-Caveat Lector-

Stossel just doesn't learn: trying to expose the truth WILL BE PUNISHED.
Tell lies will get accolades from all the media liars.He needs to learn

On Sat, 30 Jun 2001 00:18:14 -0700 Steve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> -Caveat Lector-
> ------- Forwarded message follows -------
> Date sent:              Thu, 28 Jun 2001 11:07:12 +0000
> From:                   Robert Sterling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject:                Konformist: MORE UNDERHANDED REPORTING FROM
> To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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> Thanks,
> Robert Sterling
> Editor, The Konformist
> http://www.konformist.com
> Sam Johnston
> John Stossel has been trashing organic agriculture and
> environmental "scaremongers"  for some time. Now he's after the kids,
> but it's starting to backfire. Tune in this Friday on ABC, check you
> local listings. Contact info for Stossel and ABC at bottom. Be polite
> to be heard. For more info see:
> http://www.ewg.org
> Stossel's deceptions reveal to all his Achilles' Heel. Opportunity
> knocks.
> ____________________
> www.tompaine.com/news/2001/06/26/index.html
> The Story Behind John Stossel's Latest Attack on Environmentalism
> John Stossel is back in action. Stossel is a commentator on
> ABC's "20/20," where he devotes much of his time to railing against
> government regulations. According to FreeMarket.net, Stossel is "one
> of the libertarian movement's most valuable proponents." His staunch
> libertarian perspective influences much of his commentary, sometimes
> to the detriment of its accuracy.
> Last summer, Stossel attacked the organic food industry using
> fabricated and distorted scientific studies. His fans sprang to his
> defense, and the Competitive Enterprise Institute, a right-wing think
> tank, even sponsored a website in his honor, SaveJohnStossel.com.
> Stossel is now gearing up for another attack on greens, this time in
> the form of a screed against environmental education. The program is
> reportedly scheduled to air on Friday, June 29, 2001. According to
> educators and parents whose children were interviewed for the show,
> Stossel has once again allowed his beliefs to interfere with his
> journalistic duties.
> Stossel's Sudden Arrival
> An environmental educator, who was present for Stossel's interviews
> with children and was also interviewed himself, is concerned about
> Stossel's tactics.
> John Quigley is the executive director of Earth Day Los Angeles. In
> April, he hosted a field day for 2,000 kids to teach them about clean
> energy solutions. The day's events were filmed by Debbie Colloton,
> one of Stossel's producers.
> "We had an educational experience where everything was solar-powered
> at the event," Quigley said. "There were local presentation areas
> that were solar-powered. Kids learned about clean transportation and
> about things they can do in their homes."
> Colloton also visited an elementary school to interview kids. She
> subsequently arranged for 10 children, grades two through five, to be
> taped in a studio setting as they talked about the environment.
> Colloton never mentioned Stossel's involvement with the project. "We
> still didn't think anything," Quigley said. "We just didn't know. We
> thought Debbie Colloton was going to do the interviews for her ABC
> documentary."
> Quigley was wrong, however, because about five minutes before taping,
> John Stossel showed up. "Debbie Colloton announces that Stossel will
> be interviewing the kids," Quigley said. "It didn't raise a red flag
> because all I knew was that he was a commentator for ABC. It did seem
> odd that his name was never mentioned at all and all of a sudden he
> shows up."
> Stossel interviewed the kids for about 30 minutes on environmental
> topics before showing his agenda, Quigley said.
> "He started asking leading questions and it was very clear what he
> wanted to get," Quigley said. "He would say, 'Wow, it's really scary,
> isn't it?' And the kids weren't scared at all and so they just looked
> at him. He asked that question repeatedly."
> According to Quigley, Stossel was having a hard time getting what he
> wanted. "These were bright kids, and they were responding well. He
> was clearly trying to elicit certain responses on tape. When he
> didn't get the verbal response he wanted, he had the crew shoot from
> behind and had the students raise their hands while he asked, 'Is the
> air getting dirtier or cleaner?' It was clear that he wasn't
> interested in honest dialogue but was trying to elicit certain
> responses for a script he had already written."
> Although Quigley was bothered, he thought Stossel was just asking
> tough questions. He agreed to tape a discussion with Stossel and
> fellow educators the following Monday.
> About 30 minutes into the interview with educators, Stossel changed
> the tone from a round-table discussion to an attack. "He proceeded to
> attack the elementary school teachers, telling them, 'You're scaring
> these kids,' " Quigley said. "At one point he raised his voice and
> was yelling it, 'You're scaring these kids,' but this time, like it
> was a dramatic performance for TV, he said over his shoulder, 'That
> was over the top.' The impression I got was that he was telling the
> cameraman that this wasn't to be used."
> Quigley said Stossel tried to get the group to fight back, but the
> group didn't take the bait. "For the most of the attack," Quigley
> said, "the six of us were stunned. We tried to bring it back to a
> dialogue. We responded as best we could given the circumstances."
> He worries that the footage will be edited to support Stossel's
> agenda. "He would have to be a very dark force to turn that footage
> into something else."
> Quigley is not alone. On June 25th, parents of the children who were
> interviewed wrote to John Stossel and revoked their consent for their
> children to appear in the piece. "Some of us witnessed the interview
> you conducted with our children, and saw how you asked leading
> questions to get them to say what you wanted," the parents wrote.
> Michael Scott, one of the parents who signed the letter, was present
> when his two children, Zachary, age 8, and Rachel, age 10, were
> interviewed. Scott said that he felt something was wrong when Stossel
> asked the children to answer in unison to questions.
> According to Scott, Stossel asked the children if all scientists
> agree about the cause of global warming. "What he was looking for is
> for the kids to say, 'All scientists agree.'" Scott said Stossel also
> led the children to saying they were scared. "Prior to being asked in
> unison, no one said they were scared," Scott said. "Then Stossel
> said, 'This is pretty scary stuff, yeah?' and some of the kids
> agreed."
> Scott thinks Stossel didn't do enough investigation to draw any
> conclusions. "A lot of information my son gets is from reading and
> not from school. He didn't ask, 'Did you learn that from your dad?
> Did you learn that from your friends?'" Scott said. "My son is 8 and
> he reads National Geographic. I'm amazed at the amount of information
> he has and I know he didn't get it all from school."
> Brad Neal, another parent, is also angry. "He totally manipulated the
> interviewing process," Neal said. "He asked questions again and again
> until he got what he wanted. He used the word scared like 15 times. I
> kind of have to kick myself for not pulling out my kids right then."
> Both Scott and Neal were contacted by Dawn Porter, Director of News
> Practices for ABC, yesterday when the letter was made public. Neal
> said that ABC would like to meet with the parents, but he is not sure
> he is interested. "I just asked Debbie Colloton, who was also on the
> phone, 'Why didn't you let us know it was Stossel? Why didn't you let
> us know what the piece was about?'"
> Neal said that he just wants his kids out of the piece. "This is
> against everything I am teaching my kids," Neal said. "I'm teaching
> my kids to be honest, even when it's uncomfortable, to be
> forthright." Neal's children are Brandon, age 10, and Sam, age 8.
> The Environmental Working Group, which previously went after Stossel
> for his report on organic food, coordinated the letter. EWG
> California Director Bill Walker said that Stossel's conduct violated
> the Code of Ethics for the Society of Professional Journalists. "It
> says that you are supposed to use special sensitivity when dealing
> with children," Walker said.
> ABC released a statement yesterday denying that the interview was
> inappropriate. "While ABC News is confident that the interview was
> handled in a respectful and sensitive manner according to the highest
> journalistic standards, we take the concerns of these parents
> seriously and are reaching out to them to open a direct line of
> communication to resolve this issue," the statement said.
> But ABC's version of events, as told through their public relations
> department, differs from the parents' account. "We didn't know that
> it was going to be 'controversial' until we went into the field and
> heard the kind of information that was being taught to the kids --
> which turned out to be highly partisan and very one-sided. Our report
> will reflect exactly what we saw and heard," ABC's Jeffrey Schneider
> said.
> Quigley disagrees. "It's going to be tough for Stossel and his crew
> to get what they wanted," he said. He's tried to explain what
> happened to the children. But, he says, "What they are learning is
> that they can't trust the media."
> Shaping the Story
> Although ABC says it went into the field with an open mind, there is
> evidence to the contrary.
> In March -- a month before Stossel's producers turned up at Quigley's
> event -- a group called Responsible Industry for a Sound Environment
> (RISE) posted an email to their listserv. RISE serves as a pesticide
> industry front-group, according to Sheldon Rampton, editor of PR
> Watch. The email was a message from Michael Sanera, director of
> environmental education research at the Stossel fan club known as the
> Competitive Enterprise Institute. The email was later forwarded to
> environmentalists.
> "I have been contacted by ABC News," Sanera wrote on March 20,
> 2001. "A producer for John Stossel is working on a program on
> environmental education. He needs examples of kids who have
> been 'scared green' by schools teaching doomsday environmentalism in
> the classroom. (He needs kids and/or parents to appear on camera.) I
> have some examples, but I need more. Would you send out a notice to
> your group and ask if they know of some examples."
> Jeffrey Schneider, from ABC's public relations department, confirmed
> that Stossel's producer contacted Sanera about the environmental
> education story. Schneider also confirmed that Sanera had recommended
> that the producers contact a teacher named John Borowski, a supporter
> of environmental education.
> Borowski teaches marine science and biology at North Salem High
> School in Oregon. He received a call from Ted Balaker and Debbie
> Colloton, Stossel's producers, on April 9, 2001. Balaker and Colloton
> told him that they were working on a documentary.
> The call aroused his suspicions. Through his contacts in the
> environmental community, Borowski had already seen a copy of the
> email in which Sanera claimed to be working with Stossel's producer.
> However, when he asked Balaker and Colloton if they were working with
> Sanera, they said no. Borowski subsequently called Sanera. "He told
> me he was working with a producer named Ted Balaker on a program for
> John Stossel," Borowski said. "They lied to me."
> ABC's Schneider says that the producers did not work with Sanera,
> despite appearances to the contrary. "The moment we became aware of
> his email, we demanded that he cease and desist," says Schneider.
> Sanera, he said, "played no role whatever in bringing this story to
> ABC News."
> In a call with Balaker on April 12, Borowski asked if he was working
> with Stossel on the documentary, and Balaker said that he'd worked
> with Stossel in the past, but not on the current project. However,
> ABC says that Borowski was told that Stossel was involved in the
> project.
> In the end, neither Sanera nor Borowski were interviewed for the
> documentary on environmental education.
> Expecting More from ABC News
> Is Stossel once again preparing to unleash a report based on his
> anti-
> environmental prejudices and deceptive interviewing tactics? Perhaps,
> but only the final piece will show. PR Watch's Sheldon Rampton thinks
> Stossel went too far.
> "Deception is sometimes a justifiable journalistic tactic when
> exposing people who are engaged in fraud or other wrongdoing,"
> Rampton said. "We are all familiar with the '60 Minutes' segments
> where a hidden camera and a false identity are used to catch someone
> on film lying to a reporter or offering to commit a crime. Stossel,
> however, has used deception to entrap schoolteachers. There is simply
> no justification for Stossel's decision to use deception and
> concealment when the sole purpose of that deception is to disguise
> his own editorial slant from the people he is interviewing."
> On the ground in Los Angeles, John Quigley is upset. "There is a
> difference between journalism that is balanced and asks tough
> questions and so-called journalism where the story is
> sensationalized," he said. "This is a sensationalized approach, a
> Jerry Springer type mentality. You expect more from ABC News."
> © 1999-2001 The Florence Fund
> David Westin,
> ABC News
> 47 W. 66th Street
> New York, NY 10023
> Phone: 212-456-7777 (ABC News general number)
> Fax: 212-456-4297
> mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (ABC News)
> John Stossel
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