verse
about who stole what from where and whom and the sad status of readiness of
many Army NG units. I could write a weekly horror report.

This week's mailbag brings the following dirt about what's going on in the
Garden State of New Jersey:

*An out-of-shape major who hadn't taken the required Army Physical Fitness
Test (APFT) for years -- which made him ineligible for promotion -- was
promoted after a master fitness trainer gave this officer a private test and
passed him. Of course, it just so happens that the new lieutenant colonel's
secretary is the master fitness trainer's wife.

*A lieutenant colonel who was so out of shape he couldn't pass either the
Army's weight or APFT -- and thus didn't qualify for promotion -- was made a
full colonel anyway. Maj. Gen. Paul J. Glazar, the state adjutant general,
apparently did the deed because the officer is instrumental in getting money
from the feds and the Guard Bureau.

*A warrant officer has a debilitating disease, making him unfit for Guard
duty, but he's allowed to remain on the active rolls until he can retire at
the taxpayers' expense.

*A senior commander carried ghost soldiers on his unit's books. These are
soldiers who don't show up for training and aren't listed on the unit's
rolls, but they're still shown on the overall state strength. These ghost
soldiers receive their pay while AWOL, and the colonel involved makes brownie
points for having the division's best overall unit strength. The South
Vietnamese army was famous for ghost soldiers, and look what happened to it.

*Many of the state's armories are falling apart because there's no money for
repairs, but half a million bucks is being questionably spent at the Sea Girt
National Guard post for campsite and bathhouse renovation. Glazar has a
National Guard-provided summer house there that was renovated with funds
earmarked -- yes, you guessed it -- for armory rehabilitation.

*A lieutenant colonel used a military credit card for gambling in Atlantic
City but didn't have to sweat it when his losses ran into big bucks. His pal,
the general, allowed him to retire with full pay and honors.

*Funds that could have been used for the improvement of Guard facilities for
the soldiers were used for what the general calls a "classroom," although
it's never served as such. Instead, the "classroom" has a full bar and has
been used on many occasions for entertaining. In fact, the "classroom" had to
be completed by a date that coincided with the general's daughter's wedding
shower, which, of course, was held in the so-called "classroom."

These charges would be easy to check out. All the Army inspector general has
to do is to visit New Jersey and have a look for himself. Hopefully soon.

America can no longer afford this kind of waste and abuse. The Guard must
either soldier or fold, and the Pentagon must set up an IG hotline so good
Guard soldiers everywhere can blow the whistle on the crooks and porkers who
too often end up in charge.

David Hackworth's home page is at - http://www.hackworth.com
Send mail to P.O. Box 5210, Greenwich, CT 06831.

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

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