-Caveat Lector-

For your information asshole (steve windbag) in 1963 when this little
kid was dying form toluene poisoning, his mother worked as manage of a
dry cleaning establishment and the key ingredient in the fluid is still,

I had professionals working with me on this one, and prior to that time
the warning label just read Use In Room Where Air Circulaes, words to
that effect.

This little kid loved making these model cars and you used this poison
to make them;  that along with wearing T shirts and jeans which were dry
cleaned caused his death.

The  Harmful or Fatal bit was put on two years aftaer this kid died; and
I drafted the legislation in our city, which my friend on council
introduced about air plane glue and use of same.......and Harvey Alston
in Columbus went after those bastards too.......

They put their warning on this stuff and if  you note in a book on
industrial hazards toluene can cause cateracts to the eyes - I stiall
remember people steam cleaning clothese and tahe intensive heat in their

So you do our homework Steve - am I an Alien?  Yes I believe so, for I
believe Jesus Christ came to this world in a space craft....and his
bloodline is the same as mine and a laot of other people, only we have
proof of our pedigree.


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