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Date sent:              Sun, 08 Jul 2001 13:30:20 +1200
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Subject:                SNET: Chemtrails Over America  - A Special Report
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On This Page
• Chemtrails Over America — A Special Report
• ADII - Interactive DataWall

brand • The Power Hour Excerpt Quoting Mike Blair
on the Federal Government’s GREAT BARIUM SALT LIE
 enough • Military Behind Mystery Chemtrails — EXCLUSIVE TO THE SPOTLIGHT By
Mike Blair
 enough • Jet Trails Tested in Combat Scenarios — EXCLUSIVE TO THE SPOTLIGHT
By Mike Blair


The Power Hour Radio Show
with Joyce Riley and Dave vonKleist
hosting Mike Blair on Friday, July 6th, 2001,
on the Genesis Communication radio Network.
“We will not stop!”
— Joyce Riley and Dave vonKleist

Listening Options and Stations

June 5, 2001
Researchers assigned to this project have diverse backgrounds and are
trained in and associated with a variety of disciplines including
electronics, communications and environmental engineering, general medicine,
biomedical research, chemistry, government/political, NSA/CIA, and military
theory and technology. A team of organized and dedicated professionals has
devoted thousands of hours to this project over the past year, and read
hundreds of scientific, government and military documents found in the
public domain. Individual researchers have conducted in-depth investigation
by other means, including direct observation and inquiry.



We will talk about four activeprojects ongoing in the atmosphere across
America now.

The first project is designed to block and reduce the radiation from the sun
to the earth with an aerosol emitted from aircraft. The aerosol is probably
aluminum oxide or a compound that would have similar properties.

We will simply state here that there is a major upper level ozone crisis
building without a permanent solution. Please click on the word ozone for a
review of the ozone matter. Concerns are widespread and encompass all solar
radiation including UV and solar flares. We cannot emphasize enough the
serious nature of the ozone depletion to all aspects of life on this planet.
Solar radiation can support disease in different forms and directly or
indirectly damage the food supplies. UV rays can suppress the human immune
system leaving the body vulnerable to many diseases caused by bacteria and
viruses entering through or affecting the skin. We do not believe the cause
for the ozone depletion has been addressed.

The typical ozone layer is 1/8 of an inch thick above the earth, the
thickness of two pennies. In space, it's best not to envision the ozone
layer as a distinct, measurable band. Instead, think of it in terms of parts
per million concentrations in the stratosphere (the layer six to 30 miles
above the Earth's surface).

The second and most secretive project is the United States Navy’s RFMP,
Radio Frequency Mission Planner, military program. The RFMP is the system
name given to a group of computer programs. One of the supporting
subprograms within the RFMP system is called the VTRPE computer program.
VTRPE is an acronym that stands for Variable Terrain Radio Parabolic
Equation. It is a computer Radio Frequency propagation program that deals
with radio waves and enables the RFMP system to visually see the battlefield
terrain in 3 dimensions (3-D) on a television screen. The RFMP system also
depends on satellites to feed their images of the battlefield into it, to
then be combined with the battlefield picture painted from the ground, thus
producing 3-D images.

Radio Frequency Mission Planner

By providing an extremely interactive and visual (television type radar
screens) environment, the RFMP system allows the computer operator to
develop familiarity with the “Radio Frequency” environment before a
battlefield war mission occurs by playing a variety of “what-if” virtual
warfare scenarios on his computer screen. Since all major modes of Radio
Frequency propagation are modeled in his computer (RFMP system), special,
sometimes counter-intuitive cases can be examined in detail and exploited
during a warfare battle mission.

The VTRPE computer program only worked accurately over water and along
coastal areas, but not over land masses because the system's radar waves
required an atmospheric condition known as “ducting” to operate accurately.

Radar display without “ducting”

Radar display with “ducting”

The government and military solved the “ducting” problem by releasing an
aerosol, a mixture of barium salts into the atmosphere over America. They
made an atmospheric RF duct with a base of barium aerosol from aircraft. The
chemical and electrical characteristics of the mixture will cause water
moisture to stay in clouds. Again, the aerosol sets up an electrical and
chemical environment that supports RF ducting for the RFMP / VTRPE warfare
system. Fibers with barium may support ducting. The mixture of barium salt
aerosol, when sprayed in a straight line, will also provide a ducting path
from point A to point B and will enable high frequency communications along
that path, even over the curvature of the earth, in both directions. Enemy
high frequency communications can be monitored easier with the straight line
A to B ducting medium.

Barium salt chemtrails were used to support the Navy’s
Radio Frequency Mission Planner over Iraq and Saudi Arabia.

The third project also utilizes the mixture of barium salts in the
atmosphere. Weather control is a project of the U.S. Air Force and utilizes
Nikola Tesla concepts of radio frequency radiation (HAARP) against the
ionosphere above the earth and to control the jet stream.  Fragile life
support systems in our environment are being manipulated, tested, and
altered by government for military advantage. Air Force documents implied,
“the risks are high but the rewards are worth it.” The mixture of barium
salts, supporting moisture, is encouraged along the weather fronts and
manipulated in a control fashion. It is believed microwave energy is also
utilized in the weather control program. Weather data is also a required
input to the VTRPE program of the RFMP system.

In the broadest sense, weather-control can be divided into two major
categories: suppression and intensification of weather patterns. In extreme
cases, it might involve the creation of completely new weather patterns,
attenuation or control of severe storms, or even alteration of global
climate on a far-reaching and/or long-lasting scale. In the mildest and
least controversial cases it may consist of inducing or suppressing
precipitation, clouds, or fog for short times over a region. Other
low-intensity applications might include the alteration and/or use of near
space as a medium to enhance communications, disrupt active or passive
sensing, or other purposes. The primary areas  include generation and
dissipation of precipitation, clouds, and fog; modification of localized
storm systems; and the use of the ionosphere and near space for space
control and communications dominance.

It appears the Jet stream has been controlled.

Perfected weather control technology will enable a military to withhold
rain, cause floods, cause drought, cause storms, withhold sunshine, damage
food crops, and bring any country to its knees without firing a shot.

The fourth project in the atmosphere is the DARPA, Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency, biological detection and decontamination programs. The
program also utilizes the mixture of barium salts as the base vehicle in
aerosol along with special polymer fibers in the atmosphere. They have
released biologicals into the atmosphere in trials, testing the detection
and decontamination systems. BCTP oily - water liquid aerosol is considered
a biological decontaminate.

It is believed that barium salt, polymer fibers, and other chemicals in the
atmosphere are the physical irritants that are either directly or indirectly
responsible for the recent nationwide epidemic increase in cases of nose
bleed, asthma, allergies, pneumonia, upper respiratory symptoms, and a
noticeable increase in arthritis symptoms, recently reported nationwide.
Chemicals illegally sprayed into the atmosphere are producing atmospheric
and ground conditions detrimental to human and animal health but favorable
to the growth of harmful molds / fungus. These conditions are not conducive
to good health. The soluble salts of barium, an earth metal, are toxic in
mammalian systems. They are absorbed rapidly from the gastrointestinal tract
and are deposited in the muscles, lungs, and bone. No case data is available
from the medical community on the long term effects of barium in the human

The programs are secret because the Federal EPA and State Environmental
Quality Agencies need to “not know” about what the by-products of the
metabolites of biological, illegal and harmful agents are. It is for that
reason the project has been declared secret from the citizens. It is all
illegal under federal and state laws.

Mount Vernon, Washington, May 22, 2001 08:38 PDT




A mixture of barium salt, aerosol chemical trails are being deliberately
discharged into the atmosphere from military and civilian registered
aircraft over the continental United States at lower altitudes (compared to
the aluminum, ozone effort aerosol at much higher altitudes). Selected
commercial airliners have been modified and equipped with specialized
aerosol dispersion devices. Aircraft emission of aerosol chemical trails is
being consistently reported in several other countries worldwide.


Mike Blair interview on Joyce Riley, Dave vonKleist’s, The Power Hour, July
6, 2001.

“They (government) are already preparing us for the day when it’s going to
become widely, universally known that barium salts are being dumped into the
atmosphere, they already have an answer for that. They built up a lot of
bogus material  regarding emissions from coal fired power plants. Would you
believe that material, and I have documents to back this up, indicates that
the emission from these coal fired plants is barium salt. Could you believe
that barium salts would be the largest substance that comes from this black
smoke that pours out of some coal fired electrical production plants. It’s
unbelievable, but already in place as an excuse! And that’s a scoop, because
we haven’t said anything about that before.” — Mike Blair, July 6, 2001.

* Barium Compounds total        366,978 pounds,     Oologah, Oklahoma *

* Barium Compounds total     1,153,537 pounds,     Fannin, Texas *

* Barium Compounds total        427,765 pounds,     Vernon, Texas *

* Barium Compounds total       941, 815 pounds,     Gentry, Arkansas *

* Barium Compounds total       921,867  pounds,     Hallsville, Texas *

* Barium Compounds total     2,055,265 pounds,     Pittsburg, Texas *


This paper addresses the two main projects ongoing in the atmosphere. One is
a sensitive experimental project and the other is a secret military project.
The sensitive experimental project is a compound aerosol, possibly aluminum,
dispersed at higher altitudes because of the ozone depletion. The main
secret military, chemtrail project is the United States Navy’s, RFMP, Radio
Frequency Mission Planner, and the subprogram, VTRPE, Variable Terrain Radio
Parabolic Equation, computer propagation program. The old VTRPE subprogram
has been updated and “enhanced” to function accurately over land with the
enabler chemical aerosol, a mixture of barium salts in the atmosphere. The
barium salt in the atmosphere acts as the facilitator electrolyte and allows
the high tech., cutting edge advanced electronic systems to function in a
military warfare environment. The VTRPE program would not accurately
function without barium salt facilitating the RF “ducting” over land. (The
RFMP supports the planning, simulation, training, and monitoring of Radio
Frequency-related missions by integrating a wide variety of propagation
models, environmental (weather) databases, and mission analyses.

These missions include:

1. signal detection, detection: 1. The recovery of information from an
electrical or electromagnetic signal. Note: Conventional radio waves are
usually detected by heterodyning, i.e., coherent reception/detection. In
this method of reception/detection, the received signal is mixed, in some
type of nonlinear device, with a signal from a local oscillator, to produce
an intermediate frequency, i.e., beat frequency, from which the modulating
signal is recovered, i.e., detected. The inherent instabilities of available
optical sources have, until relatively recently, prevented practical use of
coherent reception/detection in optical communication receivers. At present,
coherent optical receivers, using sophisticated technology, are just
beginning to emerge from the laboratory into the field. Virtually all
existing optical receivers employ direct detection; that is, the received
optical signal impinges directly onto a detector. Direct detection is less
sensitive than coherent detection. [After FAA] 2. In tactical operations,
the perception of an object of possible military interest but unconfirmed by
recognition. [JP1] 3. In surveillance, the determination and transmission by
a surveillance system that an event has occurred. [JP1]

2. acquisition: 1. In satellite communications, the process of locking
tracking equipment on a signal from a communications satellite 2. The
process of achieving synchronization 3. In servo systems, the process of
entering the boundary conditions that will allow the loop to capture the
signal and achieve lock-on.

3. geolocation: The mathematical correspondence between image coordinates
(line, sample) and geographic coordinates (lat., long.)

4. deconfliction: (DOD) A systematic management procedure to coordinate the
use of the electromagnetic spectrum for operations, communications, and
intelligence functions. Frequency deconfliction is one element of
electromagnetic spectrum management. See also electromagnetic spectrum;
electronic warfare; spectrum management.

5.basic communications system planning

6. meaconing: (DOD, NATO) A system of receiving radio beacon signals and
rebroadcasting them on the same frequency to confuse navigation. The
meaconing stations cause inaccurate bearings to be obtained by aircraft or
ground stations. See also beacon.

7. interference, electromagnetic interference (EMI): Any electromagnetic
disturbance that interrupts, obstructs, or otherwise degrades or limits the
effective performance of electronics/electrical equipment. It can be induced
intentionally, as in some forms of electronic warfare, or unintentionally,
as a result of spurious emissions and responses, intermodulation products,
and the like.

8. jamming, jamming to signal ratio (J/S): The ratio, usually expressed in
dB, of the power of a jamming signal to that of a desired signal at a given
point such as the antenna terminals of a receiver.

9.intrusion: The act of wrongfully entering upon, seizing, or taking
possession of the property of another.

10.detection: The act of discovering or determining the existence, presence,
or fact of Intrusion Detection; The act of discovering or determining the
existence, presence, or fact of the wrongfully entering upon, seizing, or
taking possession of the property of another. (acronym for 6,7,8,9 is “MIJI”
, they are grouped together.)

By providing an extremely interactive and visual (radar screens)
environment, the Radio Frequency Mission Planner, RFMP, allows the computer
operator to develop familiarity with the Radio Frequency environment before
a mission occurs by playing a variety of “what-if” virtual warfare scenarios
on his computer screen. Since all major modes of RF propagation are modeled
in his computer, (RFMP system), special, sometimes counter-intuitive, cases
can be examined in detail and exploited during a mission. The RFMP can paint
a 3-D picture of the battlefield using satellite and ground radar imaging

Radio Frequency Mission Planner

They have developed and upgraded a new computerized military virtual
warfare system using barium salt as an atmospheric ducting medium
to make the VTRPE subprogram work accurately over land masses.
This system is far reaching and has great possibilities in warfare.
It is the most sophisticated coming together of high technical science
warfare in history. Satellite involvement as part of the RFMP system
is acknowledged.

Chemtrail aerosol was photographed by satellite over Iraq and Saudi Arabia,
NOAA / NESDIS, NOAA-11, during the Gulf War. Also, the polymer fibers in the
aerosol barium, in the atmosphere, can be used as an optical detection
system to discover the presence of biological agents in the atmosphere.

Barium salt chemtrails were used to support the Navy’s Radio Frequency
Mission Planner over Iraq and Saudi Arabia.

The RFMP system is designed to support not only mission planning, but also
RF-related mission training and simulation within the DIS community.

Variable Terrain Radio Parabolic Equation (VTRPE) computer program is used
within RFMP as a subprogram to predict performance for frequencies between
100 MHz and 20 GHz. VTRPE is dependent on terrain data and will also
approximate propagation through ducts over both land and water. VTRPE is a
computationally intensive model.

This is a part of the RFMP, Radio Frequency Mission Planner.
Notice: “VTRPE propagation code” square, “weather model” square

The USS Enterprise and her battle group, off the coast of North Carolina, on
March 20, 2001, (26,000 men in the fleet and on the coast) were testing and
applying the RFMP/VTRPE ship and satellite imaging using the barium salts

We know, in this exercise, they used the RFMP and barium salts and “weather
control” to produce a storm at the time of the exercise. This event was
never reported outside of the coastal area of North Carolina. We know this
happened because we had a person there!


Analyses within RFMP are performed by accessing computer algorithms that
model propagation of signals as they travel away from the transmitting
antenna. Some of the algorithms use complex physics and mathematics to
calculate the results while others are based on experimental data that has
been accumulated over many years. Some of the propagation programs available
to the Radio Frequency Mission Planner are:

Damboldt: Damboldt is a high-frequency (HF) skywave model used to analyze
signals that are refracted off the ionosphere. Damboldt is considered valid
for frequencies between 2 MHz and 50 MHz, and does not require many sample
points in VOI. Damboldt is terrain-independent and can be applied over land
and/or water. HF skywaves may be detected under the right conditions at
distances exceeding several thousand miles.

GRWAVE: The ground wave model GRWAVE is independent of terrain and is used
to predict HF LOS propagation for frequencies between 2 MHz and 50 MHz. HF
ground waves are not likely to be detected beyond 100 miles, although HF
skywaves may be detected at ranges exceeding 1000 miles.

TIREM: The Terrain Integrated Rough Earth Model (TIREM) incorporates terrain
effects and is applicable from 2 MHz to 20 GHz. TIREM also returns a mode
parameter to indicate whether the strongest signal is LOS, diffracted, or

FFACTR: FFACTR is recommended for frequencies above 100 MHz and below 20 GHz
for paths only over water. The FFACTR model (F Propagation Factor) is not an
acronym, but a variable name within the EREPS program.

RPO: Radio Physical Optics (RPO) is applied in the same situations as
FFACTR. RPO uses different techniques and may produce better results if
ducts are present. As one of the early users of RFMP, we can only recommend
that you gain experience with FFACTR and RPO and reach some conclusion as to
which one produces better results for your operating environment.

VTRPE: Variable Terrain Radio Parabolic Equation (VTRPE) is used within RFMP
to predict performance for frequencies between 100 MHz and 20 GHz. VTRPE is
dependent on terrain data and will also approximate propagation through
ducts over both land and water. VTRPE is a computationally intensive model
and VTRPE analyses may take longer than analyses with other models. The new
enhanced VTRPE model functions over land with barium salt in the atmosphere
as the facilitating medium to generate ground radar imaging and satellite
imaging data, converted to television display images.

Examples of two propagation slices generated against the San Diego scene are
shown, one for clear day atmospherics —
Jefferson/Radar%20Systems/rdrscegen/vtrpe/clearday/clearday.htm), and the
other representing ducting conditions —
Jefferson/Radar%20Systems/rdrscegen/vtrpe/ducting/ducting.htm), based on
measured refractivity profiles, resulting in significant focussing of radar
power in certain overland regions, and creating significant gaps in radar
coverage near land.

Clear day atmospherics

Ducting conditions


Military projects are associated through the mixture of barium salt in the
lower atmosphere. The main purpose of the mixture of barium salt aerosol in
the atmosphere is for the functioning of the most secretive project, the
refinement and operation of the Radio Frequency mission Planner/Variable
Terrain Refractivity Parabolic Equation, RFMP/VTRPE, computer propagation
program for the United States Navy. Weather control also utilizes barium
salt in the atmosphere to accomplish its goals. The projects are under the
heading and associated with the term Advanced Radar Studies.


Barium salt “chemtrails” can be used to create an artificial ducting path at
altitudes needed for communications from the command and control area to the
battlefield operations area. Radio waves (voice, data and radar) follow this
artificial path in both directions for a maximized communications path.
Barium salt is the atmospheric medium used with the enhanced Variable
Terrain Refractivity Parabolic Equation (VTRPE) propagation program, part of
the Radio Frequency Mission Planner (RFMP.) Weather information
(environmental input data) is fed to the “weather model” computer program,
connected to the VTRPE computer propagation model program. Barium salt is an
atmospheric medium used for both the HAARP associated RF, weather control
and RFMP/VTRPE propagation programs.


The program is classified because the Federal EPA and State Environmental
Quality Agencies need to “not know” about what the by-products of the
metabolites of biological, illegal and harmful agents are. It is for that
reason the project has been declared secret from the citizens.


The Navy’s RFMP, Radio Frequency Mission Planner computer system’s data,
including the “chemtrail” barium
aerosol driven VTRPE subprogram within the RFMP system, can now display the
full battlefield image on the
Interactive DataWall display for one or more military and civilian commands
to view and oversee the warfare
battlespace, around the world in real-time.

The increasingly complex battlefield environment drives the requirement for
the presentation and interactive control of an endless stream of information
arriving from a diverse collection of sensors deployed on a variety of
platforms. At best, the situational awareness picture is fragmented without
the benefit of extensive data fusion and correlation to present a true
picture of the battlespace from all information sources. Collaboration and
interaction is also needed for operators within a control center and among
remote geographic locations. The need to display and manipulate real-time
multimedia data in a battlefield operations control center is critical to
the Joint Commander directing air, land, naval and space assets.

The Interactive DataWall being developed by the Advanced Displays and
Intelligent Interfaces (ADII) technology team of the Information Directorate
of the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL/IF) in Rome, New York is a strong
contender for solving the information management problems facing the 21st
century military commander. Commercial off-the-shelf technology has been
combined with specialized hardware and software developed in-house to
provide a unique capability for multimedia data display and control. The
system features speaker-independent voice activation and a wireless pointing
device using camera tracked laser pointers. This pointing system utilizes
custom hardware and software developed by AFRL/IF. It provides both
conventional computer mouse functionality and electronic grease pencil
capability to interact with a high-resolution display. Three horizontally
tiled video projectors each display 1280 x 1024 pixels for a combined
resolution of 3840 x 1024 pixels across a 12' x 3' screen area. Examples of
data display elements include detailed terrain, land route maps, real-time
audio/video communications, airborne surveillance and intelligence
information, archived geographic database information, and modeling and
simulation capability for sortie generation exercises.
AFRL/IF has successfully implemented a number of Interactive DataWalls each
consisting of three horizontally tiled video projectors. They include
SGI-based and Sun-based configurations. They all have the same wireless
interaction capabilities.

To support the testbed for the forward deployable element of the
Configurable Aerospace Command and Control (CACC) Integrated Technology
Thrust Program (ITTP), a Sun workstation based Deployable Interactive
DataWall (DID) with a 9' x 2 1/4' screen was developed. It is housed in an
extensively modified Air Force S-530 A/G Standard Rigid Walled shelter, with
its own Tactical Generator Set and Environmental Control Unit. Due to the
unique, short-throw, rear-projection requirements, three LCD projectors with
special short-throw lenses are used.

Near term plans for the Interactive DataWall include testbed installations
at the ACC Command and Control Battlelab located at Hurlburt Field, FL and
the AFRL Human Effectiveness Directorate (HE) at Wright-Patterson AFB, OH.
Multiple copies of the laser pointer tracking hardware are being built to
support both current and future DataWall installations.

Future research plans for the Interactive DataWall technology include the
incorporation of a magnetic position tracking system to replace the laser
pointer tracking. This will simplify the configuration by eliminating the
video cameras and potentially allow multiple simultaneous pointers. Multiple
user speech input is being investigated for the possibility of simultaneous
speech activation by different DataWall operators. Collaboration of data and
operator interactions at physically separated DataWall command centers is
also being researched.

A PC-based Interactive DataWall is being investigated as a low-cost
alternative to Unix workstation-based systems that have been developed. A
transportable version of the DataWall is also being researched that can be
disassembled, transported, and reassembled in a short period of time for
indoor use.

Deployable Interactive DataWall

  Hardware: Software:

SGI Interactive DataWall: Nuance Continuous Speech Recognition (Nuance)
SGI Onyx Workstation w/ 3 Reality Engines  X-META-X (X-Software)
([1280 x 3] x 1024 pixels)  Laser Pointer Tracking Software (AFRL/IF)
SGI Indy Desktop Workstation (for speech recognition) Tiled Display
Alignment Software (AFRL/IF)

Sun Interactive DataWall:
1 Sun Ultra 60 SPARC Workstation System Availability:
2 Sun Ultra 30 SPARC Workstations
([1280 x 3] x 1024 pixels) The SGI and Sun Interactive DataWalls are
  located in the Command & Control Technology
Deployable Interactive DataWall: Center, Rome NY
Sun Ultra Enterprise 3500 Server
([1024 x 3] x 768 pixels)
All Systems:
3 Video Cameras .
3 Video Projectors .
Rear Projection Screen .
Wireless Microphone .
Laser Pointer .
Laser Pointer Tracking Hardware (AFRL/IF) .


There is great concern among the scientific community that the ozone layer
has been very seriously damaged. We believe the reason for the damage has
not yet been mentioned or addressed. Ongoing study of this problem by
individual researchers is eliciting concrete evidence that, at the very
least, the atmospheric chemistry and circulation of the earth’s atmosphere
have been disrupted. There is a growing body of evidence to justify concern
that there are serious problems with our atmospheric chemistry and our
protective ozone layer above the earth. There is growing evidence that
aerosol aluminum compounds are being systematically released at higher
altitudes above 30,000 feet, and is directly related to the ozone problem.
There is growing evidence that instances of ultra violet radiation caused
skin cancer will increase. The consequences are sobering to consider.
Aluminum compound is being discharged by aircraft at higher altitudes, in a
separate project, for filtering and reflecting radiation, including ultra
violet, from the sun. Polymer fibers are being found in various locations
subsequent to observed incidence of aerosol discharge by subsonic aircraft.
Research and development of polymer fibers is identified and described in
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, DARPA, documents. Other polymer
fiber types are mentioned in other government and military documents.

 Click on image and journey to originating web page
Polymer fibers

It is believed that barium salt, polymer fibers, and other chemicals in the
atmosphere are the chemicals and physical irritants that are either directly
or indirectly responsible, for the recent nationwide epidemic increase in
cases of nose bleed, asthma, allergies, and upper respiratory symptoms
including pneumonia. Chemicals illegally sprayed into the atmosphere are
producing atmospheric and ground conditions detrimental to human and animal
health but favorable to the growth of harmful molds and fungus. These
conditions are not conducive to good health. The soluble salts of barium, an
alkaline earth metal, are toxic in mammalian systems. They are absorbed
rapidly from the gastrointestinal tract and are deposited in the muscles,
lungs, and bone. No case data is available from the medical community on the
long term effects of barium in the human body. Barium salt in the atmosphere
is used for weather control and the Radio Frequency Mission Planner, radio
wave propagation, and ducting used in battlefield warfare.

Polymer fibers are used to optically detect biologicals in the atmosphere.
Aluminum ingested into the lung tissue and body is eventually lethal to the
human system. Unfiltered UV from the sun is lethal too.


In the broadest sense, weather modification can be divided into two major
categories: suppression and intensification of weather patterns. In extreme
cases, it might involve the creation of completely new weather patterns,
attenuation or control of severe storms, or even alteration of global
climate on a far-reaching and/or long-lasting scale. In the mildest and
least controversial cases it may consist of inducing or suppressing
precipitation, clouds, or fog for short times over a region.

Melbourne, FL, November 12, 2000 / Photo by Matt Bragaw, Peter Blottman

Statue of Liberty, April 27, 2001

Boston, Massachusetts Sky Cam, April 8, 2001 7 pm

Other low-intensity applications might include the alteration and/or use of
near space as a medium to enhance communications, disrupt active or passive
sensing, or other purposes. The primary areas discussed include generation
and dissipation of precipitation, clouds, and fog; modification of localized
storm systems; and the use of the ionosphere and near space for space
control and communications dominance.

Analyses within RFMP are performed by accessing computer algorithms that
model propagation of signals as they travel away from the transmitting
antenna. Some of the algorithms use complex physics and mathematics to
calculate the results while others are based on experimental data that has
been accumulated over many years.

Propagation models, which are complicated mathematical functions, perform
the work of propagation calculations. Models come in two basic types,
point-to-point models and radial models. Point-to-point models calculate a
single propagation value between an origination point and a termination
point. Radial models calculate along a line from the origination point to a
termination point. HAARP associated weather control can operate
independently as a force entity or work in concert with the Radio Frequency
Mission Planner, RFMP/VTRPE effort.

Vast armies are no longer needed; new computerized virtual warfare
technology has been developed, refined and applied.


Never in the history of civilization on the earth has there been such a
complex, overwhelming array of secretive and potentially destructive
experiments ongoing. We have outlined the general areas of science, military
and government activity in this document. It is intended to focus your
attention on and encourage your investigation into these areas and new
areas, which we feel will ultimately affect your life and the lives of your
children. We have approached this investigation seriously and reported our
findings honestly, to the best of our abilities.


reprinted from

Just what exactly are those mysterious airplane vapor trails seen filling
America's skies?  A group of independent investigators may have the answer.
By Mike Blair
June 11, 2001
In a series of high-tech programs that would enthrall the most dedicated
science fiction fans, the military is producing what have become known as
“chemtrails” — the thick, viscous airplane engine trails that have been
poisoning the air and ground with toxic chemicals.
For two years, The SPOTLIGHT has been in contact with experts in fields
ranging from medicine to nuclear energy who have been investigating the
mysterious trails left by airplanes in skies all over America and in many
foreign countries.

These “tracks” in the skies, believed to be left by a combination of
military and civilian aircraft drawn into the massive, multi-billion dollar
program, are unlike regular high-flying aircraft’s vapor trails.  Instead of
dissipating rapidly, these so-called “chemtrails” mesh together for hours
and are often mistaken for natural clouds.

The principal chemical being deposited in the air consists of various
mixtures of barium salts, which were revealed in studies undertaken by a
Pennsylvania-based high-tech weapons scientist.

Chemicals, he said, were being utilized as part of the development of a new
radar system at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio.

The base will be the site of a massive demonstration on Saturday, June 23,
starting at 1 p.m. under the sponsorship of Ohio Citizens Against
Chemtrails, headed by Kim Weber, one of the citizens working on the
chemtrail investigation.

The rally will be attended by hundreds of people from across the nation who
are concerned about these poisons being dumped out of the sky onto millions
of people on the ground.

Considerable effort has been put into chemtrail research by a physicist who
has been associated with Brookhaven National Laboratory on Long Island, N.Y.
The scientist, with his fellow researchers, has determined that the
chemtrails are being created by efforts of the military in at least four
major, but separate, projects.

The first project is an effort to block the rays of the sun from hitting the
Earth, including ultra-violet radiation that will come through without an
adequate layer of ozone in the upper regions above the Earth.

In the event of global warming, this, it is hoped, could lower temperatures
on the surface of the Earth and block ultra-violet radiation from causing
skin cancer in humans.

The aerosol being sprayed in this case is probably aluminum oxide or a
compound that would have similar properties, and is the only one of the
government programs that does not use the barium mixtures.


The second and most secret project is the Navy’s Radio Frequency Mission
Planner (RFMP) program, which is a system encompassing a group of computer

One of its supporting subprograms is known as Variable Terrain Radio
Parabolic Equation or VTRPE.  This is a computer radio frequency propagation
program that deals with radio waves and enables the RFMP system to visually
see the terrain of a battlefield in three dimensions on a television-type

The RFMP system also depends on satellites to supplement the images of a
battlefield picture obtained from the ground, thus producing the
3-dimensional images.

In providing an interactive picture portraying in the radar screen, the RFMP
system allows the computer operator to develop familiarity with the
“environment” before a war mission occurs by playing a variety of “what if?”
virtual warfare scenarios on his computer screen.  Since all major modes of
radio frequency propagation are modeled in his computer (the RFMP system),
special, sometimes counter-intuitive, cases can be examined in detail and
exploited during a battle.

Initially, the VTRPE computer program only worked accurately over water and
along coastal areas but not over land masses because the system’s radar
waves required an atmospheric condition known as “ducting,” over land, to
operate accurately.

This “ducting” problem was solved by releasing an aerosol, a mixture of
barium salts into the atmosphere over the United States.  Thus, they can
make an atmospheric radio frequency “duct” with a base of barium aerosol
released from aircraft.

One of the researchers, the physicist from Brookhaven, explained how the
process works:  The chemical and electrical characteristics of the mixture
cause moisture to stay in the clouds.  The aerosol sets up an electrical and
chemical environment that supports RF ducting for the RFMP/VTRPE warfare

“The mixture of barium salt from the aerosol when sprayed in a straight line
will also provide a ducting path from point A to point B and will enable
high frequency communications along that path, even over the curvature of
the Earth, in both directions,” he said.  “Enemy high frequency
communications can be monitored easier with the straight line A to B ducting

The third project also utilizes the mixture of barium salts in the
atmosphere and involves weather control.  It is a project of the Air Force
and utilizes concepts of radio frequency radiation, developed originally by
legendary scientist Nikola Tesla, against the ionosphere above the Earth.

Known as the so-called HAARP project, it is manipulating life-support
systems in the environment, testing and altering them for military

Air Force documents, obtained by the independent researchers, indicate that
“the risks are high but the rewards are worth it.”

The mixture of barium salts, supporting moisture, is administered along the
weather fronts and manipulated in a controlled fashion.

It is believed that microwave energy is also utilized in the weather control
program.  Weather data is also a required input to the VTRPE program of the
RFMP system.

Perfect weather control technology will enable the military to withhold
rain, cause floods, cause drought, cause storms, withhold sunshine, damage
food crops, and bring any country to its knees without firing a shot.

The fourth atmospheric project is being run by the Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency (DARPA) as a means to detect and decontaminate enemy
biological attacks.

The program also utilizes a mixture of barium salts as the base vehicle in
aerosol, along with special polymer fibers.  The combination allows
detection of biological agents.

Some biological agents have actually been released into the atmosphere in
trials, testing the detection and decontamination systems.

It is believed that barium salt, polymer fibers and other chemicals in the
atmosphere are the physical irritants that may be directly or indirectly
responsible for unexplained nose bleeds, asthma, allergies, pneumonia, upper
respiratory ailments and arthritis-like symptoms.

Chemicals sprayed into the atmosphere are producing air and ground
conditions that may be harmful to humans and animals, while stimulating the
growth of molds and bacteria.

Barium salts, an Earth metal, are toxins that absorb readily into the
gastrointestinal tract which are deposited into muscles and other tissue.
No case data is available on the long-term effects of barium in humans.

“The programs remain secret because the Environmental Protection Agency and
state environmental agencies need to ‘not know’ about the by-products of the
metabolites of these biological, illegal and harmful agents,” said one of
the researchers.  “It’s for that reason the combined projects have been kept
secret from the citizens.”


reprinted from

The U.S. military is testing high-tech, experimental equipment in the
eastern United States.
By Mike Blair
June 11, 2001
Three-dimensional radar systems, such as the Navy’s top secret Variable
Terrain Radio Parabolic Equation (VTRPE) program, which visualize the
terrain of a battlefield on a television-type screen, are being developed
through spreading chemtrails across the nation’s skies and are being field
tested in the military exercises across the country.
The latest, which the Pentagon is calling “Joint Patriot 01,” is under way
at Fort Drum, a military base outside of Watertown, N.Y.  Exercises will run
through June 30.

Centered at Fort Drum, the home of the Army’s elite 10th Mountain Division,
the military is also utilizing facilities at Combat Readiness Training
Centers at Volk Field, Wisc., Alpena, Mich., and Utah's Dugway Proving

“Concurrently, the exercise permits testing of advanced command and control
technology developed by the Air Force Research Laboratory, Rome, N.Y.,
research site,” a Pentagon spokesman said.  “Numerous technologies will be
field tested, including command and control systems, dynamic planning and
targeting systems, sensor systems, and specialized next-generation
communications systems.”

The Air Force Research Laboratory at Rome, located in Central New York about
75 miles from Fort Drum, used to be part of Griffiss Air Force Base, a
Strategic Air Command B-52 bomber base.

In 1982, the air base was closed down and the top secret laboratory was the
only Air Force facility retained.  The lab was enhanced and its mission
scope increased.  Little is known about what goes on there, but it is known
that the scientists there are developing military technology involving

In the mid-1990s, a local sensation was created in the vicinity of Rome when
numerous residents reported seeing bizarre “balls of light” traveling at
treetop level.  Many believed the phenomena were created at the Air Force

The Pentagon claims that the maneuvers at Fort Drum are “a war-fighting
capability training exercise for more than 6,000 Air and Army National Guard
members and elements from the Army, Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps, and
allied reserve forces from Britain and the Netherlands.”

In a similar drill, not reported in the media, 26,000 military personnel on
March 20 took part in a massive exercise, which involved a Navy battle group
headed by the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise 200 miles off the coast of
North Carolina.  In the drill, Eastern North Carolina was “enemy territory”
and the VTRPE system was used to keep surveillance on it.

Exercises at Fort Drum and North Carolina may have been assisted by Air
Force-induced weather changes.


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