You've taken so many drugs, that your psychosis is becoming
painfully more obvious by the minute.

I did not set my clock ahead, although one wonders what purpose
your twisted mind might think that would serve.

If you would check the list and time posts, dear clunko,
you will see that my post shows 1:06 and 1:08, and your
accusatory babblings were posted at 1:09.

You depart from the point at issue  --  left-wingers propaganda
publicly identified.  Now, you wander off into the weeds of my
time posting............      you poor person.

Steve wrote:

> If you are so concerned about truth and accuracy they why do you set your
> clock ahead so your posts appear to be sent earlier than they really are?
> Do Conservatives lie if it suits their purpose? It appears that they do. This
> speaks volumes about your God Bush.
> Steve

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