So the Israel water is muddy and not fit for even the Israelis to drink?

Well maybe they can empty a few swimming pools for there are many....

Like out west the attempt to drive people off their land and destroy
their crops to save some fish - the people armed and dangerous now,
loosed up the damned water (forgive the pun) and I imagine when it comes
now to Henry Kissinger's dream being applied - water as a weapon here we

Strange - we see evidence of Gay Pride being sponsored by ADL and
communist party over the world and now we see organized efforts to
control the water?    So Kissinger will have his dream come true and
this big hog (he has matured in these past years) now has finally
accomplished his dream - cornering market on food and water - and even
the air we breathe?

Keep your powder dry, as George W. Bush said - and if you have the means
getta Panzer Tank.

Lamentations in the bible about the water - for all in the bible for
this is the Master Plan for Murder - when in the wrong hands.

We are to worry about AIDS?   One very simple solution re AIDS - stop
endorsiong sodomy  and the next time Gay Pride comes after the boy
scouts start filing a big muotiillion dollar law suit against this
communist ADL connected secret society - for Defamation of Character.

So many different lawsuits could be filed here - for instance the boy
scouts walking in to a trap at the Democrat Convention and then
orchestrated boos - psychological damage?   After all they were invited
were they not?

Do we see sodomy being taught in the synagogues????  Does the ADL appeal
to the synagogues to teach their chilren sodomy?   And oh the mixing of
white and black marriages?    Even Farrakhan knows what a big piece of
crap that is.

Note they try to blackmail the boy scouts by cutting off monies -
something like the Israelis now will cut off water to Palestinians.

Things are changing.....Tony Blair sits at Number 10 Downing Street - as
they say "they know where he lives".....

All orchestrated by whom?   All singing out of same song book - and yet
Clinton goes on and on as though he were a world leader?

His days without a doubt are numbered - he too is expendable?


SABA NOTE:  Kind of reminds you of the poisoned bread?   Shaking pipes
and fire plugs stirs a mess with the don't drink the water
or eat the bread?

  Israelis Warned Not to Drink Tap Water
The Associated Press

Monday, July 9, 2001; 11:22 p.m. EDT
JERUSALEM ?? Two million Israelis in the Tel Aviv area received a stern
warning Monday ? don't drink the water.

Breaking into a prime-time TV newscast with the sudden announcement, the
Health Ministry said the water had turned murky, and boiling it would
not purify it. Therefore, officials said, people should not drink tap
water until further notice.

Dr. Alex Leventhal, head of the ministry's public health service, said
the ban was a precaution.

He told Israel television that the source of the discoloration was
unknown, and it was not certain that it was dangerous to health.

Asked if it might have been an attempt by militants to poison the water
supply, Leventhal said, "In my humble professional opinion it's
impossible to sabotage the water over such a wide area. It's something
to do with the water itself and the management of the water."

This comes as Israel faces one of its worst water shortages because of a
three-year drought. The Sea of Galilee, Israel's main freshwater
reservoir, is far below what scientists regard as the danger level, and
the coastal aquifer is fast becoming polluted with sea water.

© Copyright 2001 The Associated Press
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