Founder of the Manhattan Institute-where Giuliani and Bush get all their
ideas-William Casey
>From The Cultural Cold War by Frances Stonor Saunders, New Press [pg 132]

"The fund raising arm of the Free Europe Committee was The Crusade for
Freedom for which a young actor named Ronald Reagan was a leading spokeman
and publicist. The Crusade for Freedom was used to launder money to support
a  programme run by Bill Casey, the future CIA director, called the
International Refugee Committee in New York, which allegedly coordinated the
exfiltration of Nazis from Germany to the United States where they were
expected to assist the government in fighting Communism...[pg 142]...The
Ford  Foundation gave $500,000 to Bill Caseys International Rescue Committee
and  substantial grants to another CIA front, the World Assembly of
Youth...the  convergence between the Rockefeller billions and the U.S.
government   exceeded even that of the Ford Foundation ."

GW Bush and Giuliani?s Nazi connection, the CIA?s Manhattan Institute,
eugenics (scientific racism), West Nile Virus information
(for earlier West Nile Virus articles)

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