-Caveat Lector-

The short answer is that they are ignorant and very when they deliberately do not look 
at evidence and cover up or ridicule theories proposed that do not fit into their well 
established theories (read: FACTS).

On Tue, 26 June 2001, Andrew Hennessey wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-
> yep lets feel superior about the ordinary joe six pack lay person -
> thenlets have a critical look at our superior intellect and where exactly
> that has gotten the human race over the last century.
> Did you know that Lord kelvin wrote a treatise on aether and gravitation
> which he presented to the royal society in 1901 and in that he not only puts
> forward the theory of the gaseous turbulence of the aether but of the basic
> principles of Chaos Theory - and by doing so - he had advanced Cosmology by
> a hundred years - see www.santafe.edu but look where we are now -
> Einstein's disclaimer on
> aether was the michelson morley experiment - I mean is it logical that if we
> examine the inside of something the size of a can of beans for aether and
> not find any that we can then project that classically irrationally result
> as an absolute a priori on INFINITY ??
> Einstein's fixed C and no ether also hit the skids in 1920 with Olbers
> paradox - has anybody ever heard of it - if not - why not -
> it suggests that  its a paradox that the sky isn't white at night - because
> all the photons in the cosmos should have been here by now - but something -
> some paradox has held them up [not ether say the ignorant scientists] but
> something - its a paradox - blah blah
> By the rules of the scientific game written by karl Popper in his
> Conjectures and Refutations he suggests that if a theory is not falsifiable
> it is redundant - that it is not rational to keeep going back to and
> remodifying a theroy - it should be discarded - but ignorant 'scientists'
> keep doing that with the Big bang - even though there is a ribbon of
> galaxies called the great wall with matter far older than the big bang
> theory allows for - another lemon that should be trashed.
> Schifflers Horns is a paradox in mathematical topology - in this LINEAR
> cosmos it keeps showing up fractal.
> Well Schifflers horns is the mathematical PROOF that the Universe is a chaos
> event and non-linear.
> And superstring theory and all the spin off garbage - have you ever in your
> life heard of a more bizarre pile of crap ?? its another example of the
> constant modification of a theory that should have been scrapped decades
> ago. Everytime the 'scientists' hit a snag - they just add in another
> mathematical dimension and another layer of absurd abstraction. It goes
> completely against the cornertsone rationality of popper and the simple is
> best Occams Razor.
> I'm NOT saying that the empirical DATA on physics is bad - just the MODEL of
> superstrings that it is deployed on is Crass.
> and we look at all the 'scientists' working for the military industrial
> complex - and some people feel superior over the laymen ???
> scientists with worthless doctorates in physics and a washed out paradigm
> FULL of PARADOXES and un-unified Physics - and these 'scientists' advise
> governments that there is No Global Warming [thatcher/carbon tax], that it
> is ok to lower the pasteurisation temperatures of meat processing to make
> the processes yield more profit. that microwaves and radioactivity do not
> build up damage - that food stuffs containing harmful chemicals are ok and
> those 'scientists' feel superior !!!!??
> what a laugh
> no the common man doesn't have a professorship in STUPIDITY
> he does have COMMON SENSE - and he/she knows that 'Science' is desperately
> trying to paper over the Cracks ...
> but its more obvious than that - the greatest scientific achievement in
> recent years was not some brilliant flawed genius like einstein or tesla or
> kelvin with sweeping new paradigms -
> it was rows and rows of big big machines doing the sorting for the human
> genome project -
> if you can give the monkeys enough typewriters - they will get their Nobel.
> andrew hennessey
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> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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