-Caveat Lector-

The Bell Tolls - Wed Jul 11 16:32:51 2001

     The Bell Tolls
     Phil Brennan
     Wednesday, July 11, 2001

     "...no man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the
     continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea,
     Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a
     manor of thy friend's or of thine own were: any man's death
     diminishes me, for I am involved in mankind, and therefore never
     send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee."
     John Donne (1572-1631)

     That bell is tolling for your fellow Americans in Klamath Falls,
     Ore. ... just as one day soon it will toll for you. And it's not
     joyful sounds of the Liberty Bell you'll hear, but the mournful
     clangs of a funerary bell tolling the death of your cherished

     What do you have in common with the folks in Klamath Falls?
     Everything that has to do with your constitutional rights to be
     free of asinine and destructive restrictions imposed by a distant,
     out-of-control government dancing to the tune of a socialist cabal
     that wants to run your lives because it thinks you are too stupid to
     control your own destiny.

     If you haven't heard about what's happening in Klamath Falls, it's not
     surprising. The TV networks from which most of you get your news
     haven't seen fit to concentrate on the events there - they're too busy
     bringing us up to date, almost minute by minute, with the latest
     details about Rep. Gary Condit and his fling with the missing
     Chandra Levy, or touting the latest polls allegedly showing President
     Bush's approval ratings plunging.

     Anyway, what's at issue out there in the Golden West is the matter of
     the survival of drought-stricken farmers now threatened by Uncle
     Sam, who is more concerned about the welfare of the sucker fish
     than he is about that of living American citizens.

     Three months ago the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation announced it would
     withhold nearly 90 percent of the area's irrigation water to protect
     two species of endangered sucker fish.

     That's right - when the welfare of a breed of fish about which I'll
     bet you never heard of is threatened, the people be damned.

     The result? Catastrophe for a lot of your fellow Americans.

     Writing in the Seattle Times, reporter Craig Welch brilliantly
     described the havoc wreaked on the people in the area by the
     besotted members of the U.S. Congress, federal agencies and the

     "Farmland here is so dry it crumbles like old cement, but tensions in
     this drought-desiccated valley are boiling over. Three times in five
     days last week, protesters frustrated at the government's refusal to
     release irrigation water from nearby Upper Klamath Lake used
     saws or a blowtorch to open headgates and release water from
     behind a dam.

     "Prompted by court decisions and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
     biological opinions, the decision to cut irrigation water here affects
     most of the 170,000 acres served by Upper Klamath Lake," Welch
     wrote. "While some farmers still have state water rights or private
     wells, and others still get water from two nearby lakes, most farms
     are so parched their crops have blown away and the soil may be
     damaged for years.

     "Elsewhere in town, food-bank supplies are stretched. The county's
     mental health services are up 60 percent over the same period last

     "Alfalfa prices are so high struggling cattle owners can't afford it,
     but hay producers short on water have no crop to sell to take advantage
     of the market.

     "Work at one local hairdressers has 'dropped off like a lead sinker,'
     one cosmetologist said.

     "County officials estimate some 30 wells also have gone dry, and
     they blame empty irrigation canals they say help recharge deep

     All this to protect a so-called endangered species without which
     mankind could easily survive and prosper.

     There was a time when Americans would have rallied to help their
     neighbors no matter how distant geographically they might be. But
     aside from what amounts to a mere handful of concerned
     Americans - mainly members of the Wise Use movement - the
     response from the great mass of those of their fellow citizens who
     are aware of the Oregon disaster has been a yawn and a shrug of
     the shoulders.

     This kind of thing has been happening more and more frequently -
     Americans being denied their property rights and their livelihood to
     satisfy the whims and caprices of an elitist bunch of so-called
     environmentalists who care not a whit for their fellow humans -
     Marxist ideologues who can weep bitter tears over the plight of the
     sucker fish but give full approval to the slaughter of their fellow
     human beings in the womb, along with the gruesome peddling of the
     bodies of these unborn Americans.

     In the name of the Endangered Species Act, jobs have been lost,
     private property has been confiscated, publicly owned lands have
     been closed to the public, vast economic damage has been done to
     certain areas of the nation, whole industries have been shut down,
     all to protect bugs and birds and other lower forms of life whose
     contributions to the welfare of mankind is so minimal as to be

     How does all of this affect you? Simple. If it can be done to one of
     us, it can be done to all of us. Someday your company, for example,
     may find itself the target of a government agency, or lawsuit made
     possible by the trial-lawyer-friendly Democrat leadership in the
     Congress. You may lose your health insurance because lawsuits
     made possible by Congress raised the cost of health care
     insurance to a point where you or your employer can no longer
     afford it.

     Someday, your job or your property will become victims of the idiot
     idea that insects or owls take precedence over people. Will there be
     anyone to come to your aid besides a handful of your closest

     In his book, "The End of Sanity," Martin Gross wrote that "blatantly
     irrational behavior is rapidly being established as the norm in almost
     every area of human endeavor. There seem to be new customs,
     new rules, new anti-intellectual theories regularly foisted on us from
     every direction. Underneath, the nation is roiling. Americans know
     something without a name is undermining the nation, turning the
     mind mushy when it comes to separating truth from falsehood and
     right from wrong. And they don't like it."

     But not liking it is not enough. Either the mass of the American
     people will become aroused enough to put an end to all of this
     socialist power grabbing or the land of the free and the home of the
     brave will become the home of the slave.

     A good beginning would be a mass protest against this insane
     Endangered Species Act. Congress passed this idiot legislation;
     Congress can end it. Throughout the entire history of this world
     species have come and species have gone. Does anybody really
     miss the dinosaurs or whole slews of other vanished critters?

     Nature regulates itself. It is the height of arrogance to suggest that
     this generation can and should alter what is obviously a law of
     nature. If these environmentalists had been around in the age of the
     dinosaurs they would have fought to save the endangered (and
     voracious) tyrannosaurus rex.

     If enough of us rally and tell our members of Congress to junk this
     law once and for all - or find another line of work after the 2002
     elections - we can begin the long and arduous task of reclaiming the
     liberty we inherited from the Founding Fathers - liberty we have
     allowed to be slowly taken from us over the past 100 years or so.

     In a speech at Harvard in February 1999, Charlton Heston told us
     how we can begin to fight back. I'll leave the final words of this
     column to him.

     "When a mugger sues his elderly victim for defending herself ... jam
     the switchboard of the district attorney's office. When your university
     is pressured to lower standards until 80 percent of the students
     graduate with honors ... choke the halls of the board of regents.
     When an 8-year-old boy pecks a girl's cheek on the playground and
     gets hauled into court for sexual harassment ... march on that school
     and block its doorways. When someone you elected is seduced by
     political power and betrays you ... petition them, oust them, banish
     them. When Time magazine's cover portrays millennium nuts as
     deranged, crazy Christians holding a cross as it did last month ...
     boycott their magazine and the products it advertises.

     "So that this nation may long endure, I urge you to follow in the
     hallowed footsteps of the great disobediences of history that freed
     exiles, founded religions, defeated tyrants, and yes, in the hands of
     an aroused rabble in arms and a few great men, by God's grace,
     built this country."

     Phil Brennan is a veteran journalist who writes for NewsMax.com.
     He is editor and publisher of Wednesday on the Web
     (http://www.pvbr.com) and was Washington columnist for National
     Review magazine in the 1960s. He also served as a staff aide for
     the House Republican Policy Committee and helped handle the
     Washington public relations operation for the Alaska Statehood
     Committee, which won statehood for Alaska.

     Phil Brennan
     E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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AMERICAN PATRIOT FRIENDS NETWORK -  ".... a network of net-worker's...."
I was born an American. I live as an American; I shall die an American;
and I intend to perform the duties incumbent upon me in that character
to the end of my career. I mean to do this with absolute disregard to
personal consequences. What are the personal consequences?

What is the individual man with all the good or evil that may betide him,
in comparison with the good and evil which may befall a great country, and
in the midst of great transactions which concern that country's fate? Let
the consequences be what they will, I am careless, No man can suffer too
much, and no man can fall too soon, if he suffer or if he fall, in the
defense of the liberties and Constitution of his country....Daniel Webster

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