At about 10:45 AM Friday, radio station WJKM and CMR (Country Music Radio),
with studios in Hartsville, Tennessee was knocked off the air by a very
powerful strange energy blast! There was a crystal clear blue sky, no clouds
or rain. It was not lightning!

1.All the radio station's lines were knocked out.

2. Several power transformers were blown several blocks away from the studios
(smoke seen billowing out of one)

3. All phone lines at the newspaper (The Hartsville Vidette), the local farm
co-op and all other phones in this small radius were knocked out!

4. Radio station transmitter lost all MOSFETS and the output - tuning network.

5. All computers at WJKM lost motherboards, network cards etc.

6. ISDN was knocked out.

7. Most all the equipment Zephyr codec and EAS all knocked out.

THERE WAS NOT A CLOUD IN THE SKY! This was not lightning!

In the back of the radio station were DEAD FRIED BIRDS! Their wings, tails
and feet severely burned.Station secretary Jennifer and sales manager Steve
found a small bird still alive hopping around with its wings and tail
feathers burned off. Many of the birds were still alive but badly burned.

These are smaller birds. The wingspan is not large enough for them to get
fried from getting across a powerline to ground. This was not just one bird.

Steve (sales manager) told me he heard a loud electrical overload sound then
the power went out. He told me he has never heard anything like this ever in
his life. There was no blown transformer near the radio station. The closest
burned transformer was at least three city blocks from the building.

The editor of the Vidette said she was sitting with her back to the window.
She heard a loud roaring sound like an overload and something came through
the window and a flash of light went through the entire building. The Vidette
is next door to the radio station.

The Power Company, Tri County Electric and Bell South seem to be at a loss to
explain the situation.

This is not the first time WJKM has had strange power surge problems. It has
been difficult to keep computers up and running at the Hartsville studios and
transmitter site.

We have called the local power company and complained to no avail. They seem
to be as puzzled by the problem as we are. They have placed monitoring
equipment on the lines and have seen nothing unusual.

Yet in this outage the editor of the Vidette told me she keeps all the
computers in the building unplugged. The newspaper publishes once a week so
they only plug the computers into power once a week. Friday the Editors
calculator was plugged into the wall outlet and it was destroyed by the

These surges are not just coming into the power lines. They are also entering
the radio station through phone lines and the antenna system. This is evident
in blown telephone equipment. Sometimes the equipment is not destroyed but
the program settings are scrambled or wiped out.

We have been at a loss to make a determination as to the cause of these
surges.The only clue as to what the cause may be has been suggested by our

Many of the callers to the radio station seem to think that there is some
sort of activity at the old Hartsville nuclear power plant site. My first
trip to the site left me a bit cold as the place looks like an abandoned
ghost town. With heaps of things lying around, it looks like a good set for a
futuristic movie.

The nuclear power plant is a site that cost the general public millions of
dollars that was supposedly never finished. The construction of the plant
came to an abrupt halt some years back leaving the community devastated. TVA
(Federal Government) will tell you it is being used as a storage area only.
Yet I have calls at the radio station from listeners who claim to hear
strange humming sounds coming from the location. Listeners have seen strange
objects overhead. Listeners have claimed to see triangular shaped craft
overhead. Silent black helicopters at all hours of the night. Huge military
C-130's heading in as if to land or leaving the area nose up as if they have
just taken off.

There are no visible places for a C-130 to land or take off. We have searched
the area as well as we could.

Listeners from the area have called talking about a strange humming sound.
Comments like "you can feel it" "It makes the hair stand up on your neck" are
common. We also hear that you can't locate the source of the humming it seems
to be coming from everywhere. This has been mentioned only by people who live
near the nuclear power plant site. . A rural elderly listener called my
morning show extremely upset. He told us he had lost several beagle puppies
in the area. A friend of his told him that he thought that he had seen the
pups in the area near the cooling tower. He reported to us in a phone call
that he had driven his truck to the area. He thought he was hearing the
beagles out in the wooded area so he climbed over the fence and started
calling to them. He told us he was greeted with an overhead helicopter and a
ground force of about 30 people. They allegedly escorted him off the property
in a very rough and crude manner. He said they were some kind of police, some
in plain clothes. He told us they were rude and threatening.

A listener who is a tech that lives on a hill near the area has had
fluorescent bulbs light in his hand on various spots on his property. He
discovered this by accident but has witnesses to the phenomenon. He works
with surveillance cameras, thermal imaging and a lot of high tech stuff. He
tells us there is operational radar being used at the nuclear site at
different times.

A Hartsville resident who's ex-husband worked at the site tells us that there
is a reactor there. We have had several reports of this from different folks
in the community. She tell us that her husband was told "don't eat the fish
from the river or eat any deer shot in the area"

Our local heating and air conditioning contractor tells about how he sees
large shinny new 18 wheel tankers go and come from the nuclear site at 3 in
the morning.

A gentleman who is a relative to an owner of a local grocery establishment
claims to have seen a Bigfoot near the nuclear plant.

It is also interesting that according listeners have called in, there has
apparently been an increase in what they are calling fibromyalgia. This is a
decease name appointed to the unexplainable severe and disabling pain
throughout the entire body over recent years, as well as, an increase in
headaches mimicking migraines that are not actual migraines.

At night the entire area has a strange chemical smell to it somewhat pungent
like ozone and chemicals. The radio station transmitter and Hartsville studio
is located in the middle of Hartsville City Park about 5 miles from the
nuclear cooling tower.

We are in no way accusing the TVA or the nuclear power plant of causing this
problem. We are just reporting what listeners and residents of the community
have reported to us.

One thing that we do find strange is this, in the beginning we would go on
the air and joke about the nuclear power plant. We did this because of the
TVA's vague promise to turn a good portion of the land back to the community
for development. This was always talked about but nothing ever happened. We
placed several calls to TVA. No one ever responded. When we would get on the
air and start airing some of these reports it was always promptly followed by
a press release or a public meeting about the donation of the land back to
the county. We were told not to talk about it, that the TVA would get upset.
Whenever we would stop talking about it, then it seemed that you would hear
nothing about the land development. We have been off the subject for a good
time now. Their latest announcement is to develop the land in partnership
with the local Power Company for an industrial power park. They say this wont
happen now for 4 years. They now claim they must do a 4 year environmental
study. What do they need to study? Was there not a study done in order to
build a nuclear facility? What else needs to be studied for a commercial
business site? For you the listener, thank you for putting up with our
outage. We are making repairs as fast as we can. As for the cause, we have no
idea what this is all about. We are concerned about the charred and fried
birds however. These birds were found on our property in areas where there
are no powerlines! The Power Company said the birds got into a power
transformer. What transformer? Our 10 KVA pole peg behind the radio station?
How would all these birds do that? After being in or near the transformer,
how did they all get to different locations around the 5 acres of land where
there are no power lines? If the birds were sitting on an electrical wire and
were hit by a surge their legs would have been burned off! These birds have
legs. Its their wings and feathers that are burned, singed or missing! It
appears to us these birds were cooked in flight! But by what?

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