-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: <A HREF="http://www.nonsong.org/archive/dsx97/hcm.html";>CHAIRMAN
--Ho’s Cooperation with the OSS
Many times in late 1944, Ho contacted Colonel Paul Helliwell, OSS Chief in
China, offering services in intelligence, sabotage against the Japanese, and
rescue of American pilots. On his first rescue of three American pilots he
received six .38 revolvers and twenty thousand rounds of ammunition. He was
disappointed at the small reward. Subsequently, he managed to talk to Richard
Heppner, Helliwell’s replacement, and was somewhat more successful. However,
an American intelligence Chief in the area had rejected Ho’s offer to be more
closely associated with the Americans, i.e., to get bankrolled.--

Chairman H? Chí Minh: Hero Or Villain

Although, H? Chí Minh is gone for close to three decades, his policies still
linger on, at least in Vietnam, specially in the Vietnamese Communist Party
(VCP), wherein the lack of a reputable leader dictates the need to continue
worshipping Ho as the only answer for survival. In the United States where
his name was mentioned almost hourly in the 60's, Ho is now in oblivion,
except in contemptuous references within the Vietnamese refugee community.
He was a giant figure disturbing the geopolitics of Southeast Asia for many
years. He had risen not only to a top position of his Vietnam, but also had a
commanding role as a political thespian playing against superpower politics
and might.
H? Chí Minh’s rise to the zenith of power was on a par with those of Stalin,
Mao, and Hitler. He reigned with an iron hand and tyrannized his own party
and his own people into complete submission and total obedience. His mentors,
Stalin and Mao, however, always treated him as a protégé and often reminded
him to stay in line.
To understand the man would require a starter based on facts and documentary
evidences. Whether one were an admirer or an opponent of this mysterious man,
defining him as either a hero or a villain would be hard for one. Hero, he
was, for his success. However, the millions of victims and the devastated
destruction incurred on the nation by his practices and procedures condemned
him to the rank of a villain.
Nevertheless, nobody had ever realized a clear and truthful biography of H?â.
Millions of words in dozens of books written about him were all based on
hearsay and materials produced by the propaganda machine of the VCP. Ho
himself had balked at any suggestion about writing his biography. Next to his
dedication to Communism was his determination to keep his past a secret.
Just to note on his birth date alone, if details from the several
publications were to be selected and summarized, we would have at least five
different dates.
Only since the mid 80's when some archives were opened to researchers that
the reasons for secrecy began to be unveiled. Too many fabrications were made
to idolize and deify this man who in reality was no more and no less than a
normal person with a normal ambition. He was to lead a typical life of any
young Vietnamese of his time looking for opportunities overseas.
However, it was those little unimportant historical incidents to be related
further herein that made and shaped his future, a future that would haunt the
very nations that rebuffed him years back.
Who was H? Chí Minh?
He was born Nguy?n Sinh Cung on 7.11.1891, in the small village of Kim Liên,
Qu?nh L?u District, Ngh? An Province, in Northern Central Vietnam, one of the
poorest areas in terrain and in resources. His father, Nguy?n Sinh Huy,
a.k.a. Nguy?n Sinh S?c, a village teacher from a better than average family,
who failed to pass the traditional examination for a C? Nhân (bachelor)
degree and had to be satisfied with being Phó B?ng (sub-bachelor/junior
doctor). Cung himself had finished primary school. For some unexplained
reason, at the age of ten, he got a new name, Nguy?n T?t Thành, i.e., Nguy?n
of Certain Success.
French and Soviet documents and passports revealed his identity under
different names including Paul T?t Thành, Nguy?n Ái Qu?c, Chen Vang, Linov,
Lin, L‡ Th?y, Lee Suei, V??ng S?n Nh́, Comrade Tr?n. He went to the grave
taking with him the mystery of all these names none of which was explained
the circumstance for requiring a pseudonym.
The world would only know him as Chairman H? Chí Minh, ruler of Communist
Vietnam, a position incontestably his, being the head of the Indochinese
Communist party (ICP) that he founded in Hongkong in 1931 by Stalin’s order.
He was successively a member of the French Communist party, the Russian
Communist party, an agent of the Comintern (Communist International) and a
leader of the Lao ‹?ng (Labor) party.
An advocate of Marxist-Leninist dogma and an ardent supporter of the
international Communist movement, H? Chí Minh was one rare specimen of
success in the Twentieth Century. Trained in Moscow in extensive Marxist
indoctrination, they knew Ho at the University of the Toilers of the East
(1924) as an unimpressive individual and a poor student.
He was neither the genius and hero of his admirers nor the monster and
villain of his foes. He was just a shrewd, Machiavellian, and ruthless
ambitious man. It was his ruthlessness that paved the way for him to power.
It was his ruthlessness that not only created havoc to all non-Communist
revolutionaries, but also to his own party members suspected of possible
unreliability. His most effective measure was to forward their names to the
French Sureté, assuring imprisonment, a cost free process to get rid of his
His vicious method included a most despicable incident taken place in June
1925. At the time, Ho was working under the name of Lee Suei, a Soviet
citizen, as an interpreter-secretary at the Mikhail Borodin Mission in
Canton, China.
Ho had an arrangement with the French whereupon he would trick the celebrated
leader Phan B?i Châu into their captivity in exchange for a substantial
amount of money, 150,000 piasters, equivalent to the same amount of US
dollars in 1925 exchange rate.
Accordingly, he sent Phan an invitation to attend a preparatory conference in
Canton for the establishment of a Vietnamese branch of the World Federation
of Small and Weak Nations. Phan who was always appreciative of the younger
generation as a valuable asset against the French reserved a special approval
for young Ho. He was unaware of the greatest betrayal of the century against
him, French agents who seized him at the Shanghai railway station stalked
Phan’s travel schedule and rushed him to the French Concession.
Shipped back to Vietnam, they later tried and sentenced Phan to death.
However, students and several worker-based organizations conducted
demonstrations throughout Vietnam requesting Phan’s release, forcing the
French colonial authorities to change his sentence to house confinement
outside Hu? and forbid Phan from receiving visitors. He had refused to accept
a high level position collaborating with the colonial administration in
exchange for his freedom.
Ho later explained his obdurate action as follows: (1) Phan B?i Châu was a
unique nationalist leader, thus he was a dangerous rival to the Communist
movement; (2) the money was needed for activities promoting Communism; and
(3) the execution of Phan B?i Châu would help heighten Vietnamese hatred of
the French, thus, will help in the advancement of Communism.
Such reasoning alone should be enough confirmation of Ho’s ruthlessness. He
would stop at nothing in his commitment to institute Communism upon Vietnam.
An agent of International Communism
Getting rid of Phan opened the way for the Kremlin directly to concentrate on
Indochina as a prize target, a stepping stone to the natural resources of
Southeast Asia.
H? Chí Minh became the Soviet’s most effective and most successful agent of
international communism.
His dedication to Marxist Leninism served well Moscow’s strategy for world
domination. He had performed impeccably the responsibility assigned to him by
the Kremlin in the conquest of Indochina. His understanding of Western
impatience was the basis for his strong belief that Indochina was for the
taking. Thus, when he died on September 2, 1969, a date cynically coincided
with the independence anniversary of his communist state, he probably died
confidently believing that his comrades would carry on his plan. They did.
Ho’s legacy is still haunting the Vietnamese people to this day, more than a
quarter century after his death. His legacy is a legacy of glory overshadowed
by ruthless brutality, of victory eclipsed by widespread destruction, of fame
obscured by treacherous deception. It is a legacy of ideological
totalitarianism now in decadence under attack within and without the
Vietnamese Communist Party. Worse even, this legacy has turned Vietnam into
one of the most destitute countries in the world.
Most today Vietnamese, especially the younger generation, have a vague
awareness of this unusual man. His supporters had managed to exaggerate the
little truth about him into legendary tales. The popular amiable "Uncle Ho"
often shown pampering little boys and girls was also capable of casually
putting to death more than half a million of "his nieces and nephews" during
the Chinese directed Mao style land reform in North Vietnam so brutally
carried out that the peasants in his own natal district of Qu?nh L?u revolted
in February 1956 followed by a bloody suppression. As always, Ho stuck to his
classic pattern of putting the blame on someone else, this time on Comrade
Truong Chinh, second only to him in the VCP’s hierarchy, thus relieving
himself of the crimes committed by his orders.
Ho and his comrades were so determined in hiding his past that it would need
patient and diligent efforts searching through the files of the Russian KGB,
French Sureté, British Intelligence, and the OSS (now CIA) files in order to
discover the true life story of this man. Already, some documents from the
Moscow and Paris archives have emerged to reveal some surprising secrets
about Ho.
The following accounts from discovered archival materials would help separate
facts from fictions.
The Beginning
Searching for his alcoholic father who had gone South to work in a rubber
plantation, Nguy?n T?t Thành discovered Saigon as a door to the outside
world, a world full of dream, vision, and hope for any young Vietnamese at
the turn of the century. He found his father, but their reunion was to be
short. His father encouraged him to head West, to France, to anywhere. He was
twenty years old and without any skill except some limited French acquired in
primary school. However, in 1911, such was enough for him to land a job as
kitchen helper on the French liner Amiral Latouche-Tréville.
Thus, it was how Nguy?n Sinh Cung ventured into an unknown world as Nguy?n
T?t Thành. His ambition then was modest and normal for a young man. His
reasonable request was expressed humbly in the following translation of a
letter written in French and in his own hand writing found in the Archives
Nationales in France:
Marseille, September 15, 1911
Mr. President of the Republic
I have the honor to solicit your kindness the favor of allowing me to be
admitted as an intern to follow courses in the Colonial School.
At present I am employed by the Compagnie des Chargeurs Réunis working in the
ship Amiral Latouche Tréville as a way of earning my living.
I am totally without any resources but avidly in craving to learn. I would
like to become worthwhile to France in dealing with my compatriots while
being able to help them in benefitting from the usefulness of education.
I came from the province of Ngh? An, in Annam.
While awaiting for your answer that I hope to be favorable, Mr. President,
please accept in advance the assurance of my gratitude.
Nguy?n T?t Thành, born at Vinh in 1892
A son of Mr. Nguy?n Sinh Huy, sub-bachelor degree
A student of French, Qu?c Ng?, and Chinese characters.
On that same date, Ho addressed another letter similar in contents to the
French Minister of Colonies.
If accepted, he would, upon graduation from the Colonial School, get himself
positioned among those collaborators serving the French colonial
administration. It was the absolute goal of anyone aiming for power, even if
this power were to come from the French. In a letter from Albert Lebrun,
Minister of Colonies, sent to Nguy?n T?t Thành dated October 21, 1911, he was
told that his qualifications did not meet the requirements for acceptance to
the Ecole Coloniale. His dream was shattered.
Thus, Ho failed in his quest to become an official collaborator of French
Colonialism. Ironically, what he could not acquire from the French in 1911,
he obtained it later from the Russians in 1923. Although of a different
source, he had realized his ambition to become successful with the means and
support from a foreign power.
An official version of Ho’s mysterious saga had it that "Uncle Ho since his
youth had always entertained a deep love for the fatherland." On his kitchen
helper job aboard a French liner, it was "Uncle Ho left Vietnam to travel the
world in search of truth and means to chase the French colonialist out of
Vietnam." Such description of a H? Chí Minh since his youth already dedicated
to the ideals of patriotism were quoted and requoted so often together with
other make-believed stories that it had successfully transformed Ho into a
super-hero, a crossbred specimen of Confucius, Superman, and Tarzan.
Certainly, the contents in the above cited letter revealed a much different
The Struggling Years
Nguy?n T?t Thành did not forget his father living in destitute in Vietnam.
When he had his chance to go ashore in New York in mid-December 1912, he sent
a letter written in French and in his own hand writing addressed to the
French Résident Supérieur of Central Vietnam, to solicit employment for his
father, a partial translation is shown below:
". . . . I even dare wanting to plead you to give him a job as Th?a bi?n of
the B? or Hu?n ??o, Giáo th?, so that he could earn his living under your
high benevolence.
Hoping that your kindness would not refuse the request of a son who, in order
to be dutiful, has only you as support and while waiting for your answer,
please accept here, Mr. Résident Supérieur, the respectful salutations from
your filial people and grateful servant.
Paul T?t Thành
New York, December 15, 1912
The original in French was:
". . . . J’ose même désirer vous prier de bien vouloir lui accorder un emploi
comme Th?a bi?n des B? ou Hu?n ??o, Giáo th?, afin qu’il puisse se gagner sa
vie sous votre haute bienveillance.
En espérant que votre bonté ne refuserait la demande d’un enfant qui, pour
remplir son devoir, n’a l’appui que vous et en attendant votre réponse,
veuillez agréer, Monsieur le Résident Supérieur, les respectueuses
salutations de votre filial peuple et reconnaissant serviteur.
Paul T?t Thành
New York le 15 Décembre 1912."
It should be noted that his French had improved greatly since his letters
seeking admission to the Ecole Coloniale in September 1911. His new name Paul
T?t Thành gave him the semblance of a French subject that he was probably
trying to cultivate as an asset.
One cannot avoid feeling not just humbleness but plain fawning in this
letter, incredible but true. Such was the real H? Chí Minh well kept in
secrecy for many years, until now.
The Road to Moscow
At the start of World War I, he decided to quit seamanship and took up
residence in Great Britain where he stayed until 1917. Employment was limited
to shoveling snow, gardening, and kitchen helper at the Carlton Hotel.
However, his friendship with the Chinese and Indian seamen in London gave him
an opportunity to attend their Overseas Workers Association, a leftist
organization advocating anti-colonialism. Karl Marx was already a name often
mentioned to him, but not yet exemplary enough for him to revere.
It was probably at this time that a new notion entered his mind. He still
retained the memory of the French rebuff of his request to enter the Ecole
Coloniale (Colonial School). Therefore, if he could not join them, then why
not fight them. A personal grudge minor in nature reappeared as a motive for
a higher idealistic purpose. London was no place for a subject like
anti-French colonialism to thrive. Ho went back to France at the end of 1917
at the height of a savage war that had already taken a heavy toll in the
millions of lives.
It was also at a time when the Russian Revolution of November 1917 had caused
significant reverberations throughout the world. However, Ho was still an
unknown among the Vietnamese nationalists in France. One way to get himself
in the act would be to associate with the famous, thus, he joined the crowd
of numerous Vietnamese activists among them were Nguy?n Th? Truy?n, Phan Chu
Trinh, the latter incidentally was his father’s idol and already recommended
to him in 1911 before he embarked the French liner in Saigon.
Life in Paris was not easy in postwar years although France had come out the
victor. Nguy?n Ái Qu?c, Nguy?n the Patriot, was to be his new pseudonym in
his first venture into politics but he still had to gain his daily bread as a
cook, a laundry boy, a gardener, whichever was needed. Finally, he decided on
a more professionally respected independent occupation, that of being a photo
finisher, wearing his classic dark suit at all time.
He was convinced that strong will and determination alone were not enough for
the Vietnamese themselves to break the French yoke. The French Socialist
party welcomed him, and being the only Vietnamese, he received the limelight
usually reserved for better known members. However, Ho was already getting
his inspiration from the Bolshevik Revolution. He was most attracted to the
Third International [Communism] for their emphasis on the liberation of
colonies as their basic objective.
Therefore, when the French Socialist party broke into right and left, Ho
opted for the left, the Third International, and was qualified as a founding
member of the French Communist party. He had found his spot in the world of
the extreme left. From then on Ho engaged himself in serving the cause and
the goal of Communism. He knew that if he had a part in Communist successes,
the reward would be the realization of his own ambition.
Nguy?n the Patriot was ready. He ascended to "Nguy?n the agent of Internat
ional Communism."
Pilgrimage to Leninism
His first break came when the French Communist party sent him to the Fourth
Comintern Congress in Moscow, November and December 1922. His Oriental origin
gave him special opportunities to meet Lenin, Trotsky, Bukharin, and Stalin.
At this Congress, the Communist International, known as Comintern, decided to
create the Southeast Asian Bureau, an unexpected opportunity for Ho to become
an active member of Comintern.
He went back to Moscow in June 1923, to attend the Krestintern (Peasants’
International Congress) and was elected to Krestintern ten-man Executive
Committee. Ho was now on firm land. He had acquired a position within a
communist organization dedicated to free the colonies. He had secured the
kind of backing no other Vietnamese nationalist could ever dream of. He was
satiated with satisfaction and pride. He could act a little arrogantly toward
his peers, even to his elders.
Communist Ho
Ho returned to Moscow in early 1924 shortly after the death of Lenin, and
managed to stay away from controversial activities during the fierce struggle
for supremacy between Stalin and Trotsky. He received intensive training in
Marxist-Leninist doctrine already reshaped according to Stalin’s whim. They
knew him as Linov at the University of the Toilers of the East and as Lin at
the Institute of National Colonial Affairs.
By 1925, he had received enough communist doctrine education to be assigned
as an interpreter-secretary to the Mikhail Borodin Mission in China, at the
time giving advice to the Chinese Nationalist Government under Chiang Kai
Shek. Known as Lee Suei and assumed to be a Soviet citizen of Chinese descent
he contacted many Vietnamese in Canton who knew him under the name of L‡
Th?y, Vietnamese pronunciation of Lee Suei.
He was at a very opportune time. Canton was still in the midst of excitement
about the attempted assassination of the French Governor in Indochina during
his visit at Shamian (Xa-Di?n) outside Canton by Ph?m H?ng Thái. Ph?m H?ng
Thái was to become the only Vietnamese, the only non-Chinese, hero buried at
the National Hero Memorial at Hoàng Hoa C??ng together with seventy-two other
heroes of the 1911 Chinese Revolution that overthrew the Qing Dynasty. Ho had
a captive audience of young nationalists, many of whom became members of the
Indochinese Communist party, others, nonconformists, were betrayed to the
French by Ho’s tactics of elimination of the unwanted and non-Communist
It was also on this same year that Ho succeeded in neutralizing Phan B?i Châu
and, also, earned money from the French Sureté.
Ho’s stay in China was to be interrupted suddenly by Chiang Kai-shek’s
realization that the Borodin Mission was more interested in building up
Communist Mao than to help his government.
Declared persona non grata, Ho had to follow Borodin back to Moscow. Except a
brief assignment to Berlin, his whereabout was secret until he reappeared as
a Buddhist monk in Siam (Thailand) in 1928. There was a sizable community of
Vietnamese emigrants in Siam and by the efforts of Ho the monk, known under
the name of Nguy?n Ái Qu?c, many of these became the backbone cadres of the
Thanh Niên, the Indochinese Communist party, the Lao ‹?ng party.
The Indochinese Communist Party
The Communist movement in Vietnam ushered in so many different groups that
internecine struggle aimed at recognition by the Comintern was endangering
the whole movement itself. To name a few, the Thanh niên, the ‹ông D??ng C?ng
S?n ‹?ng, the Tân Vi?t Cách M?ng ‹?ng, the Cao V?ng Thanh Niên ‹?ng, the An
Nam C?ng S?n ‹?ng, the ‹ông D??ng C?ng S?n Liên ‹oàn.
The Executive Committee of the Communist International ordered Ho to take
necessary action to stop all groups from divisive activities, and that Ho was
to work out a unified party for Indochina. Ho left Siam for Hongkong in
January 1930. His first real task for the Comintern was how to convene a
Unification Conference in February. Ho’s talent for persuasion resulted in an
amalgamation to be called the Vi?t Nam C?ng S?n ‹?ng (Vietnamese Communist
Party). Nevertheless, the name did not please Moscow and by October 1930, it
was changed to ‹ông D??ng C?ng S?n ‹?ng (Indochinese Communist Party), a more
international name covering larger territory.
When Joseph Ducroux and Hilaire Coulens, both French agents of the Comintern
were arrested by the British police in Hongkong, they were found with
documents exposing Nguy?n Aùi Qu?c (Ho) as the man in charge of the Southern
Section of the Comintern Far Eastern Bureau. That was enough proof for the
British to arrest him. This was on June 5, 1931.
It was rumored later that he died of tuberculosis in a Hongkong jail.
Obituary in the French l’Humaniteù, the British Daily Worker, and the Soviet
media confirmed his death. Given his survival tactics based on his
cooperation with the French police in the betrayal of Phan B?i Châu, his work
under the payroll of the Chinese Kuomintang, his service with the American
Office of Strategic Services (later the CIA) during World War II, it was
believed that he had agreed to work for British Intelligence in exchange for
his freedom, so, his disappearance and subsequent obituary in 1933. He was
not to be seen or heard of any more until he resurfaced as H? Chí Minh which
is his story in the next episode.
World War II: the Revival of H? Chí Minh
The "arranged death" through obituaries helped calm down somewhat serious
concern about communism within the Vietnamese movement for independence.
The Japanese army invaded Vietnam on September 2, 1940, to close the Southern
flank in their war against China. It was a boon for Ho to get back to open
activities. More important, he had to regain Stalin’s trust.
Deep in the mountains of Northern Vietnam, in June 1941, hiding in the Pác B?
caves, Ho founded the Vi?t Nam ‹?c L?p ‹?ng Minh H?i (Vietnam Independence Lea
gue) better known as the Vi?t-Minh. He invited some nationalist groups to
join his League, thus, giving some semblance of a united front, however,
positions of leadership were all reserved for Communists. His declarations
and appeals stuck to the Marxist line also influenced the Chinese people
already being pursued by Mao’s propaganda network. Therefore, Chiang Kai-shek
government issued a secret order for his arrest.
In August 1942, Ho crossed the border into China disguising himself as a
blind mountain tribesman of North Vietnam. A Chinese comrade at the frontier
met him. Unfortunately, while Ho’s forged credentials appeared genuine, his
Chinese comrade did not have the proper identification. Both of them landed
in jail, and Ho decided to reveal his true identity as leader of the Vi?t
Minh and offered his service to the Kuomintang in intelligence gathering.
The Governor of Kwangsi (Qu?ng Tây), General Chiang Fa-kuei (Tr??ng Phát
Khuê) immediately recognized Ho as the Soviet agent Lee Suei he had met often
at the Borodin Mission several years back, therefore, he ordered Ho’s
imprisonment as a suspect spying for the Vichy French.
While languishing from one jail to another, Ho tried and tried to find a way
out. His opportunity came when Governor Chiang Fa-kuei was pressed hard by
Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek for more intelligence information about
Japanese across the border in North Vietnam. Thus, Chiang Fa-kuei, in time of
need, accepted Ho’s offer to provide intelligence on Japanese military
movements, trading for his freedom. However, the names Nguy?n Aùi Qu?c, Lee
Suei, et al, were too well known in China. Ho suggested a solution, and Ch
iang took it.
Thereupon, Chiang Fa-kuei reported to his Generalissimo that there was a
Vietnamese revolutionary leader by the name of H? Chí Minh willing to offer
his services. Nobody cared about whom H? Chí Minh was as long as he could
gather the necessary information on the Japanese. They released him on
September 16, 1943, after more than a year in various jails. They paid him
100,000 Chinese dollars per month. His bad luck was over, prisoner one day, a
revolutionary leader the next, and with ample money to squander.
However, Ho was more busy promoting his own cause than doing his job with
Chiang Kai-shek. They judged his service unsatisfactory, therefore, the
Chinese stopped all aids to him before the end of 1944. At this time, Ho had
already targeted the Americans as a better source of assistance.
Ho’s Cooperation with the OSS
Many times in late 1944, Ho contacted Colonel Paul Helliwell, OSS Chief in
China, offering services in intelligence, sabotage against the Japanese, and
rescue of American pilots. On his first rescue of three American pilots he
received six .38 revolvers and twenty thousand rounds of ammunition. He was
disappointed at the small reward. Subsequently, he managed to talk to Richard
Heppner, Helliwell’s replacement, and was somewhat more successful. However,
an American intelligence Chief in the area had rejected Ho’s offer to be more
closely associated with the Americans, i.e., to get bankrolled.
Nevertheless, the Americans agreed to have a limited cooperation on a
mutually beneficial basis. Already warned ahead by the Chinese, American
intelligence organizations could not afford to take a known Comintern agent
under their wings. Also, they did not want to lose his services that, no
matter how small, were still valuable, at least in the cases of rescuing
American pilots shot down in Indochina.
The Soviet was his mentor and his boss. Ideological conviction attached him
to them. He also understood the inability of the Soviet to provide adequate
means for his activities. Therefore, true to any good Communist agent,
self-subsistence was his way. And the Americans he met in China impressed him
as representatives of a very rich country.
Ho’s Efforts with the Americans
He was very close to a "Lt. John" who had parachuted into his jungle hideout
sometime in May 1945. John had a mobile radio that he used daily to
communicate with the French and American Missions, and to forward any
intelligence information that Ho’s men could gather. A few months together
had developed into a mutual trust for the two. One day "Lt. John" received a
note from Ho written in English with a request to forward. The note read as
Dear Lt.,
I feel weaker since you left. Maybe I’ll have to follow your advice -- moving
to some other place where food is easy to get, to improve my health.
I’m sending you a bottle of wine, hope you like it.
Be so kind as to give me foreign news you got.
Please be good enuf to send to your H.Q. the following wires.
1. Daiviet plans to exercise large terror against French and push it upon
shoulder of Viet Minh League, VML ordered two million members and all its
population be watchful and stop Daiviet criminal plan when & if possible. VML
declares to the world its aim is national independence, It fights with
political & if necessary military means. But never resorts to criminal &
dishonest act.
National Liberation Committee of VML
Ho’s crude invention about the Dai Viet terrorist plot was designed to use
the French and the Americans against his most dangerous competitor and to
gain international recognition in one move. The message was considered
unworthy of attention and filed without action. His shrewd ploy ringed no
sales. On the contrary, it had warned the Allies to be more careful dealing
with this Moscow agent.
And Now, Chairman Ho
The collapse of the Japanese Empire on August 15, 1945, provided Ho with the
best opportunity that his well-prepared ICP (Indochinese Communist Party) was
waiting for months. French power had ceased to exist since March 9, 1945,
overthrown by a Japanese military operation. Emperor B?o ‹?i had declared
Vietnam to be an independent nation on March 13, 1945, and that all treaties
with France were to be void.
On August 19, 1945, Ho’s men pulled a coup d’état in Hanoi, forcing the
government out of all buildings and declared the occasion "the August
Revolution." Ho also forced Emperor B?o ‹?i to abdicate and Prime Minister
Tr?n Tr?ng Kim to surrender his administration to the Revolution.
Chairman Ho, of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, introduced himself to the
crowd in Hanoi on September 2, 1945, through his Declaration of Independence
of Vietnam.
The next few months were to mark one of the most brutal communist takeovers.
Nationalists were targeted for assassination. Trotskyists were considered
even more dangerous opponents and were marked for liquidation and outright
execution. Among the victims was the famous T? Thu Thâu, a popular Trotskyist
and friend of H? Chí Minh, who had just visited Chairman Ho a few days
earlier. Friendship with Ho was no guarantee against ideological differences.
Ho had managed to exterminate more patriots within a few months than the
French could in a hundred years. By the standard of Communist operations,
however, Ho was no more and no less brutal than his counterparts in the
Communist world such as China’s Mao, or Russia’s Stalin, or East Germany’s
For Chairman Ho, he was now the leader of a nation. Despite all the problems,
none was critical enough to endanger his regime. However, he could not get
recognition from any country. Even his master the Soviet Union refused to
satisfy his request. Actually, more than four years later, Communist China
was the first to recognize Ho’s Vietnam in early January 1950. Moscow did so
a few weeks later on January 30, 1950. Rumor had it that Stalin did not like
the way Ho flirted with the Americans during the months before and after
Japan’s surrender.
Therefore, from September 1945, to January 1950, Ho’s Democratic Republic of
Vietnam (DRV) was a nonentity. Ironically, the only country that gave it a de
facto recognition was France in negotiations and in war.
Ho’s Flirting with French Colonialist
For one who vowed to fight French Colonialism, Ho’s actions were indeed not
in line with his pledge. Proof of his double-dealing tactics could be found
in the below document that Ho had requested delivery care of the OSS to the
Free French Mission in July 1945:
We, the Viet Minh League, ask that the following points be announced by the
French and observed in their future policy in Indochina:
1. A parliament shall be elected by universal suffrage. It shall legislate
for the country. A French governor shall exercise the functions of president
until our independence is assured. This president shall choose a cabinet or
group of advisers approved by the parliament. The precise powers of these
organs will be delineated in the future.
2. Independence shall be given to this country in a minimum of five years and
a maximum of ten.
3. The natural resources of this country shall be returned to its inhabitants
after making just compensation to their present holders. France shall be
given economic concessions.
4. All liberties proclaimed by the United Nations shall be guaranteed to
5. The sale of opium shall be prohibited.
We hope that these conditions will be judged acceptable by the French
At a date when Vietnam was already an independent state since March 13, 1945,
H? Chí Minh attempted to make a deal whereat the French would continue to
reign over Indochina for another five to ten years. He even suggested that
the French Governor be the President for that duration.
Also, nowhere in his proposal did he mention Vietnam, another proof of his
international commitment to Communism.
His games did not stop there. When the Vietnamese people resisted the return
of the French in the South, Ho, fearing the rise of other nationalist groups,
ordered the elimination of non-Communists mostly by assassination. However,
his most improper action was an agreement to allow the French Expeditionary
Corps to land in North Vietnam that he signed on March 6, 1946, known as the
Accords Préliminaires. The Vietnamese people would have to fight these same
French troops for the next eight years.
On May 27, 1946, H? Chí Minh and his entourage headed for France. They were
in Paris a month later on June 27, 1946, to start negotiations with France,
to be known as the Fontainebleau Conference. Nothing came out of it.
On the night of September 14, 1946, Ho humbly went to the private home of
Foreign Minister Marius Moutet and signed a Modus Vivendi, an empty gesture.
On September 16, 1946, Ho embarked the French sloop Dumont-d’Urville for the
trip home. He arrived at Haiphong on October 21, 1946.
For a country at war against the return of colonialism, when battles raged in
the Mekong Delta and the same French army that Ho had agreed to their return
was attacking and occupying one city after another in North Vietnam, being
away almost five months was rather strange for the top leader of a nation in
crisis, many weeks on a French ship. One must wonder why not four days by
plane, instead. Why did he spend so much time with the French Navy? Did he
try again to make some kind of deal with them without success? These secrets
are somewhere in the piles of documents in the French Archives waiting to be
His diplomatic venture to Paris was a capital disaster for Ho. He gave away
too much, practically everything the French wanted. He got nothing back.
In Vietnam, his Lao ‹?ng Party faced widespread hostilities. The word Vi?t
Gian was applied to him in anti-Ho leaflets. It was a bitter experience for
Ho, the kind of experience that required drastic measure to save his
communist assets and to rebuild his popularity.
On December 19, 1946, less than two months after his return, Ho declared war
against the French. Immediately, the people rallied behind him. The
Vietnamese people had put aside all domestic differences to uphold the
idealistic nationalistic struggle against the French. Ironically, it was
French Colonialism that saved Ho.
The Courting of America
Ho was a master at making people like him. Most American officers who had
dealt with Ho had shown strong sympathy for him and his Viet Minh. Major
Patti was probably the most enthusiastic one. Assigned as head of the OSS
team in Hanoi, together with General Gallagher of the U.S. South China
Command who accompanied the Chinese Army entering Indochina to disarm the
Japanese, Major Buckley of the State Department, and other officers, all of
them supported Ho.
Major Buckley organized the Vietnamese-American Friendship Association. Major
Patti promised U.S. support in exchange for economic privileges. General
Gallagher suggested that the Donovan financial group be given the task of
repairing and building railroad, highways, and airfields. Something déjà vu
for 1997 researchers and scholars. Capitalism never changed.
Meanwhile, Washington’s official line was to avoid Ho. American intelligence
was well aware of Ho’s Communist connections. Americans in Hanoi were told to
be neutral in words and in deeds.
Ho desperately needed U.S. recognition because only an American blessing
would give any guarantee to his position and his young Communist state. He
was intelligent enough to feel the cool and distant attitude of the
Americans, however, he kept on his efforts until total war broke out against
the French on December 19, 1946.
In a two hour long conversation with Major Frank White of the OSS in December
1945, Ho had confided that the Indochinese Communist party had saved many
American pilots, that he did not believe the Soviet Union would give him
adequate aid, but he would continue to hope for U.S. assistance though
American policies would not allow aid to communist countries.
His courting of America was a failure, not because he was incompetent, but
because it was a divided world and he was on the wrong side of the Iron
Today, half a century later, his heirs are again trying to court America, but
they possess neither his talent in public relations, nor his intelligence in
dealing with abnormal circumstances.
Relating it in a few pages the findings about a man that for more than half a
century millions of words had described him in a legendary way would be
impossible. Both Stalin and Mao have had their share of revelation. Many
readers have displayed surprise at the true faces of these men. The real
surprise, however, was that in the past, many opponents of theirs have
exposed their crimes without success, and were even accused of having biased
Their own colleagues unmasked Stalin and Mao and without any pity, because
both of them had ceased to remain assets to their successors. In the case of
H? Chí Minh, his heirs now sitting in Hanoi are mostly incompetent party line
parrots, they would not survive five minutes if they dared uncover the
secrets about Ho. Therefore, they have to hang on to his preserved body as
the only anchor holding down the communist ship from drifting away to the
Just to mention an example as an end to these pages: A few years ago, in
1992, the weekly Tu?i Tr? published in Saigon had an article about Ho’s love
life while he was in China, and, to show the human side of "Uncle Ho" also
capable of romance as any ordinary folks, they printed a letter written in
Chinese from Ho to his woman as proof. Well, you guessed it. The publisher
lost her job, and what else as punishment, it remains a "state secret."
Tr?n ‹?c Thanh-Phong
Little Saigon
January 1997
Note: The few selected authentic documents and anecdotes referred to herein
were found in the archives of several countries a result of researches and
studies made by several dedicated scholars in search of the truth. My modest
contribution in this article is limited to my improved understanding of H?
Chí Minh thanks to the works of these researchers, to whom I wish to express
my deep appreciation and my apologies for quoting their works without prior
approval. I am sure they would be more than pleased to know that the younger
generation will benefit greatly by discovering the historic truth about a man
responsible for communist glories and national disasters.
Editor’s Note:
Mr. Tr?n ‹?c Thanh Phong resides in Cypress, California. A lecturer,
researcher, and a regular commentator on the Voice of Vietnamese Radio
Program. This article is a compilation of his research and many published
articles. The Editor would like to thank Mr. Tran for his contribution to
this special Tet issue of Non Song.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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