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Date sent:              Tue, 03 Jul 2001 06:57:16 +0000
From:                   Robert Sterling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                Konformist: Unraveling Tesla's Greatest Secret
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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist


Radiant Energy - Unraveling Tesla's Greatest Secret


[The story you are about to read is derived from a carefully
researched paper presented by Dr. Peter Lindemann before a private
audience in Irvine, California on September 12, 2000. The lecture was
titled "The Free Energy Secrets of Cold Electricity" . It detailed
the story of Radiant Energy and its successful application by Edwin
Gray in an over unity motor design which Gray debuted in 1973. The
real detective work ( & credit) in uncovering Tesla's discovery of
Radiant energy came from author Gerry Vassilatos in his recent
book, "Secrets of Cold War Technology" without which Lindemann could
not have solved the enigma of Gray's Radiant circuit design. This
lecture delivered the goods. The secret of Tesla's Radiant Energy has
finally been revealed in manifold detail and only awaits the industry
of those who care to study and understand it. Part1 presents a
general overview of Tesla's discovery and the political, intrigues
that led to its subsequent suppression. Part 2 will detail the nuts
and bolts of how Tesla produced Radiant Energy with block diagrams,
schematics, and drawings from Tesla's original patents to illustrate
all of the necessary elements and parameters required. Additional
details on Gray's modern adaptation of Tesla's Radiant circuitry and
a brief look at Eric Dollard, the only man to successfully recreate
Tesla's Colorado Springs Magnifying transmitter and reproduce the
pure steaming white rays of Radiant energy in 1986 exactly as
described by Tesla in his Colorado journals. Ken Adachi]

Of all the great inventions and discoveries of Nikola Tesla, nothing
stood out with greater potential benefit to the whole of humanity
than his discovery of Radiant Energy in 1889. The series of
observations that led to the discovery of Radiant energy initially
grew out of experiments that Tesla had conducted in an attempt to
duplicate the results that Heinrich Hertz had claimed to achieve in
affirming the existence of electromagnetic waves, the discovery of
which Hertz announced in 1887. While replicating Hertz's experiments,
Tesla experimented with violently abrupt DC electrical discharges and
discovered a new force in the process. Only after conducting
exhaustive experimental trials for the next three years, did Tesla
announce this stupendous discovery in a paper published in December,
1892, entitled "The Dissipation of Electricity". Incredibly, most
academicians of the day completely missed the mark in understanding
the true significance of his paper. Noted scientists such as Sir
Oliver Lodge, mistakenly thought that Tesla was referring to high
frequency AC electricity in the operation of the Tesla Transformer, a
huge blunder that remains to this day in the misnaming and
misinterpretation of the Tesla Coil. The transformer that Tesla
referred to in the 1892 paper did not operate on magnetic/electric
field induction created by alternating currents. It operated in an
entirely new domain of physics based on abrupt discharges of
electrostatic potentials and the subsequent release of kinetic
Radiant Energy from the omnipresent ether. Tesla was now operating
under entirely new rules which he referred to as "dynamic" electro-
static forces and had, by now, completely abandoned any further
interest in the AC waveform. The genesis of the Lodge
misunderstanding, however, began a few years earlier with the
publication of certainmathematical formulas by a brilliant Scotsman
named James Clerk Maxwell.

Maxwell's Equations Using mathematical models, James Clerk Maxwell
had earlier suggested that two different types of electrical
disturbances could possibly exist in Nature. One type was a
longitudinal electric wave which required alternating concentrations
of densified and rarefied pulsations of electrostaticfields that
moved along a single vector (today, we refer to these as standing
waves or scalar waves). Maxwell ultimately rejected this idea because
he was convinced that this type of wave propagation was impossible to
achieve, but his assumption was erroneous and would later portend
formidable consequences for Tesla and the world at large.

Maxwell's second wave postulation was that of a transverse
electromagnetic wave that exhibited a rapid alternation of electric
fields along a fixed axis that radiated away from its point of origin
at the speed of light and was detectable at great distances. Maxwell
had more faith in the existence of this type of wave and encouraged
experimenters to look in this direction. It was the discovery of this
type of wave that Hertz had laid claim to, but Tesla was meticulous
and fastidious in replicating Hertz's experimental parameters and he
could not obtain the results claimed by Hertz.

Tesla discovered a fundamental flaw in Hertz's experiment: Hertz had
failed to take into account he presence of air in his experiments.
Hertz had mistakenly identified electrostatic inductions or
electrified shockwaves as true electromagnetic waves. Tesla was
saddened to bring this news to the distinguished academician, but
felt scientific honesty was paramount if progress was to be achieved.
Tesla visited Hertz in Germany and personally demonstrated the
experimental error to him. Hertz agreed with Tesla and had planned to
withdraw his claim, but reputations, political agendas, national
pride, and above all, powerful financial interests, intervened in
that decision and set the stage for a major rift in the 'accepted'
theories that soon became transformed into the fundamental "laws" of
the electric sciences that have held sway in industry and the halls
of academia to the present day.

Tesla's introduction to the phenomena of Radiant Energy began with
early observations by linesmen working for Thomas Edison, Tesla's
former employer

DC Anomalies Before Tesla's invention of the Polyphase AC generator
became the industry standard and overtook Thomas Edison's use of DC
generators, the DC electrical system was the only system available to
deliver electricity to America's homes and factories. Due to the
resistance offered by long transmission lines, Edison had to produce
very high DC voltages from his generators in order to deliver enough
voltage and current to its final destination. He also had to provide
additional 'pumping' stations along the way to boost the sagging
voltage which dwindled from line losses. A curious anomaly occurred
in the very first instant of throwing the power switch at the
generating station: Purple/blue colored spikes radiated in all
directions along the axis of the power lines for just a moment. In
addition, a stinging, ray-like shocking sensation was felt by those
who stood near the transmission lines. In some cases, when very large
DC voltages surged from the generators, the "stinging" sensation was
so great that occasionally a blue spike jumped from the line and
grounded itself through a workman, killing him in the process.

Tesla realized almost immediately that electrons were not responsible
for such a phenomena because The blue spike phenomena ceased as soon
as the current stated flowing in the lines. Something else was
happening just before the electrons had a chance to move along the
wire. At the time, no one seemed to be very interested in discovering
why these dramatic elevations in static electrical potential were
taking place, but rather, engineering design efforts were focused on
eliminating and quenching this strange anomaly which was considered
by everyone to be a nuisance-except Tesla. Tesla viewed it as a
powerful, yet unknown form of energy which needed to be understood
and harnessed if possible. The phenomena only exhibited itself in the
first moment of switch closure, before the electrons could begin
moving. There seemed to be a "bunching" or "choking" effect at play,
but only briefly. Once the electrons began their movement within the
wire, all would return to normal. What was this strange energy that
was trying to liberate itself so forcefully at the moment of switch
closure? .

Tesla, Genius Out of Time In the later quarter of the 19th century,
Tesla was alone in his opposition to the fundamental views of the
nature of electrical forces as described by three of the biggest
names in electric science: James Clerk Maxwell, Herman Von Helmholtz,
and Heinrich Hertz. Tesla possessed a broader vision of the cosmos
because his keen sense of awareness and especially his natural
intuitive insights gave him a deeper understanding of the role that
the ether (or aether) played in the manifestations of all electrical
phenomena while his contemporaries focused their attention
exclusively on the electromagnetic component (assuming that no other
component could be involved). This lack of etheric insight by his
contemporaries (with the exception of Sir William Crookes) and the
heated controversy that the mere mention of the ether had engendered
was to cause Tesla ridicule and sarcasm from men of inferior
intellect for decades. The ether controversy largely dissipated in
the academic arena after the publication of Eienstein's Theory of
Relativity (1905) and the Michaelson-Morley Experiment which
essentially declared that the ether 'theory' was dead, but Tesla's
insights and deductions concerning the role of the ether were correct
all along.

The ether existed then and it exists now, despite the lock step
denials by mainstream science, past or present. Rudolf Steiner,
another man of genius, affirmed that the ether was composed of four
fractions which he described as 1) the Light Ether, 2) the Warmth
Ether, 3) the Chemical Ether, and 4) the Life Ether, a combination of
the first three. Tesla's New York and Colorado experiments confirmed
for him that Radiant energy was bound up within the elusive ether,
but could be made manifest by the creation of an abrupt disruption in
the equilibrium of the ether fractions using one way, high magnitude
pulses of short duration. This was the key that unlocked Radiant

"See the excitement coming!" These were the words that Tesla used at
the end of his pivotal 1892 December lecture, "The Dissipation of
Electricity". He was brimming over with buoyancy and optimism for the
future In the 1890's, Tesla conducted a large number of experiments
which confirmed his theory and refined his understanding of the
special conditions required for Radiant energy to express itself. He
later expanded his New York work with the large scale experimental
trials conducted at Colorado Springs, Colorado in 1899. Tesla, the
humanitarian, wanted more than anything to share this enormous
discovery with his fellow man. Tesla spoke of practical applications
of radiant energy that were so wide reaching that they could have
created a profound and immense leap into the future for all of
mankind in practically every sector of daily life:

Unlimited electricity could be made available anywhere and at any
time, by merely pushing a rod into the ground and turning on the
electrical appliance. Homes, farms, offices, factories, villages,
libraries, museums, street lights, etc., could have all their
lighting needs met by merely hanging ordinary light bulbs or
fluorescent tubes anywhere desired- without the need for wiring -and
produce brilliant white light 24 hours a day. Motor energy for any
imagined use such as industrial applications, transportation,
tractors, trucks, trains, boats, automobiles, air ships or planes
could be powered freely-anywhere on the planet from a single
Magnifying Transmitter. This new form of energy even had the ability
to elevate human consciousness to levels of vastly improved
comprehension and mental clarity. Undreamed of therapeutic
applications to improve human health and to eliminate disease
conditions could have been achieved fully 100 years ago had Tesla
been allowed to complete his commercial development of Radiant
Energy. But powerful barons of industry, chiefly in the person of
John Pierpont Morgan, colluded to deny him the financial backing he
needed and in doing so, effectively denied mankind one of Nature's
most abundant and inexhaustible gifts of free energy.

The Magnifying Transmitter The closest Tesla came to a world wide
industrial application of his Radiant Energy dream was the
construction of his huge Magnifying Transmitter at Shoreham, Long
Island, a site which he named Wardenclyffe. Following his return to
New York City from Colorado Springs in 1899, Tesla was jubilant and
full of enthusiasm to implement his plan for the commercial
application of Radiant energy. He turned to JP Morgan for a
substantial portion of the funding to finance the huge project at
Wardenclyffe. Morgan was chiefly concerned with turning a profit from
overseas radio transmissions since Marconi was fast locking up the
market and Morgan, ever the aggressor, wanted a share of the market.
When Tesla told him that the transmitter could
transmit "intelligence" to the world, Morgan assumed that he meant
ordinary radio communications, but Tesla was not referring to
ordinary radio transmissions. He was talking about something much
bigger, but avoided revealing all to Morgan during this early phase
of the Wardenclyffe project. Some considerable time later, Tesla
eventually felt compelled to tell Morgan the larger possibilities
offered by the Magnifying Transmitter when he needed more funding to
complete the project. Tesla thought that Morgan would be overwhelmed
by his expanded explanation of the true capacities of the transmitter
and would be anxious to complete the work, but Tesla's assumption had
backfired and Morgan refused to lay out any more money for the
transmitter. Sadly, the enormous benefits that could have been made
available to society by Tesla's Magnifying Transmitter project, died
then and there.

Morgan & Westinghouse Morgan had already orchestrated circumstances
in Tesla's life in order to force Tesla to be dependent on him for
financial backing. During an earlier period, when Tesla himself had
millions from his Polyphase AC generator royalty payments and other
earnings, Morgan wanted to woo Tesla with a deal that effectively
gave Morgan majority control over his patent rights and projects, but
Tesla turned him down, telling Morgan that he had enough money of his
own to fund his projects. While returning to his hotel from that very
meeting with Morgan, however, Tesla was told that his laboratory had
been burned to the ground. It represented a tremendous loss to Tesla
and it shook him deeply. Everyone, of course, felt convinced that
Morgan was behind the arson. In order to save face, Morgan was
embarrassed by Tesla into putting up the money to pay for the
rebuilding of a new lab as an act of "philanthropy". From that time
forward, however, other financial backers were not to be found.
Morgan was powerful enough to black list Tesla among the Eastern
Establishment elites that previously had hobnobbed and feted with
Tesla as if he was one of their own. Black listing and ostracization
by officialdom and financiers lifted somewhat after Morgan's death,
but generally continued to haunt Tesla for the rest of his life.

Before the turn of the century, Tesla also willingly gave up
millions, perhaps billions, in royalty earnings to George
Westinghouse in an unprecedented act of friendship. Westinghouse had
believed in the superiority of Tesla's AC system and provided the
money to build Tesla's big AC generators at Niagra Falls, NY. Tesla
was paid millions up front for his patents, but was also due to
receive royalty earnings for every kilowatt of power produced. When
Westinghouse ran into financial difficulties at a later date, Tesla
tore up his royalty contract in order to save Westinghouse from
financial ruin. Had he not done that, Tesla would have had enough
money from royalties to keep him ensconced in great wealth for the
rest of his life.

The story is frequently told that when Morgan found out from Tesla
that the true purpose of the Wardenclyffe transmitter was to provide
free electricity to the world, he abruptly pulled the funding. That's
not completely accurate. The economic conditions were recessionary at
the time and the stock market had taken a considerable dip that year.
Morgan wasn't interested in risking any more capital in perilous
times on a project he couldn't fully fathom and wasn't completely
convinced of. Tesla held land ownership of the Wardenclyffe site and
tower, but no further work was done after 1910. In 1914, Tesla was
deeply in debt and signed over the deed of Wardenclyffe Station to
pay off years of back rent due to the owners of the New Yorker Hotel
where he was living (he occupied two penthouse suites in the hotel).
In 1917, the hotel owners had the tower demolished and its parts sold
for salvage. Despite the loss of Wardenclyffe, Tesla continued to
refine his understanding of Radiant Energy and miniaturize the
equipment needed to produce it. He eventually was able to reduce the
equipment down to the size of a suit case. ___

Copyright 2001 Ken Adachi & Educate-Yourself.org All Rights Reserved.
Reposting is only allowed without editing or abbreviation and
placement of originating url and author's name at top of article.

Next time, Part 2: The nuts and bolts of producing Radiant Energy and
Gray's Radiant design circuitry.

Australian and European readers interested in obtaining the video
tape of Dr. Lindemann's 2 hour and 50 minute lecture, "The Free
Energy Secrets of Cold Electricity" can send $29.95 (US$) for VHS or
$33.95 for PAL plus $11 air shipping. A 150 page companion book of
the same title which includes the complete narrative, enlarged views
of the slides, diagrams, schematics, photographs and patents
demonstrated during the lecture, along with complete copies of the
Gray and Tesla patents and additional materials not included in the
lecture is also available for $29.95 plus $11 air shipment. Book and
video together, add $15 air shipping. Make US checks or money orders
payable to:

USA readers, include $4 for Priority Flat Rate mail

K. Adachi PO Box 3046 Costa Mesa, CA 92628

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