-Caveat Lector-

To date there has been *no* mention of Charles Schlund's lawsuit against the 
government in the 'mainstream', [i.e. corporate-controlled], media. I guess that some 
subjects are just too HOT to handle!


From: chuck ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Subject: CIA Drugs
Newsgroups: alt.politics.greens, alt.politics.media,
alt.politics.usa, alt.politics.reform, alt.military,
alt.news.macedonia, alt.news-media
Date: 1999/06/17

My name is Charles A. Schlund I'm an electrical contractor in Phoenix Arizona. I'm 52 
years old 6 ft 230 lb. I was involved with out my consent in the DEA's operations of 
manufacturing and distributing drugs to the inner cities of the US. I worked from the 
early 1990's with the FBI against the CIA, DEA and others under their direction or 
control. The information I supplied the FBI cost the CIA, DEA and others
billions of dollars in lost drugs profits. I was also able to stop many of the 
assassinations under their direction and control.

The DEA obtained a court order under perjury and fabricated or created evidence to 
inject two CIA designed torture devices in my neck to torture me in an act of control 
and revenge to stop the information I
have. I have filed a federal lawsuit against the DEA for the use of torture and other 
things. My case is filed in the District of Arizona Federal Court Case Number 
CIV98-1875PHXROS. All federal agencies are
aware of this case and have been before it was filed.

My lawsuit is real and is not a normal complaint or lawsuit. The issues addressed in 
this lawsuit may be what you might call unbelievable but they are also very real and 

Congress wouldn't allow my testimony. When the CIA did their investigation they also 
wouldn't allow my testimony. My testimony is far too damaging and provable to allow me 
to testify against them.

The CIA did smuggle drugs into the US and the DEA did protect and distribute these 
drugs. Is there anything you are looking for in the way of information. The 
information I have is much worse than just this.



Mr. Schlund's lawsuit was recently [May 2001] rejected by the U.S.  Supreme Court. Are 
they trying to sweep the issues of CIA/DEA drug trafficking and the *torture* of 
American dissidents under the rug?

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