-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!



WHEN, IN THE COURSE OF HUMAN EVENTS: "We hold these truths to be
self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their
Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty
and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are
instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the
governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these
ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to
institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and
organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to
effect their safety and happiness."

That was the theory. So after 225 years, what happened? What happened is that
Independence Day, now almost universally known simply as "The Fourth of July"
(let's have no unpleasant reminders of exactly what it is that we are
celebrating on that particular day in July), is just another day to take off
work, have a backyard barbecue, fly flags, and entertain ourselves by
shooting off fireworks. Or rather, sit and watch as professionals hired by
our local government officials shoot off fireworks, because we are too stupid
and too incompetent to be allowed to do so ourselves.

Thomas Jefferson, largely responsible for writing the words of the
Declaration of Independence, was an obvious hypocrite because despite his
glowing prose, he continued to own slaves throughout his life, and had a
child out of wedlock with one of his slaves. The Founders believed, according
to Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall, that blacks were "so far inferior
that they had no rights which the white man was bound to respect.".

The founding generation were just a bunch of greedy white guys who really
launched the revolution in order to preserve their upper class privilege and
keep the rest of the "lower classes" under foot.

The American flag ".represents the former colonies that enslaved our
ancestors.and when this flag was designed, they did not have [black people]
in mind", according to a Tennessee state legislator who refuses to join her
fellow legislators in pledging allegiance to the American flag at opening
sessions of the Tennessee State legislature. According to a prominent black
media commentator, the words of the Pledge of Allegiance are "nothing but a
lie, just a lie", and expecting blacks to recite the Pledge of Allegiance is

James Madison, the so-called "father of the Constitution", really stole all
of his ideas from the noble Iroquois Confederation of Indians.

And the United States of America, the nation created by all that subterfuge
and deception, is destroying the planet through our pollution, robbing poor
nations through our over-consumption of raw materials, threatening to destroy
the world through our aggressive militarization, seriously misguided in our
arrogantly nationalistic refusal to accept the enlightened direction and
leadership of our European "betters", and is generally the root of all evil
in the world.

All of that is what the elitists who rule us believe, and what they try to
pass off as "education" to our children. If a child graduates from the public
school system with an utter loathing of his nation, and in complete ignorance
about his heritage, his Constitutional rights, and his civic
responsibilities, the public education system considers that to be a
resounding success. And very successful the system has been, by that
definition. We are all by now familiar with the surveys detailing the
monumental ignorance of our supposedly "educated" youth -- and most of the
rest of us as well -- regarding the Constitution, our form of government, and
our heritage. A survey of adults two years ago revealed that only half of
those surveyed would vote to ratify the Constitution today, although since
the vast majority (83%) also admit that they know very little or nothing
about what it is they would be voting for or against, one has to wonder about
the meaning of that percentage. And if the citizens of our modern American
society -- peopled by individuals who increasingly depend on government to
take care of them and protect them from all risk in life -- were asked to put
their names to the Declaration of Independence today, how many of us would
actually be willing to "mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes
and our sacred honor" in order to declare our independence from oppression?

Proposals were made several years ago for school children to recite the first
two lines of the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence along
with their Pledge of Allegiance, and those proposals were met with outrage
from school administrators and much of the general public alike, many of whom
called those phrases, and the entire Declaration of Independence itself,
racist, sexist, exclusionary, outmoded, a secular prayer, a plot calculated
to teach fascism, and a stealth attempt to introduce "conservative values"
(horrors!) into schools. Suggestions were made to "reword" those phrases to
make them more politically correct, and the idea that government authority is
dependent on the consent of the governed was too dangerous to be taken
seriously. After all, if children actually began to understand that under our
form of government, ordinary citizens are supposed to be in charge, rather
than government officials, they might take the next sentence seriously also:
"That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it
is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new

Such an idea is anathema to the elitists who run our government, most of our
institutions, and who would run our lives for us if they could. But Jefferson
went even further. He wrote not merely about the rights of the people, but
about their duties as well: "But when a long train of abuses and usurpations,
pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under
absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such
government, and to provide new guards for their future security." Our elites
do not want people to understand what our Founders actually intended: that
the founding documents of our republic established the people as superior to
their government, and that our national government is extremely limited in
what it is permitted to do. The freedom announced by our Declaration of
Independence, and our rights which defend that freedom, as specifically
protected by our Bill of Rights (without which many states would have refused
to ratify the Constitution), are not granted to us as licensed privileges by
a benevolent government. That freedom was won and protected through
extraordinary sacrifice. Our rights are inherent and "unalienable", and it
was the intention of the Founders that our government dare not interfere with
them. It is we who set the rules, in our Constitution, by which our
government must abide. But that is a relationship that few of our fellow
citizens still understand, and that our overlords in Washington are striving
mightily to reverse. And they are succeeding with, sadly, the connivance of
most of us. Our Constitution is not a self-enforcing document. It requires
the constant attention and devotion of all citizens. The story is told that
upon exiting the Constitutional Convention, Ben Franklin was asked what sort
of government had been created. He is said to have answered, "A republic, if
you can keep it." A Constitutional republic is not merely founded upon the
consent of the people, it is also totally dependent for its continued
existence upon the active and informed involvement of the people who live
under that Constitution.

Imagine some magical reincarnation in which some of the luminaries of our
founding generation were suddenly again in our presence. It is our
responsibility to tell them how their great experiment is faring. How have
their posterity guarded the liberties that they sacrificed so much to
protect? Perhaps the first thing to strike them would be the startling
ignorance among the public about the fundamentals of their own form of
government. Thomas Jefferson might lament that "If a nation expects to be
ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and
never will be." James Madison would agree, "It is certainly very material
that the true doctrines of liberty, as exemplified in our Political System,
should be inculcated on those who are to sustain and may administer it." And
he would wonder why those "true doctrines of liberty" are ignored, even
denigrated, by our educational system.

The concept of the "consent of the governed" has been turned on its head by
our modern legislators, such as Senator Charles Schumer, who thinks it is a
conservative plot for the judicial branch to constrain congress from doing
whatever it wants to do. The role of the courts is specifically to constrain
congress, on the basis of what the Constitution allows the congress to do.
The Constitution sets the limits of the power that we, the people, have
consented to give to congress. Yet those limits are constantly ignored. And
how have those "true doctrines of liberty", and those specific "unalienable
rights" guarded by the Bill of Rights, fared?

The First Amendment protects freedom of speech and association, including,
especially, the right to criticize the government. But not if Senator McCain
and his cohorts get their way. With the excuse of reforming campaigns, they
will criminalize people who band together to criticize what they do. Does
anyone really think that the men who drafted the First Amendment expected
that it would allow government to penalize people for speaking out about the
political issues of the day? "I remain baffled that this Court has extended
the most generous First Amendment safeguards to filing lawsuits, wearing
profane jackets, and exhibiting drive-in movies with nudity, but has offered
only tepid protection to the core speech and associational rights that our
Founders sought to defend." -- Justice Clarence Thomas, dissent in Federal
Election Commission v. Colorado Republican Federal Campaign Committee; June
25, 2001.

The Second Amendment is irrelevant if you're an ordinary citizen seeking to
protect yourself and your family from the violent thugs in society; and if
you seek to defend yourself with deadly force from violent attack, you will
likely be prosecuted because you didn't abandon your home to the thugs, even
at the risk of your life.

The Fourth Amendment won't protect you from intrusion if you say or believe
things that some bureaucrat considers "out of the mainstream", your home will
be declared a "compound", and the exercise of your right of self-defense will
be considered dangerous and countered with overwhelming force. Your houses,
papers, and effects can be seized if some bureaucrat thinks you may have
committed a crime, and the burden is on you to prove your innocence.

The Fifth Amendment will protect your home if you're a bird or a fish or a
rat. But if you're a private landowner who happens to own land which some
bureaucrat or environmentalist wants, your property will simply be taken away.

The Tenth Amendment...forget it, it no longer exists. The Supreme Court has
said so.

"If in the opinion of the People, the distribution or modification of the
Constitutional powers be in any particular wrong, let it be corrected by an
amendment in the way which the Constitution designates. But let there be no
change by usurpation; for though this, in one instance, may be the instrument
of good, it is the customary weapon by which free governments are destroyed."
-- George Washington; Farewell Address (September 19, 1796)

Mr. Kim Weissman

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