-Caveat Lector-

The Ceasefire Sham

by Susan J. Abulhawa

After nine months of a seemingly endless funeral march for more than 500
of their sons, daughters, fathers, sisters, brothers and mothers,
Palestinians are now being told to “stop the violenceâ€* in the latest
US-mediated agreement.  A taxi driver delayed at the Qalandia
checkpoints sums up Palestinian frustrations: “We’re supposed to
stop shooting our pathetic guns so their bulldozers and tanks can
continue to rip through us without a scratch.â€*

The agreement, brokered by CIA Director William Tenet, effectively calls
on Palestinians lay down their arms--including stones-- while Israel
continues the occupation of their land.  Palestinians, besieged by
grief, anger andhumiliation  are rightfully angry that their leader,
Yasser Arafat, agreed to such a one-sided US-Israeli maneuver to quell
the uprising.Â

Although Israel has refused even to halt expansion of illegal
Jewish-only settlements on expropriated Palestinian land, Palestinians
are told not to exercise their internationally recognized right to
resist occupation by “any means available,â€* including armed

Israel's commitment to the cease-fire is conditioned on Arafat’s
behavior.  The PA must participate in joint security measures, collect
all mortars and arms from the Palestinians; prevent arms smuggling and
halt incitement to attack illegal settlements that are built on their
land. Above all, they must “arrest Palestinian activists whose names
are dictated by Israel.â€*

On the other hand, Palestinians have little say in what measures Israel
must take.  Sharon’s government is not obligated to freeze settlement
construction, a minimal gesture of good faith.  Israeli soldiers and
settlers who have killed innocent Palestinian civilians are not to be
arrested.  Israel is not required to collect the Uzis from the settlers
who regularly go on rampages into Palestinian villages nor are they
required to stop anti-Palestinian propaganda (in Israel or the US).

While I was in the occupied territories last week, I saw two Israeli
soldiers beat a peace activist and break her arm.  She had no weapons
and was not resisting arrest.  I watched an IDF jeep ram a Palestinian
car, meters away from me.  The soldier pulled its driver out of the car
and beat him.  A news clip of two soldiers beating a Palestinian young
boy who appeared to be no more than 10 years old is an example of the
daily suffering of the Palestinian people.  Human rights groups have
documented hundreds of cases
depicting such excessive Israeli brutality in the face of unarmed

At a demonstration in Al Khader village, where Israel is expanding an
illegal settlement on land taken from the villagers, I saw soldiers
shoot at civilians armed only with stones that never reached their
target.  At checkpoints, I watched Palestinians in one car after
another surrender their color coded Israeli ID-cards for soldiers to
inspect while they were forced to wait under the sun just to pass from
one Palestinian town to another.

In the last nine months, Israel has used sharpshooters, assassinations,
Apache helicopter gunships, tank missiles, and F-16 fighter jets against
a principally unarmed civilian population sinking further and further
into the quick sand of poverty.Â

Add to this the demolition of hundreds of houses, which has left
thousands of Palestinians homeless.  The uprooted olive trees, the kids
who languish in Israeli detention centers without charge or trial, the
thousands who cannot work, go to school or step outside of their homes
are muffled by the official Israeli rhetoric of “self-defenseâ€* as
though they are not really a ruthless ccupying power that has been
condemned repeatedly by the international community.

Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch the UN Commission on Human
Rights and more have demanded that the international community
intervene, at the very least, to provide an unarmed ‘observer’ force
in the occupied territories.Â

Yet Israel categorically rejects international presence and accordingly,
on March 28th, the US vetoed a UN Security Council Resolution that would
have backed the creation of an international observer force to help
protect civilians.  Just days before that, on April 18th, the US was
the only country to vote against a Resolution “expressing grave
concern at continuing Israeli settlements.â€*Â

(Still wondering why the US was voted off the UN Human Rights

And now we arrive at yet another US-brokered document that undermines
the basic rights of a people struggling for self-determination and
freedom.  The Tenet cease-fire agreement worked not only to twist
Arafat into submission, but also to deflect attention from the Mitchell
report that called for a freeze in settlement construction on
Palestinian land, something Sharon rejected outright.

I think Palestinians should take the Tenet cease-fire, put it with the
Mitchell report, the Sharm Al-Sheik documents, Camp David, Oslo, Wye and
all the other agreements in a big pile in the middle of Ramallah.  They
should add to the pile all of their color coded Israeli ID-cards and
burn them to ashes.  After they dance around the bonfire, they should
walk to Qalandia checkpoint, unarmed (not even stones) and keep walking
on their own land to keep their intifada alive.  They should walk for
their collective past and rich history; for the future of their violated
children; for their stolen farms and their thwarted dignity.  And when
they can’t walk anymore they should stop and hold elections for a new
leadership that will stop signing documents that do little more than
undermine their basic human rights.

Susan J. Abulhawa

© copyright 2001 Susan Jawad Abulhawa

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