Forgot to reproduce the Lasater's testimony?
The guy who dined with Gary Condit on April 30 as reported by another
writer on this list.


Dan Lasater's Whitewater Testimony
This came from Michael Reagan's talk show.

Reagan: Yesterday on the show we played a tape of the Whitewater
hearings that took place last year under the auspices of good old
Senator Al D'Amato, from New York. It was a tape of Dan Lasater, a good
friend of President William Jefferson Clinton testifying before the
Whitewater hearings. He was being questions by Michael Chertoff who
happened to be the attorney for the majority - for the Republicans.

Lasater was testifying and next to him was a former employee of Mr.
Lasater's firm. Patsy Thomason used to work for Dan Lasater. In fact she
ran his company for him while he was in jail.

Patsy Thomason ultimately went to the White House where she became
director for hiring personnel for the White House. She was a person who
would not have the ability to obtain a security clearance - because of
the drug connection - was in charge of hiring. Gary Aldrich talked about
this in his book - same things we in talk radio had been talking about.

I am going to play an excerpt from a tape I have at home called "The
Mena Cover-up." I'll tell you how to get a copy later. What I want you
to listen to - and put it in context with the President of the United
States just the other day stating that, with children at the White
House, how much he cared about drugs and kids and we need to do
something about it.

This is the President of the United States' best friend:

Lasater: In the past few years I have often been subject of inaccurate
and misleading news articles; outrageous and totally false stories have
appeared about me have appeared in both the local and national
newspapers and magazines.

A good example of that was in this morning's Wall Street Journal when I
was called a convicted drug dealer by Mr. Simpson. I would challenge Mr.
Simpson at this time to prove any evidence that they have because that
has not been the case. Critics of then Governor and now President
Clinton use this false information to do critical damage.

In the process my reputation has been smeared, and my business interests
have been damaged. It has never been alleged that I committed any
fraudulent acts or that I lied in the courts in any investigation.

Chernoff: Do I understand you that you denied a moment ago that you were
convicted of conspiracy in distributing narcotics?

Lasater: No. I said I was not a convicted drug dealer. I was convicted
of social distribution of cocaine.

Chernoff: Mr. Lasater, there is no crime of "social distribution of
cocaine." You were convicted of "conspiracy to possess and distribute
cocaine." Isn't that correct?
Lasater: That is correct, but I did not sell drugs.

Chernoff: Mr. Lasater, you were indicted for "conspiracy to possess with
intention to distribute cocaine. Is that correct?
Lasater: That is correct, but...

Chernoff: Then, I repeat, ...

Lasater: That was on a social basis..

Chernoff: We'll get to that in a second, but first let's be 100% clear
that the crime you pled guilty to ok? You pled guilty - you got up in
front of a federal judge?

Lasater: Yes sir.

Chernoff: You raised your hand and you swore and oath?

Lasater: Yes sir.

Chernoff: And you admitted you were guilty to the crime of which you
were charged?

Lasater: Correct.

Chernoff: And the crime was the "possession with intent to distribute
cocaine," right?
Lasater: That's correct.

Chernoff: And there is no separate crime for "social distribution of
cocaine" is there?

Lasater: I don't know if there is a separate crime but I think it's a
separate moral issue.

Chernoff: You think it is not onllly better to give the cocaine away
than to sell it and that's the inference you were drawing, right?

Lasater: I guess that was my justification.

Chernoff: You think if you give it to people you are doing them a favor,
is that your thinking about it?

Lasater: I was....I think there's a difference between selling cocaine
and using it in a social basis.

Chernoff: We're not talking about using it. We are talking about giving
it to other people to use. You are coming up here and making an issue in
your opening statement about questions of your character and what you
were convicted of. Let's get it straight. In your mind you see a
difference between selling drugs to other people and giving drugs to
other people.

Lasater: Yes, there is.

Chernoff: You think it is better to be giving it than selling it?

Lasater: Yes, I do.

Chernoff: And, you believe drugs count for ...sort of like a bonus,
right? Kind of compensation.

Lasater: Yes, sir.

Chernoff: Did you do that to control them, or have some leverage over

Lasater: No, sir.

Chernoff: Mr......Breach. You were an employee of Mr. Lasater.

Breach: Yes, I was.
Chernoff: Did you buy cocaine from Mr. Lasater?

Breach: Yes, I did.

Chernoff: Was it your view that Mr. Lasater used cocaine as a tool to
persuade people?
Breach. (long pause) I think at the time I thought that he did.

Chernoff: And, at the time I believe you told that to a police
investigator, right?

Breach: I could have.

Chernoff: An investigator named Lourder - Dr. Lourder?

Breach: Yes.

Chernoff: An investigator with the Arkansas authorities?

Breach: Yes.

Chernoff: And you talked with him about Mr. Lasater and Mr. Lasater's
cocaine activities, right?

Breach: Yes.

Chernoff: You told Dr. Lourder that in your view

Mr. Lasater used cocaine as a tool to manipulate his peers?

Breach: If that's my statement, then I stand by it.

Chernoff: That's what you said in 1986.

Breach: I may have.

Chernoff: You went on to say in this statement that, "Mr. Lasater
surrounded himself with police officer to make himself look like a good
citizen." Do you remember saying that?

Breach: I don't remember saying it, no.
Chernoff: It's on the very next page. Do you deny you said that in
substance to a police officer in 1986?

Breach: I'm not prepared to deny it. No.

Chernoff: Now, I want to ask you, Mr. Lasater, you gave drugs to your
employees, right?

Lasater: Right.

Chernoff: And you gave drugs to people you were entertaining, right?

Lasater: Right.

Chernoff: Even under age people you were entertaining, right?

[now who were these young girls - call girls - Saba Note - or maybe some
interns in training to service members of the House?]

Lasater: (pause) Right.

Chernoff: I just want to make sure we have an understanding of your
thinking. You believe giving drugs to your employees, or people you were
entertaining, even if they were under-age is better than selling them.
There is a distinction there? That's your position before this

Lasater: I think there's a difference, yes.

Chernoff: Well, let me tell you something. I've seen a lot of witnesses
over the years who have done bad things. And I am also a firm believer
that people can put those things behind them and go on to achieve good

But I also know that the first step to that is honesty and
accountability for accepting something they have done wrong. I am
frankly astonished to hear you say that giving drugs to people is
somehow morally distinct from selling them.

Reagan: That was the testimony of Dan Lasater. Best friend of the
president of the United States. Patsy Thomason ran his company while he
was in jail. What did the president do the day that Dan Lasater walked
out of jail? The last thing he did as governor was to pardon Dan

And then he has a love fest with children at the White House? To get a
copy of the Tape that excerpt is from, call 1-800-965-2344 and ask them
for the Mena Cover-up Tape. Tell them Mike Reagan sent you.

The point I'm making with this is that - here is a guy that is the best
friend of the president who is willing to say that giving away cocaine
is morally better than selling it.

He was giving it to a virgin cheerleader who became a prostitute Lake
Tahoe, California.

Yet, the President and ABC have this love affair at the White House two
days ago about what we need to do for children

This is Michael Reagan with the Michael Reagan talk show.

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SABA NOTE:   So the little girl with the rose tatto and the dyed black
hair, who had from all indications been promised a job with the CIA or
FBI - suddenly is terminted, the party is over - and no nobody is
blaming Gary Condit for a murder here, are they but somehow this Mena
connection and murder of children, and Monica fearing for her life - it
all pieces into a bigger picture.

John Glenn would never have been so stupid or corrupt....and he was a
Boy Scout - no wonder the commnist controlled Gay Priders attempt to
destroy the moral character and foundation of this country, by pushing
sodomy on our scouts - and where did Monica learn to be such a good
litle prostitute and what was her price ???

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