Johns Hopkins Working Group On Civilian Biodefense Warns Tularemia -- Rabbit
Fever -- Could Be Bioweapon Threat

The Working Group on Civilian Biodefense, an expert panel convened by the
Center for Civilian Biodefense Studies at the Johns Hopkins University
Bloomberg School of Public Health, says that the highly infectious disease
tularemia -— also known as rabbit fever -— could pose serious consequences
if used as a biological weapon.

In underscoring the importance of this issue, the report cites a World Health
Organization study which projected estimates of 250,000 illnesses and 19,000
deaths in the event that a mass-casualty tularemia biological weapon were
used against a modern city of 5 million people. In this latest report, the
Hopkins Working Group recommends medical and public health guidelines and
policies to minimize the consequences from an attack. The report is published
in the June 6, issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association

“This report highlights the need to address the nation’s preparedness and
response to possible bioweapon-induced epidemics,” says the report’s lead
author, David T. Dennis, MD, MPH, a member of the Hopkins Working Group and a
senior researcher with the Division of Vector-Borne Infectious Diseases at
the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

According to the report, a tularemia-based bioweapon would trigger cases of
pneumonia, pleuritis, and lymph node disease within three to five days after
exposure. Unless treated with effective antibiotics, the disease could lead
to serious illness including possible respiratory failure, shock, or death.

“Diagnostic testing capabilities are available for tularemia, but they are
not widely available. Effective antibiotic treatment regimens also exist for
tularemia, but they are not the antibiotics clinicians would likely prescribe
for routine treatment of pneumonia. Given the rarity of tularemia and the
non-specific features of the disease, clinicians are not likely to order the
needed diagnostic test, nor begin the proper antibiotics until some time into
an epidemic,” explains Dr. Dennis.

Tularemia is caused by exposure to Francisella tularensis bacteria, which
affect both animals and people. It is sometimes called “rabbit fever”
because it often infects hunters and trappers who are exposed to contaminated
animals or meat. It can also be spread to humans by tick or insect bites,
inhaling infected dust, or eating or drinking contaminated materials, but it
not spread from person to person.

Rabbits, voles, squirrels, and other small animals are natural hosts for the
disease. Tularemia occurs rarely in the United States. Last summer, an
outbreak of tularemia pneumonia occurred in Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts.
Cases of the disease were associated with infected dust from lawn mowing and
other landscaping activities, which presumably stirred up contaminated dust.
Outbreaks commonly occur in Europe and Russia.

“One of the priorities that emerges from this analysis includes the need to
develop simple, widely-available, rapid diagnostic tests that could be used
to identify persons infected with F. tularensis. We also need a better
understanding of how effective new classes of antibiotics would be in
treating this old scourge of tularemia,” says Thomas Inglesby, MD, one of the
report’s authors and a researcher with the Center for Civilian Biodefense
Studies at the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health.

In addition, the Hopkins Working Group report recommends the development of
testing that can rapidly identify the antibiotic susceptibility of tularemia
strains, allowing public health officials to make the most effective and
timely interventions. The possibility that genetically induced
antibiotic-resistant strains could be used as weapons has made this even more
important, not only for tularemia, but for other potential weapons as well.

A tularemia vaccine is not currently available for general use, and it is
only recommended for laboratory workers who are routine exposed to the
disease. The Hopkins Working Group encourages the development of new
DNA-based or antibody-based vaccines that could provide fast acting
protection from tularemia both before and after exposure.

Over the past two years, the Working Group for Civilian Biodefense has
published recommendations in JAMA for responding to potential terrorist use
of smallpox, anthrax, plague, and botulism bioweapons. Further reports are
anticipated. Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health.

The study was funded by the Center for Civilian Biodefense Studies at the
Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health.

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