Nebraska Police Officers Posing as INS Agents
Severely Beat Immigrant, ACLU Charges

Monday, June 25, 2001

LINCOLN, NE--A Scottsbluff police officer claiming to be an
Immigration and Naturalization Service agent entered a man's house
without a warrant and severely beat him in front of his family, the
American Civil Liberties Union of Nebraska charged in a civil rights
lawsuit filed this afternoon.

Two of the officers used so much pepper spray in arresting Ramon
Villa-Velazquez of Scottsbluff that the rest of the family had to
vacate the house for several days and his infant son suffered
breathing and skin problems.

"These officers acted with malice and with reckless disregard for the
rights of the Villa-Velazquez family," said ACLU of Nebraska
Executive Director Tim Butz. "A 13-year-old girl had to watch in
horror as her father was beaten for no other reason than the color of
his skin."

"This is not some theoretical violation of the Constitution," Butz
added, "The actions of these officers resulted in severe emotional
and physical damage that may never be repaired."

The lawsuit, filed against the Scottsbluff Police Department, names
Officers Bruce Ferguson, Steven Bonds and (First Name Unknown) Lucky
and alleges violations of the federal constitutional right to be free
from unlawful searches and seizures and the right to due process.

The lawsuit also alleges that the detention and beating of Mr.
Villa-Velazquez was racially motivated.

According to a filing made in Federal District Court in Lincoln, on
March 16, 2000, Officer Ferguson entered the Villa-Velazquez home
without a warrant or permission. He was later joined by Officers
Bonds and Lucky.

Ferguson, who was not in uniform, claimed to be an INS agent and
demanded that Villa-Velazquez show his immigration documents. When
Villa-Velazquez showed a visa, Ferguson told him that he was under
arrest. When Villa-Velazquez asked Ferguson for a warrant or
identification, Ferguson flashed his badge in manner that did not
allow Villa-Velazquez or his daughter to see it.

Aware of his rights, Villa-Velazquez refused to leave his home
without proof that the officers were with INS or had a warrant. He
made no threats, nor did he act in a physically threatening manner
towards the police, the ACLU said.

Nonetheless, Ferguson, aided by Officer Steven Bonds, used pepper
spray on Villa-Velazquez and beat him on the back, chest, neck and
shoulders. The lawsuit also alleges that when taking Mr.
Villa-Velazquez out of his home, the officers deliberately rammed his
head into the doorframe. When the officers placed him in a car driven
by Officer Lucky, they again beat Villa-Velazquez, banging his head
against the car and banging the door against his head.

According to the lawsuit, the beating resulted in "serious and
permanent physical injuries" to Mr. Villa-Velazquez. Today, 15 months
after the incident, he cannot stand upright as he could before his
arrest and he continues to suffer physical pain from the beating.

The lawsuit was filed by Lincoln attorney Stephen Charest from the
firm of Berry Kelley Charest & Reiman.

"It is ironic to me that on the one hand communities encourage
Hispanic workers to come and work in towns where there is a labor
shortage, yet tolerate flagrant abuses of power by community
officials such as these," Charest said.

The lawsuit, filed on behalf of Villa-Velazquez, his wife, Maria
Villa, daughter Crystal, 13, and infant son Ramon, seeks damages for
emotional distress, mental anguish, loss of liberty and humiliation.

Charest is a member of the Board of Directors of the ACLU of Nebraska
and is bilingual in English and Spanish. He is representing the
family without cost to them. The other costs of the litigation are
being born by the ACLU of Nebraska Foundation, which is financed by
private donors and ACLU members. The ACLU of Nebraska is an affiliate
of the national American Civil Liberties Union.

A copy of the complaint is online at

Copyright 2001, The American Civil Liberties Union

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