-Caveat Lector-

Sunday, July 8, 2001

Drought of biblical scale worsens Mideast conflict

The Associated Press

TIBERIAS, Israel - The Sea of Galilee, the biblical lake where Jesus walked on water, 
has been pumped almost
to its limit. It is now so low that salt deposits endanger its sweet water.

Broad mud flats and odd little islands deface the placid expanse of blue that until 
just a few years ago
lapped at old stone walls.

Israel's other main sources, aquifers marbled within mountains and along the 
Mediterranean coast, are depleted
by the worst drought in a century. They are being tapped much faster than engineers 

With all of their other problems, Israelis and Palestinians are running out of water.

"We're worried, very worried," said Zvi Stuhl, senior engineer at Mekorot, Israel's 
water company. He oversees
the National Water Carrier, which has supplied homes and made deserts bloom for 37 

Against a backdrop of fresh conflict, water politics are paramount. Arabs receive a 
fraction of what goes to
Jews, which adds hard immediacy to the slow process of making peace.

Israelis say their advanced society, with its developed economy, needs more water. 
Palestinians argue that the
water shortage blocks their development.

The imbalances are striking.

In the West Bank, some Palestinians trudge long distances for water, at times within 
earshot of youths
frolicking in the swimming pools of Jewish settlements built in their midst.

In the Gaza Strip, a few thousand Jewish settlers have ample water piped from Israel 
while a million
Palestinians pump the last drinkable dregs of underground rivers polluted by 
encroaching seawater and sewage.

"You cannot talk about peace while you have this discrimination on the ground," said 
Ayman Rabi, executive
director of the Palestinian Hydrology Group. "Every day, the problem is getting worse."

Because the Palestinian economy depends so heavily on growing food, the future looks 
bleak, he said.

Water authorities say the present is serious enough.

Uri Saguy, chairman of Mekorot, went on the air in June to warn of more drought to 
come, with the country
already facing a 30 percent water shortfall.

One stopgap measure is to bring tankers of water from Turkey, but that won't begin for 
a year, warned Sara
Haklai, who manages supply for Mekorot.

Salvation may ultimately lie in desalting seawater, as Arab states on the Persian Gulf 
already do. But
although Israel is a world leader in the technology, it prefers natural water sources 
for itself.

Desalination plants are now being planned, but the first two, not expected to operate 
before 2004, will meet
only 5 percent of the normal annual demand.

Meanwhile, the population mushrooms. A high Arab birth rate and influxes of Jewish 
immigrants have boosted it
to more than 6 million Israelis and 3.3 million Palestinians.

"We have to reduce the supply, but everyone wants to do something different," Haklai 
said. "The government has
to decide what to do and be sure that everybody does it."

The crisis has deep roots. In 1990, Israel's state comptroller excoriated 
"irresponsible management of the
water supply for 25 years" that destroyed reserves and damaged water quality.

In a report last year for the Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies, 
analyst Steven Plaut
concluded: "Israeli water policy is and has been a nearly unmitigated disaster, 
producing waste,
misallocation, and environmental destruction."

The National Water Carrier is an engineering showpiece. The intricate grid of pipeline 
and canal, is fed by
three huge pumps on the Galilee, or Lake Kinneret, set underground in case of war with 
neighboring Syria. It
conveys water far south to the Negev desert.

Normally, the lake supplies more than 100 billion gallons a year, but pumping is down 
by more than
three-quarters, and is being pushed ever closer to the point where saltwater springs 
might seep in.

If the lake's surface drops another three feet, Stuhl said, pumps will draw air and 
stop dead, Stuhl said.

The carrier network also taps the coastal aquifer, which lies largely beneath Israel, 
and the mountain
aquifer, which is mostly under Palestinian territory. Both are also at their danger 

Uri Shamir, head of the Water Research Institute at Technion University in Haifa and 
an Israeli water
negotiator, told a meeting of experts in Paris that severe shortages forced both sides 
into a test of good

"If you seek a conflict, water can provide a plausible excuse," he said. "If you seek 
peace, water is a bridge
for cooperation."

In the West Bank and Gaza, Palestinian specialists argue that Israelis can afford to 
seize the moral high
ground because they control the water.

Mekorot says that on a per-person basis, Jews get just over twice as much water as 
Arabs. The numbers are in
sharp dispute, however, partly because of how they are calculated and partly because 
some water data is

According to B'Tselem, the respected Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in 
the Occupied Territories,
Israelis get five times as much water as Palestinians on a per-person average. In 
Gaza, the water ratio is
7-1, it said.

In practice, a B'Tselem report notes, Israel is in command because operating 
arrangements with the
Palestinians give it veto power over new water projects in Arab territories.

During shortages, the report says, Israelis often cut supplies to Palestinians to 
satisfy their own demand.

Palestinian water systems are inadequate and badly degraded in places. According to 
B'Tselem, at least 215,000
West Bank Arabs with no piped supply have to survive on costly bottled water when 
nearby springs go dry.

Marwan Haddad at An-Najah University in Nablus estimates that Israeli households 
actually get 10 times more
water. By cutting back consumption only 10 percent, he says, Israel could double the 
supply to the

He believes the Israelis see nothing wrong with the imbalance.

"They think it is their land, their water, and we are intruders," he said. This should 
be a technical matter
not a political one. But they don't accept us as people."

Eran Feitelson, an Israeli expert at Jerusalem's Hebrew University who works with 
Haddad on hydrology studies,
agrees that equal access to water is a basic human right.

The conflict, he said, is more about symbolism than science because both sides view 
farming as essential to
their identity, and farming consumes too much water.

Working the land and making deserts bloom is the basis of the whole Zionist enterprise 
of returning Jews to
their homeland. To Palestinians, the family farm passed down through generations is a 
validation of their

"Technically, this all can be solved, but the problem is perception," Feitelson said. 
"There's a big
difference between what professionals know and the public perceives. And politicians 
can play on this."

Farming is already down to a token 2 percent of Israel's gross national product, far 
behind high technology.
Israel imports 80 percent of what it eats. Mainly, it sells export crops, such as 
citrus and flowers.

Israel's agriculture survives because farmers pay much less than household consumers 
and industries for water
even though farmers use 60 percent of the drinkable supply.

Palestinians depend more directly on farming. Their economy is about one-third 

Despite the crisis, Israel's home consumption remains near 80 gallons daily per 
person. In wealthy Tel Aviv
neighborhoods, people use up to three times the national average, about equal to 
Phoenix, Ariz.

"Even now, most Israelis have no sense of a crisis," said Raphael Semiot at the 
Technion water center. "It's
hard to believe but many just go on as if nothing is different."

In Efrat, a West Bank Jewish settlement, pizzeria owner Mordechai Goodman was puzzled 
when asked about water
supply. "We just turn on the tap," he said, with a shrug.

In the neighboring Palestinian city of Hebron, where homes might get a few hours of 
running water a month,
people rig makeshift tanks in basements. Cherished vegetable plots have withered away.

Franklin Fisher, an economics professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology 
whose speciality is
Middle East water, scoffs at the idea of war over water.

Stripped of emotion or symbolism, he said, fresh water cannot be worth more than it 
costs to produce. In the
Holy Land, the entire water supply should be valued only somewhere in the low millions 
of dollars, he said.

Seawater can be desalinated for less than Israeli households now pay for water, he 
said on a visit to
Jerusalem. Gaza could be supplied via the National Water Carrier and inefficient 
farming could be replaced
with imported food.

But Fisher punctuated his remarks by saying, "In a perfect world ...," with a chuckle 
to acknowledge how far
from perfect Middle East affairs are.

Mutual distrust hampers technical practicalities. Palestinian leaders dismiss out of 
hand arrangements that
leave Israel's hand on their faucet.

"On paper it might work, but it's not so simple," Semiot said. "In the West Bank, if 
they don't get water,
they don't care about cost. They know that without water, they don't have food, and 
they are ready to fight."

Specialists on both sides agree that in the long run politics cannot override nature.

Hillel Shuval, a Hebrew University expert, insists agriculture should compete for 
scarce water on real terms.
"We are already causing irreparable damage to our aquifers," he said. "It is suicidal 
to grow food in
water-short areas."

To make his point, he plans to sue if the state adopts a proposed three-year ban on 
watering home gardens
while farmers grow flowers for Europe with subsidized water.

Shuval also insists that only fair distribution can ease conflict.

"If we're going to live in peace with Palestinians," he concluded, "it is in Israel's 
political, social and
economic interest to get them enough water not only to survive but also to thrive."

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