An interesting contrast.
The Church, its many organs and branches, has a funny way about
apologizing in one area after the damage is done, while aggressively
persuing the same policy somewhere else for which it is "repenting".

United Church of Christ in Canada WANTS
To Deal With The Cultural Loss Issue.

United Church says cultural loss issues must be on the table in
negotiations with Ottawa.

TORONTO, July 6, 2001

In a statement released today, The United Church
of Canada has said it believes that the negotiations with Ottawa around
residential schools must not be limited to claims of physical and sexual


While it's still early in the negotiations, the United Church says that
it will insist that the matter of cultural loss be dealt with before any

agreement can be reached with the government.

"Sitting at the table is a first step but the challenge we face is
coming to an agreement on the terms of reference that will guide these
negotiations," comments the Reverend David Iverson, chair of the United
Church's Residential Schools Steering Committee.

The United Church has repeatedly argued that it believes claims of
cultural loss must be considered when dealing with matters related to
residential schools. The church's own position has been to apologize for

all manner of harm that was done as a result of the United Church's
involvement in the residential school system, explains Iverson.

"Individual claimants are only one group of people who were affected by
this policy of assimilation," says Iverson. "Entire communities and
generations of family members have borne years of pain and suffering
that must be addressed in any agreement we come to with the Government
of Canada."

"The United Church is entering into these conversations with the
Government of Canada with the clear purpose of trying to achieve a fair
and timely reparation for harm done to individuals and communities
resulting from the legacy of residential schools," says Iverson.

He adds that not only does the United Church want to ensure that any
agreement is in keeping with its long-term commitment to reconciliation
and healing with Canada's First Nations peoples, but also that these
talks keep the interests of the survivors of residential schools first
and foremost in mind.

"We are not negotiating with the Government in order to abdicate
responsibility or to avoid financial hardship," says Iverson. "We hope
that with these conversations we will be able to find the path to not
only resolving the dilemma of costly and time-consuming litigation, but
also seeking a just resolution to all claims regarding the legacy of
residential schools."

That is why Iverson is concerned when he reads that Deputy Prime
Minister Herb Gray says he must "protect taxpayer's interests" in
reaching any agreement with the churches. Iverson says that comments
like this not only smack of political opportunism but also fail to
acknowledge that Ottawa has an obligation to challenge each and every
taxpayer to recognise that we all bear responsibility for this horrific
chapter in Canadian history.

"Church organizations were active participants in a misguided, historic
government policy of cultural and racial assimilation," says Iverson.
"But assimilation was supported and endorsed by the Canadian public."

That is why, he says, reconciliation with Canada's First Nations
peoples, including financial compensation for the legacy of residential
schools, is a collective responsibility that all Canadians must share.

The United Church also believes that the negotiations with the
Government should include consideration of a two-tract approach for
dealing with issues related to residential schools. The first tract
would focus primarily on litigation involving physical and sexual abuse.

These matters would be resolved using some form of alternative dispute
resolution process. A second tract would deal with other matters, like
cultural loss issues, that require a major policy and programme response

involving all parties.

"The ministry of reconciliation is part of our calling as a church,"
says Iverson. "It is rooted in our biblical heritage and is especially
central as we seek new ways of being in relationship with First Nations


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