Towers Of Power - II

"I am, Gerry, sick and tired of it. It is common for me to be awoken at 3 or
4 in the morning with the use of frey effect ..." -- Tony Topping

Under a perhaps somewhat emotive headline, Mass UK Mind Control, on Jeff
Rense's Sightings website, I read a June 24 e-mail from UK-based Tim Rifat, a
researcher in psychotronics. He warns of the possible dangers posed by the
newly installed network of high-powered TETRA [Terrestrial Trunk Radio
System] transmitters operating in Britain and throughout Europe.

Rifat claims the system "pulses at 17.6 Hz broadcast at 400 MHz which is
essentially the Pandora Project funded by the CIA in the late '60s and early
'70s. Dr Ross Adey, the chief researcher on the Pandora Project has released
a video to leading UK researchers which proves that not only does the TETRA
system cause ELF zombification by massive release of calcium ions in the
cerebral cortex and the nervous system, but the activated calcium ions also
cause massive hormonal disturbances which lead to frenzied imbalances,
emotional and physical states."

Regular readers of Farshores will remember that I drew attention to the TETRA
system early in February [see Towers Of Power I], and have been monitoring
developments closely since.

Serious concerns are being raised throughout the UK following news of the
introduction of some 3,000 such transmitters [Rifat quotes 30,000!],
ostensibly to be used almost exclusively by police forces and various
emergency services. A Mast Action UK pressure group was established in a bid
to fight the scheme on the basis that TETRA operates dangerously close to the
frequencies used by the human brain and there could be health risks.

Local and regional authorities seem equally wary of the TETRA network. For
example, council planners in one district recently either refused or deferred
the siting of seven masts in the area until more information is available.

The Blair Government, however, have their own agenda and are equally
determined that TETRA will continue to expand as rapidly as possible. In his
response to a letter from a joint co-ordinator for the Gloucestershire branch
of Mast Action UK recently, Blair said his Government had no intention of
introducing exclusion zones between masts and existing developments, such as
schools or homes. He also maintains that TETRA operates in the same way as
other mobile phone base stations “so there is no reason to believe that they
are any less safe.”

Blair is either ignorant or he chooses deliberately to ignore the fact that
each TETRA mast, when fully operational, will have an effective radiating
power of 25W. A vast grid, or forest of similar transmitters then have a
potential for causing a biological health hazard. This is especially true of
vulnerable groups such as children and pregnant women. The frequency range
chosen surely will have some affect on the human brain of every person within
proximity to a mast and, who knows, perhaps offers a means to control in a
subtle way the thoughts and actions of an entire nation.

In Italy last month, the Vatican finally relented and agreed to move one of
its main transmitters out of Italy to resolve a dispute over the health
effects of its radio waves. It had been under pressure to reduce
electromagnetic emissions because some people living near the transmission
facility believe they are a health hazard.

Italian environmental protection regulations are stricter than those of many
other countries. Transmission of short-wave radio will continue at the
Italian site, but shorter antennas will be used to reduce emissions, Italian
state TV reported. The Vatican's transmission center in the small town of
Santa Maria di Galeria, outside of Rome, was erected when the area was still
sparsely populated.

You might like to read the following short article elsewhere here on
Farshores, entitled: The Hallucinatory Effects on Humans of Radio Waves

In spite of ongoing problems with my online e-mail service, I heard from Tony
Topping earlier in June. Tony is one of only a few contactees [since 1996] in
the UK who also has his own website, and right now both his patience and
health are suffering badly.

Tony claims that for the last three years he has been deliberately targeted
and is a victim of mind control attempts. "It is common for me to be awoken
at 3 or 4 in the morning with the use of Frey Effect," he revealed; a
catalogue of almost nightly voices and images that Tony believes are seeking
to manipulate and control his mind.

The Frey Effect [eminating from a microwave transmitter], is so named after
the work largely conducted by researcher Dr Allen Frey. Experiments carried
out in the mid-1970s involved transmitting the words for the digits 1 to 10
directly into a human brain using a modulated version of an Allan Frey type
pulsed microwave transmitter. The effect, however, was discovered as early as
WWII [see short article Pulsed Microwave].

"All I ask for is to be left alone to sort my life out," pleads Tony in a
forum message on his website. But he intends to fight back and will be
publishing an article about this sinister turn in his life, shortly.

Here in North America we are far from immune from the effects of an exploding
communications industry. Cellular antennas already appear to be everywhere
but incredibly in the United States the Federal Communications Commission,
charged with regulating industry, doesn't keep track of all the antennas
being erected because it's not required to.
The irradiating of America is another story ....

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