-Caveat Lector-

The Conspiracy is ...


I keep trying to pump The Special Sputnik Forces of the Russian Military for
more detailed information about who The Conspiracy is.

The Russians used their sputnik lasers to send the predictions to Jeane
Dixon which she wrote in her books ... some 97% of them have come true thus
far.  She wrote in her early books that one of our leading political
families runs an illegal government inside of our government.  The Russians
told me, via their total mind controlling sputnik lasers, that leading
political family is the Rockefeller Family.  The political unit of the East
of which Dixon wrote about refers to our east coast ... so they are
headquartered there.

Please read all of the books which Holy Sklar wrote about David (Republican)
and Jay (Democrat) Rockefellers' Trilateral Commission and their enormous
hidden, censored, power.  The Bush Family as well as Carter's belonged to
that organization.  Banks, corporations, etc., also belong to it.  The fact
that all the enormous power of the Trilateral Commission is being cencored
off of our prime time TV, well, it tells you all who heads The Conspiracy,
the Rockefellers!

Also please read the book, The Rockefellers An American Dynasty, which
states that the FBI knows the Rockefeller Family has controlled dozens and
dozen of RIGHT WING groups it the USA for a very long time. The entire
Rockefeller Family is Republican, except for Senator (Jay) John D.
Rockefeller, IV, who became a Democrat right after Jeane Dixon predicted
that there would be no more "elephants", i.e., Republicans, in times to
come, then lots of younger Rockefellers also became Democrats. At first the
Rockefellers got criminal control of the Republican Party then they took
over the Democratic Party.  When lots of Americans couldn't stand either of
those parties, Rockefellers had their puppet, H. Ross Perot, who the late
Governor Nelson Rockefeller of New York made rich by illegally giving him a
huge state data processing contract, create a third party that they
criminally control.  So the Rockefellers control all major political parties
in the USA and that is why they are all to far right of other nations' most
right wing parties.

Mafias (like Rockefellers') are always right wing as it allows them to steal
unlimited wealth and to keep it all ... and they always wipe out the left,
the workers parties, the labor parties, the socialists, the communists,
etc., because they do not like the rich and their endless psychopathic
greed, they believe all rich are corrupt as all hell, etc., so they tend to
limit the wealth of the rich or do away with them completely. Not having any
labor parties, any workers' parties, any socialists, any communists, left in
the USA to speak of is absolute proof that The Conspiracy is right wing! It
was actually a coalition of those left parties, which no longer exist in the
USA, that used to vote FDR into the White House repeatedly, three times,
which caused the Rockefellers to criminally get a limit of only two terms of
office for the President of the USA and it also caused Rockefellers' Rich
Man's Mafia to criminally wipe out all of our left political parties!

Because most Americans are in the working class, when they are FREE and
INFORMED and not brainwashed with religious hoax bullshit (The Sputnik
Forces created Jesus Christ the Super hoax millenniums ago), endless lies,
etc., they are always LEFT WING!  When the working class is in the majority
in any nation, all democratic, free, informed, non brainwashed, working
class members are left wing and anti rich, because it enormously benefits
their entire working class to be so.

I can tell how international Rockefellers' Rich Man's Mafia is by simply
checking out how many people are in the working class in each nation around
this earth, and how right-wing their nation's are, i.e., the larger any
nation's working class is and the further that nation is to the right, the
more Rockefellers' Rich Man's Mafia controls it today!  When they are in the
process of taking over a nation, the nation is generally split, i.e., they
currently control Moscow but not the rest of Russia, they currently control
Beijing but not the rest of China, etc.  The USA is the furthest to the
right of other first world nation's therefore they control the USA more then
those other nations.  But our entire working class, which is the huge
majority of Americans, ever since the Industrial Revolution, are
traditionally LEFT WING to the nth degree, until the Rich Mafia took over
the USA completely at the end of WWII in order to cause their Nuke Race and
Cold War.

In the book, The Rockefeller An American Dynasty, it states that The
Rockefeller Family and the heads of their old Standard Oil monopoly married
into virtually all of our Old Money Families.  The Russians ssent me ESP,
thoughts via their total mind controlling sputnik lasers saying that the
those families formed a Mafia and they refuse business loans to, sabotage
the businesses of, etc., honest business people that refuse to join them to
ruin them and only let players, members, who join their Mafia to remain in
business and to get rich, thereby they have made all of our New Money Rich!

I keep asking The Special Forces of the Russian Military to tell me exactly
who heads the Rich Man's Mafia, to tell me their names from the top down, so
that I can post them all over the Internet. The Russians tell me via their
sputniks that The Rockefeller Family heads it.  Next in line is the Aldrich
Family.  Then comes a few OLD MONEY families, Early American families, that
the Rockefellers went to school with at Brown University ... but the
Russians do not tell me their names!
Back when the US Senate was know as the millionaires club and l were taking
bribes from someone, there existed US Senator "Boss of the entire USA"
Aldrich that was taking bribes from everyone!  John D. Rockefeller, Jr., met
his daughter at Brown University and married her later. The Russians say
that the Rockefeller/Aldrich Family heads the Rich Man's Mafia. They mention
the Five Rockefeller Brothers (note that The Rockefellers has the Pentagon
built with FIVE sides to honor the FIVE Rockefeller Brothers such is their
family power), Senator (Jay) John D. Rockefeller, IV, Richard Aldrich, to

Well, I shall keep trying, like I always do, to get the Russians to tell me
more names, information, details, etc., so that I can post them at this
newsgroup and around the Internet.  Always rember to fight brainwashing by
doing your own thinking ... check out the facts yourself and do not be a
fool and let others think for you!

Nancy Ann Luft

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