-Caveat Lector-

----- Original Message -----
From: "Barry Chamish" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 11:07 PM
Subject: explanation/apology


by Barry Chamish

Hello my wonderful correspondents;

     I've had WAY too many complaints about my previous posting; remember,
the one with the long indictment against Peres by a Cambridge legal
organization? I thought I made it clear that I viewed the document more
humorously than anything else. The joke was that the British elite couldn't
care less about left/right, Sharon or Peres, they just plain hate Israel. I
didn't think any one would take their contorted brief seriously, but people
did. And people even thought I wrote it.

     Of course, I didn't. I was exposing the British elite's mentality
towards Israel through it. But I guess I just didn't make my point well.
Okay, I'm sorry to all who misunderstood my intentions. There is a plus
side to all this; it seems a lot of far leftists read the brief and it has
deeply tarnished Peres' image in their eyes.

     I can only make it up to you my usual way; with a balancing article.
This time it's NOT by me. It's by the respected novelist and commentator
Gary Showalter. Allow me to stress, this time, no mixups, I am not
responsible for its contents. But unlike last time, I DO support them.

     And as long as we're here, why don't we update the information that
has come in this week;

     - The Versailles Ballroom Collapse: After a month, no commission of
inquiry has been formed. The families of the victims are shouting coverup.
On the day of the memorial ceremony for the dead wedding party, a roof
collapsed in an Ashkelon school. This time, the building was almost empty
but the timing of the potential disaster was eery. Why? Because the
Versailles collapse makes no engineering sense. This was not an entire
building which gave way to pressure, only the central floor caved in on the
fourth level. So why didn't the floor on the third level stop the falling
people and debris? Or why not the 2nd storey floor, or even the first? Why
did everything and everyone fall to the very foundations of the building?
The authorities are blaming the Pal-Cal flooring system when it has never
collapsed before. But that excuse is crumbling as fast as the dance hall
floor in the wake of one question: one floor may collapse under the weight
of the wedding guests but how do FOUR floors give in one after another?
Unless there is a logical engineering answer to be found, the issue of
sabotage is going to take over.

     - The story of the Shabak's closing of the Haredi newspaper Kol Ha'ir
before it was to publish the names of two of Rabin's murdered bodyguards
continues to expand. Previous to the closure, one Amnon Noibach visited the
publisher and warned him to lay off Peres. The publisher, Asher Zuckerman
refused and the paper's backer was mortally threatened. He backed out of
his commitments and Kol Hashavuah closed down for a month.

       During that time, Noibach, whose daughter is Israel Channel One news
reporter Karen Noibach, raised over a million dollars to found a rival,
less politically dangerous haredi newspaper, Mishpacha. To buy his silence
over his filming of Shabak inciter Avishai Raviv's criminal activities, a
policeman, Yehuda Miller, was given an enjoyable job as the new paper's

     - A very interesting response to my recent posting about Avraham
Burg's trip to Washington and the anticipated CFR funds about to come his
way to make a run for top office: The informant reports, "When Burg was
head of the Jewish Agency, a frightening policy change took place: the
Russian offices eliminated scrutiny and permitted anybody who applied to
immigrate to Israel to move there. We didn't understand what he was doing
letting in organized crime, white slavers, and alcoholics who had no Jewish
ties at all. Some of the immigrants were real Jew haters. Now we believe
his policy was purposeful and its intent was to dilute the Jewish character
of Israel through mass immigration of very shady gentiles."

     - I'm being harassed and it's heating up. Two months ago, the Income
Tax Authority placed liens on my house and car, claiming I owed $80,000 in
back taxes. At great expense, I hired an accountant who found serious
discrepancies and pleaded my case to them. They eliminated the principle
but insist that I pay fines totally $3,500. The fight goes on. Yesterday I
had two more injustices thrown at me. The City Of Jerusalem sent a
messenger, whom my wife insists tried to sneak into the house, with a note
threatening to cut off my water and abscond with my property unless I pay a
bill on a property I sold in 1990. That's right, eleven years ago. Of
course I could not legally have sold the property unless all bills to the
municipality were paid off in the first place. One clerk told me by phone
that she'd never seen anything like this before. She added that if I was
being billed after eleven years, then someone had to look specifically for
me deep in the city computers.

       And the same day, my server Netvision sent a registered letter
saying I would be cut off if it received one more letter of complaint
against me. I already went through this whole thing with them last year.
The nature of my work guarantees that there are going to be people who
don't like it. A cutoff would be an act of political repression. no matter
how many company regulations justify it.

So, if your mail is returned, Netvision did its worst. My emergency address
will be  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wouldn't it be nice when that day arrives if
Netvision lost lots of customers in protest?

       So for those who seek ulterior motives in my work, ask them if they
would accept so much harassment in theirs.

Thanks for your patience. Here's the balancing Peres piece promised to you.
Please forgive me for any misunderstandings surrounding my previous

>"The Most Dangerous Man in the Middle East"
>Gary Showalter
>26 June 2001
>As of June 20th ´01, Shimon Peres, and not Ariel Sharon, controls the
>"kitchen cabinet" of Ariel Sharon's government. This is the group that
>decides how and when Israel reacts to attacks by Arafat's terrorists. Note
>this well ­ Shimon Peres now has veto power over Ariel Sharon.
>In 1990, Peres pulled his original "dirty trick", when he schemed with the
>haredi parties to destroy the unity government of Yitzhak Shamir.
>Secret negotiations held in Oslo between members of the PLO and of the
>Israeli government (Shimon Peres and Mahmoud Abbas) led to a mutual
>recognition in September 1993. Due to the agreements reached there, in
>secret and without the knowledge of Yitzhak Rabin, Peres was able to
>replace the decisions made in Madrid with the de facto agreements made in
>Oslo. With this dirty trick, Shimon Peres damned the people of Israel
>(both Arabs and Jews) with the presence of Yasser Arafat and his murderous
>terror gangs.
>During the bloody years since the signing of the Oslo Agreement, Shimon
>Peres has traveled the world to raise money for the PA. Through his Shimon
>Peres Center for Peace, he was worked to develop the infrastructure of the
>PA, to bring in industry and investment money into the PA.
>Time and again, Shimon Peres has forced the government of Israel and the
>Israeli media to avoid any statements that would reflect badly on Yasser
>Arafat, since it would not look good to embarrass our "partner for peace".
>It has been the policy of both the Barak and the Sharon governments that
>there will be no "international observer force" deployed in the West Bank
>and Gaza. Yet, on November 9, ´00, Mabat on Channel One reported that Ehud
>Barak believed that Shimon Peres was behind these proposals. On June 12th
>of this year, the IDF radio reported that Shimon Peres worked with the EU
>to put just such an observer force in place. Needless to say, the Sharon
>government was furious with this, and the force has since been removed.
>It is the stated policy of Ariel Sharon that there will be no negotiations
>with the PA while under fire, and yet that is exactly what Peres is
>working toward, in cooperation with the EU.
>The above represents a short list of the machinations of Shimon Peres.
>This man, who has never been elected to any position in the national
>government, has once again managed to maneuver himself into a position of
>power contrary to the will of the people of Israel. The people of Israel
>specifically voted against a Peres-led government when it voted in the
>last national elections. Yet, that is exactly what we have today.
>Shimon Peres, has dedicated his life to building the State of Palestine
>for Yasser Arafat. He has worked diligently to ensure that Arafat has the
>political and financial support of the nations of the world. He has worked
>to suppress anti-Arafat reporting, and to suppress resistance to his
>policies by the people of Israel. This man is once again in control of the
>government of Israel.
>Shimon Peres, more than any other, is today the most dangerous man in the
>Middle East. He has brought Yasser Arafat and his murder gangs within the
>borders of the State of Israel, and all that has happened since has
>brought the entire region to the verge of war. All of the warnings of the
>"Lebanonization of Israel" by military experts since before the Madrid
>Conference, studiously ignored by the left-wing press in Israel, have now
>come true. The non-stop bloody murder of Israelis (and the pillaging and
>murdering of the Arab population at the hands of Arafat's many militias)
>since the signing of the Oslo Agreement can, and should be, laid at the
>feet of Shimon Peres, and no other.
>Every demonstration, every article, every political event, every contact
>with any Member of Knesset from now on should focus on this man and his
>deadly policies, with the stated goal of forcing him out of political
>life. Such a stench must be raised that the Labor Party will have no
>choice but to disassociate itself from this man.
>Ariel Sharon must be forced to go to the Labor Party and demand a
>replacement for Shimon Peres in his government. This will only happen if
>the people of the State of Israel make its voice heard in very angry
>protest against the presence of this man in the Sharon government.
>I ask you to keep in mind these words from the personal diary of Moshe
>Sharett, a former Prime Minister of Israel: "I have stated that I totally
>and utterly reject [Shimon] Peres and consider his rise to prominence a
>malignant, immoral disgrace. I will rend my clothes in mourning for the
>State if I see him become a minister in the Israeli government."


The brand new Hebrew edition of Last Days Of Israel was the bestseller of
the Jerusalem Hebrew Book Fair with some 250 sold. It can be acquired from
the author.

THE LAST DAYS OF ISRAEL by Barry Chamish is available through
www.amazon.com, www.bn.com,
www.borders.com , www.booksamillion.com, www.hiddenmysteries.com
The new e-mail address for the 2nd edition of Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin is
All my books including Israel Betrayed are
being sold in the US discounted by writing [EMAIL PROTECTED]
In Israel all the books are distributed by the Zionist Book Club.
Please visit http://www.webseers.com/rabin

If you want out, of course, delisting is immediate. What makes you people
so great, is that it hardly ever happens.

                      Kadosh, Kadosh,, YHVH, TZEVAOT

          FROM THE DESK OF:

                    *Michael Spitzer*    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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